Ye Qing explained some cement making matters, and finally said to Cao Ang:

"I want to give a dowry to the Cai family, you called your father and accountant Chen, I want to ask them to help me do this!"

Cao Ang looked excited when he heard this, and replied with great joy: "Sir is finally going to marry Cai's family daughter!"

"Don't worry, sir, I will immediately go back and tell my father, if he knows, he will definitely be happy, and everyone in our village will be very happy, and they all look forward to Mr. being married to the eldest daughter of the Cai family!"

After saying that, Cao Ang rushed back to the Zhendong General's Mansion.

Someone had already reported to Cao Cao.

Chen Gong, Guo Jia, Xu Huang, Cao Hong, Xu Chu, Li Jin and others were already sitting in the hall.

"Zi Xiu is here!" said Cao Cao:

"Sir called you over, do you have anything to tell our Caojia Village?"

Cao Ang replied, "Father, Sir first asked me about cement.

Before leaving, he told me that he wanted to be engaged to the Cai family, and hoped that his father would marry Mr. Gongtai and go to raise a kiss for him!"

"Hahaha, I'll just say that Mr. Ye figured it out!" Cao Cao 06 was overjoyed when he heard this, and looked at everyone:

"Finally, this day has come, Mr. wants to ask Cai's parents and daughters for a kiss, and I am duty-bound to do my best to facilitate this matter!"

Everyone laughed and said, "Sir should have been engaged a long time ago, we have been waiting for too long!"

"It's just a matter of work, with the great talent of Mr. Cai, everyone Cai has long laughed when he knows it, I'm afraid he can't close his mouth!"

"Yes and yes, Cai Zhaoji has long been devoted to her husband, if she does not marry, this is a matter of course!"

Chen Gong said: "Sir's eyes are inconvenient, I will wait for the current labor, give a dowry, and complete the engagement for my husband." "

"Lord, the only concern is, what kind of etiquette should we use, and what dowry should be prepared for my husband, so as to show his status and conform to his wishes. "


These words suddenly stumped everyone.

Ye Qing has no official and no position, what specifications to use is wonderful.

Low, isn't it chilling.

If it is high, I am afraid that I will overstep the Great Han etiquette system and be attacked by people with hearts.

Influence the big picture.

Cao Cao's smile froze, and he was also difficult.

"Or don't follow the prince's gift!" Xu Chu scratched the back of his head and asked boldly.

The gift of the prince.


Wouldn't that be an exaggeration.

Xu Huang said, "This is inappropriate, I'm afraid the Cai family will also refuse!"

Cai Yong was also a Confucian master, and it was impossible to agree to Ye Qing's appointment with the princely courtesy.

This will spread, and the reputation of the Cai family will be completely ruined.

Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia: "Fengxiao, you have a flexible brain, what do you say?"

Guo Jiadao: "Master, what kind of gift to use, it should not be up to us to decide, you should ask Mr. Ye first, what gift he said, we will do it!"

"The most important thing in this matter is to satisfy Mr. Ye, and the rest is not important at all. "

Not to mention the prince's gift, as long as Ye Qing wants it, the gift of the Son of Heaven can also be done.

However, Guo Jia knew that a person as low-key and connotative as Ye Qing would not ask for much courtesy, and it would be normal to do so.

Cao Cao said, "It's still reasonable to say this to Fengxiao, so let's go to Sir's place and ask Sir's plans!"

Chen Gong said: "Lord, once the husband gives the dowry and the engagement is successful, the number of people who know about him will increase, and the gentleman will not be able to hide for too long!"

"Do you consider introducing Wen Ruo, Gongda, Zhongde, Zhicai, Ziyang, Zike, Xiaoxian, Bo Ning and others to Mr."

Cao Cao was silent when he heard this, it was time to think about it. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Instead of being violent, it is better to take the initiative to violence, so as not to chill Xun Yu and others.

Cao Hong said, "Big brother, Yuanrang, Miaocai, and Zixiao should also know the existence of Mr.!"

Once it is said, it is bound to be difficult to hide.

Not to mention that everyone knows, at least Wen Wu's henchman should know about Ye Qing's existence.

Guo Jiadao: "Lord, it's still early to get engaged, you can take it step by step, so that Zhongde, Zhicai, Yuanrang, and Miaocai can slowly know about it." "

"I believe that after they know where Mr. is, they will be more cohesive." "

When Cao Cao heard this, he finally made up his mind and said, "You are all right, it's time to gradually expose Mr."

"Zhongde, Zhicai, Yuanrang, and Miaocai should also know that there are more and more things that Mr. has instructed to do, and it is time to assign some people to specialize in Mr. Ye's research project!"

"Lord Wise!"

"Master, let's go to Mr. Ye's tonight!"

Everyone stood up and pleaded.

Such a great opportunity, must go.

At that time, maybe Ye Qing will tell a few more plot stories of the Three Kingdoms of Han Wei.

Cao Cao said, "Okay, go to all of them." "

Soon everyone left, leaving Chen Gong and Guo Jia behind.

He asked, "Who do you think will take to Mr. Ye first today?"

Chen Gong said, "I thought that the birth of the people of the cold family should be given priority!"

The family has a complex heart.

While subordinating to you and doing things for you, on the other hand, he will secretly plan for the family, so his selfishness is too heavy.

This is equivalent to letting Xun Yu, Xun Yu, Du Zhao, Zhao Jian, Fan Qin, Jiang Gan and others postpone first.

Guo Jiadao: "Zhongde and Zhicai should be the first, the martial generals within the main clan will be given priority, and the others will be brought in the future!"

Cao Cao said, "Very good, just according to the two of you, take Cheng Yu, Xia Zhong, Zhongde, Zhicai, Yuan 443 Rang, and Zixiao to Mr. Tonight." "

After the three of them finished deliberating, they were about to leave so that they could prepare to go to Ye Qing's place to eat a mixed meal.

At this time, someone urgently reported outside the hall: "The school office urgently reported Mr. Guo, please Mr. Guo to receive the report." "

Guo Jia's expression immediately condensed, and Cao Cao and Chen Gong also looked sick.

Soon, Guo Jia received the secret report sent back from Chang'an by the school office.

"Lord, things are a little troublesome, Yuan Shao sent people to blend into the guanzhong, and spread things that are unfavorable to the lord. "

"Li Wei and Guo Xian want to get rid of the lord, and they have ordered Zhang Ji to lead the army east to attack Guanluo and plunder Shandong!"

"The two of them also used Jia Xu's strategy to give Qingzhou Mu to the Lord Gong, Yanzhou to Yuan Shao, Xuzhou to Yuan Shu, and Yuzhou to Liu Biao, wanting to chaos the Guandong and lead the major princes to fight, especially to eliminate the Lord Gong!"

"In order to let Yuan Shao rest assured that he would attack us south, Jia Xu also proposed to Li Wei and Guo Xian to send angels to mediate the contradictions between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao and mediate the battle between the two sides. "

It's Yuan Shao again!

Unexpectedly, he made friends out of nothing, and wanted to kill with a knife!

Cao Cao's eyes flashed with killing intent.

"Zhang Ji has dealings with my Yancheng, and my Yanzhou has not received less help from him, will he really respect Chang'an's order to go east to plunder?"

"Guo Li is chaotic and muddy the Guandong, will the major princes fulfill their wishes, respect their will, and jointly attack and divide me?"

Người mua: sabmado

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