"Lord, Yuan Shao does not dare to send troops to us for the time being, even after mediating with Gongsun Zhan, he will only rest and recuperate, accumulate strength, and expand the number of soldiers and horses!" Guo Jia said resolutely:

"Once he fights with us, it is to force us to ally with Gongsun Zhan, and he will gain more than he loses.

Before Gongsun Zan was eliminated, and before Ye Cheng swallowed Youzhou, Yuan Shao did not dare to clash with us head-on, let alone fight with us! "

"As for Liu Biao, a self-defensive disciple, being able to take Nanyang is already his limit, if he dares to reach out to other places, he will take care of one or the other, pick up sesame seeds and throw watermelons!"

Yuan Shu and Guo Jia were too lazy to analyze and mention.

Because Yuan Shu, no matter how you treat him, he will still do things according to his own ideas.

Whether there is Guo Li or not, it is the same.

In this way, Cao Cao was half at ease.

As long as it wasn't for all the bandits in Western Liang to dispatch, Luoyang's 80,000 military generals alone would be enough to deal with Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji also grabbed some grain near Luoyang at most, and did not dare to go east, because once he went deeper, the back road was stuck, but he could not return to Hongnong County.

Instead of going to plunder, it is better to ask Cao Cao for help, neither hurting each other's feelings, nor using swords to lose soldiers and horses.

Why not?

"In this way, Jia Xu's plan is beneficial to us!" A smile suddenly turned on Cao Cao's face.

Qingzhou Mu, it just so happens that there is a name to intervene in Qingzhou's affairs, I am afraid that after Yuan Shao finds out, he will be angry half to death.

This is called self-defeating.



Cheng Yu, Xia Zhicai, Cao Ren, and Xiahou Wei were summoned by Cao Cao, and under a voice of explanation, the four were a little confused, but they also understood one thing, it turned out that there had always been masters behind Cao Cao.

In order to be so smooth and successful, the conquest of states and counties is successful.

And this person is extremely special, his eyes are not good, and his speech is strange, but he is a half-immortal existence in the world.

Do not take it lightly, do not humiliate it, and still less do you want to scare it.

As long as you go with it, you can agree with it, and let it go.

When the four of them were brought to Ye Qing's residence by Cao Cao, they also met Guo Jia, Xu Huang, Xu Chu and others.

Only then did they understand that they were not the first to know about it.

"Fengxiao, thanks to me and you for being friends for many years, you are full of me so hard~!" When Xia Zhicai saw Guo Jia, he complained:

"Sir has medical skills, and he has proposed a separate method of healing for me, so that my body does not continue to deteriorate, but gradually improves after healing, such a great grace, I should be kept in the dark, isn't it too rude"

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Isn't this bringing you here?" Originally, this time there was no share, but I said to the lord, I must bring you, so that you can thank Mr. Ye! "

"Oh, really?" Xia Zhicai was a little suspicious, feeling that Guo Jia was lying to him.

Between the two talking, Cao Cao in front said, "It's here!" "

"Zhongde, Zhicai, Yuan Rang, and Zixiao have written down my instructions, do not be reckless and gaffe Mr. Ye, no matter what you hear or see, don't be surprised, let alone refute and annoy Mr. Ye."

"You can all claim that the villagers of the Cao family claim that you each have your own identity and must not be exposed, otherwise, you will be punished by military law!"


Mobilizing military law, this is harsh.

The four people replied one after another: "Don't worry, the lord will not talk nonsense, only bring my eyes, bring less mouth, listen and watch with peace of mind, and don't make trouble for the lord!" "

Soon everyone entered the mansion, first the outer gate was guarded by Lü Bu, and the four people were also shocked to see that Lü Bu was arranged to guard the courtyard here.

Lü Bu, a famous general who moved the world, and the dignified Wen Hou, actually guarded the courtyard here? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No wonder he never saw Cao Cao arrange Lü Bu's position, and Lü Bu suddenly disappeared from the sight of everyone in Zhencheng as if he had evaporated from the world.

This guy is willing to give a blind man a nursing home?

Suddenly, the four of them were more attentive to Cao Cao's explanation.

It seems that this Mr. Ye really has two brushes, and it is not simple to convince Lu Budu.

Could it be that he is really a half-immortal in the world!

Lü Bu didn't expect Cao Cao to come, and he was a little restrained.

"I've seen... Cao Gong! Lu Bu's mouth became clumsy, and his expression was a little panicked and ashamed.

After all, he showed Ye Qing the Guardian Courtyard, and he usually couldn't meet Cao Cao and his main civil and military generals, so he was not embarrassed.

Right now......

Cao Cao stepped forward and said, "Wronged first!" "

"There are many things on Sir's side, and you have shared your worries for Sir."

"After you finish your training from Sir, I have a heavy responsibility to hand over to you, and I will make you famous again and become a great hero admired by everyone in the world!"

With Cao Cao's words, Lü Bu's heart warmed, and he was no longer embarrassed.

"'Thank you Duke Cao!' Lv Bu said:

"Being able to study here is a blessing that I have cultivated all my life, and it is also my creation!"

"Across the battlefield, happy revenge, fame and fortune are certainly what I want, but... Cloth had no direction, no ideals, I don't know why to fight, for whom, what is the meaning of war! "

"Now Bu understands that fighting for the world and fighting for the future of Longteng Huaxia is the ideal and direction of Bu's future!"

"There are so many barbarians in the world, how small the big Han is, the infighting will eventually end one day, if I wait too much, the dragon Teng Huaxia will be invaded by the barbarians, and I will be a sinner after all!"

"Bu hopes that one day, he will be able to conquer the barbarians and destroy all the rich lands of the barbarians, if these lands can be used by my dragon Huaxia ... Oh, how the hereafter will praise me, etc., how will offerings and sing praises to me, etc.! "

Lv Bu said while enjoying it, revealing a touch of obsession and longing.

Cao Cao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

(De Zhao) held Lu Bu's hands and said, "What I think is what I want, it is also my wish!" "

"The world is so big, why should I fight for the head and blood in the Central Plains and let the barbarians take advantage!"

"The world is so vast and there is so much fertile land, I should wait to fight for it and leave more precious things for future generations!"

Cheng Yu, Xia Zhicai, Cao Ren, and Xia Hou Wei were taken aback again, and their eyes widened.

The third surnamed Lü Bu, who specializes in stabbing his righteous father, has such insight.

There are also such aspirations, and being able to say such profound words simply refreshes their five views.

Is this still the familiar Lü Bu who is not a lifetime, arrogant?

"Congratulations to Wen Hou, you have learned Xiaocheng!" Guo Jia half-narrowed his eyes and said:

"Congratulations to the Lord Duke, find a confidant of the same way, the road to the prosperity of Longteng Huaxia will be broader, the Lord and Wen Hou join forces, and my city will be invincible inside and outside!"

Người mua: sabmado

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