"Thank you Marquis Wen, congratulations to the lord!"

Chen Gong and others also followed He Xidao.

Lü Bu's words just now made everyone understand that Lü Bu would not be an enemy of Cao Cao from now on.

Nor is it a restraining threat from Cao Cao.

Cao Cao laughed loudly and said, "Fengxian must also know what we are here for today!" "

Lv Bu said, "I heard the little girl mention that Mr. Ye is preparing to give a dowry engagement." "

"Ask Cao Gong and Mr. Gongtai to propose Mr. Ye's marriage."

Cao Cao nodded and said, "That's right, it's for this matter!" If Fengxian doesn't mind, you can also go to Cai Mansion with us to raise a kiss for Mr. Ye! "

"I... May I? Lu Bu's heart moved.

I have always felt that there is nothing to repay Ye Qing, and it is good to be able to do something for Ye Qing.

Cao Cao said, "Of course!" "

"With you and me handling this matter for Mr. Ye, I believe that no one will dare to say anything in the future."

"And Mr. Ye also hopes that you and I can work together to make Cao Village more stable, rich and prosperous, I believe he will be very happy and happy to know that the two of us will be very happy and happy after he proposes his relatives."

"Well, I listen to Cao Gong, I can do my little bit for my husband, it is what Bu Zhi wants!" Lv Bu replied excitedly.

Soon, Cao Cao led everyone to another courtyard gate in Fuzhong 970.

At this time, Dian Wei was guarding outside the courtyard gate.

"Duke Cao is here, great, I'll go to Mr. Yubao!" Dian Wei turned his head and rushed into the courtyard.

Cheng Yu, Xia Zhicai, Cao Ren, and Xia Hou Wei were shocked again.

Good fellow, Dian Wei is also here with Mr. Ye to look after the nursing home.

The two fierce generals were all in Ye Qing's mansion.

No wonder I haven't seen this fierce general Dian Wei all the time.

The people were Ye Qing's guards here, and Cao Cao was only borrowing envoys.

Mr. Ye really is... Terrible.

Before he saw Ye Qing, the four of them were already convinced at this time.

"Boss Cao and Accountant Chen are here?"

Soon Ye Qing's voice sounded in the courtyard, he came towards everyone, walked halfway, and then beckoned: "There are many people in the village today, come in and sit!" "

"Fruit on cicadas, snacks!"

"Yes sir!" The mink replied, then turned to serve the plate.

Xu Chu and Cao Hong hurriedly said, "Sir, let's help the little cicada girl!" "

The two naturally followed the mink cicada and went to serve the plate.


Cheng Yu, Xia Zhicai, Cao Ren, (agee) Xia Houwei and others were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Xu Chu and other fierce generals, Cao Hong, a Cao clan general, were willing to serve dishes for Ye Qing, and they rushed to do it one by one.

Looking at Ye Qing's maid, she was really a national color and fragrance, and she was more beautiful than Furong.

Placed outside, it is also a stunning beauty that attracts people from all over the world.

She was even willing to be a little maid here.

With Cao Cao's temperament, he didn't have the idea to hit her, which was rare, and it was simply a miracle.

Carefully examine Ye Qing's appearance.

Clouds and smoke, long rivers, westerly winds, red dust, fairy dust, fairy clouds and rivers.

It is really a real immortal who attracts people's admiration and reverence.

No wonder he was able to conquer Cao Cao and Lü Bu and others.

Immortal, true immortal!

"Haha, everyone sits, don't be polite here, find a place for each other!" Cao Cao was like a master and beckoned everyone to sit down.

Xu Huang, Chen Gong and the others who had come were naturally familiar with each other and looked for a good position to sit down.

Guo Jia had already occupied the bamboo chaise longue early, this chair was comfortable and comfortable, and it was very cool and fluffy, which was really a must-have artifact for a lazy person like him.

So Guo Jia liked it at a glance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Every time you come, you must be the first to occupy it.

"It's still Boss Cao who understands me!" Ye Qingdao:

"Everyone treats me here as their own home, no need to be polite!"

Everyone replied with a good word.

At this time, Xu Chu and Cao Hong came out with a plate, and placed a stone table in the courtyard, as well as a Bafang wooden table and a small table.

The mink cicada brings out the tea set.

Dian Wei carried a pot of boiled water.

"Everyone, please drink tea, this is my husband's newly developed health tea." The mink cicada made tea, then poured enough teacups, and motioned for Dian Wei to bring everyone their own tea.

Everyone replied, "Thank you little cicada girl!" "

Everyone tasted for a while, and found that this health tea was indeed very different from the previous new tea.

"Sir, this tea, the taste is quite strong, but after drinking it, I feel that I am ten years younger!"

"Tell the truth, sir's tea, take a sip, all over the body, I feel like I'm okay again!"

"Hey, you couldn't do it before!"

"Bah, you can't..."

The crowd made a joke.

Ye Qing said: "I want to ask the Cai family for a kiss and marry Cai Yan, the daughter of the Cai family, and hope that the village can help me!" "

Cao Cao stood up and said, "Don't worry, sir, your business is the business of everyone in our Cao Family Village!" "

"I will go to Cai's house with General Assembly Lu to beg for Mr. Lu, and we will all go to give a dowry together, so that Old Man Cai will not be able to refuse, and happily accept you as a virtuous person."

Lv Bu stood up and said, "Sir, Boss Cao is right, we will all help Mr. complete this matter!" "

"This is a great event in the village, everyone will help, but the village has been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

Chen Gong said: "Sir, rest assured, you have paid so much for our Caojia Village, brought high-yield corn and potatoes, as well as various fruits and vegetables and agricultural materials, and established a glass factory, cement factory, ancient paper factory, and winemaking technology for us, so that our Caojia Village has gradually become rich, and the per capita income has increased by dozens and hundreds of times, so that our Caojia Village has a new look, please poverty, such great kindness, we all remember in our hearts!" "

"The Cai family has no opinion, and our Caojia Village also collectively agreed that Mr. 's marriage will be done beautifully!"

Xu Huang, Xu Chu, Cao Hong and others also echoed.

Ye Qing threw his fists at everyone to show his gratitude.

Then he said: "This time is just an engagement, I still want to wait for marriage!" "

"You all know that my eyes are somewhat inconvenient, and I want to wait a year or two before my eyes are seen and get married."

"I hope that Boss Cao and Accountant Chen can make this clear with Elder Cai."

"After all, Yan'er and I are actually not very old, and it will be okay to delay for a few years!"

Only engaged and not married?

Cao Cao, Chen Gong and the others were stunned.

Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Qing to have such concerns.

When his eyes are clear, Mr. Ye will not fly back to the sky?

Cao Cao was suddenly a little anxious, the reason why he was anxious to let Ye Qing marry Cai Yan was also to report his plan to tie Ye Qing and tie him to the world.

Người mua: sabmado

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