"Sir, only engaged, not married... With us, it doesn't seem to be very good!" Chen Gong said:

"If you don't get married as soon as possible after getting engaged, you will be easily criticized and discussed. "

Chen Gong glanced hard at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao comprehended and said: "Yes, yes, our rules here are different from those outside, after getting engaged, you have to get married in a month at most, otherwise it will be unlucky." "

Cao Cao walked to Guo Jia's side as he spoke, and then lifted up the immodest Guo Jia.

Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Sir, if you are just engaged or not married, I'm afraid Old Man Cai should think about it again!"

"After all, his eldest daughter has had a similar experience, if she comes once, the old man's heart can't stand it!"

Other people also saw that Cao Cao and Chen Gong were going to be forced to get married!

I can't pull Ye Xian~ Sheng to go to the cave room immediately.

As for it?

It's so exciting.

In this world, who has - this kind of treatment?


Ye Qing didn't expect that Cao Cao, Chen Gong and others would refuse his seemingly reasonable request.

"Can't it really be postponed?"

Ye Qing asked very unconfidently.

Marriage customs, as long as it is not a marriage trouble, it is basically necessary to follow local customs.

Otherwise, it's really disrespectful to the other party.

In this regard, Ye Qing is not good at changing Caojia Village, and he has no intention of changing it.

On the contrary, they also want to create and retain the inherent characteristics and customs of Cao Village.

Naturally, it's not easy to disobey.

"Sir, it's really not good, the three happy events in life, others are looking forward to getting married early, but you still want to postpone it, which is a bit strange in itself!" Chen Gong persuaded:

"The Cai family doesn't mind the matter of Mr.'s eyes!"

"Everyone in our Caojia Village knows that Mr.'s eyes are inconvenient, and no one will laugh at Mr.!"

"Sir, don't worry about getting married boldly, if there is anything, we will solve it with Boss Cao!"

"Yes, yes, sir, with us, you can do your best!" Cao Cao said: "In a month or two, there will be more auspicious days for the zodiac, and the weather will be cooler at that time, just right for marriage!"

Lu Bu also persuaded: "Sir, don't hesitate in this matter, hesitate and you will lose!"

The crowd unanimously persuaded him.

Ye Qing felt that if he didn't agree, he would probably be angry and become the enemy of the people.

After thinking about it comprehensively, he finally had to grit his teeth and reply: "That's it, it's up to you!"

"Get married in two or three months after getting engaged, don't drag it out!"

Finally relented.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong both breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had won a big battle.

As long as he gets married, as long as he is pregnant with a child, Ye Qing will have concerns, and even after his eyes regain his sight, he will not easily return to the Heavenly Immortal Palace.

Will stay in the world for more than ten or twenty years!

With this time, it is enough to dominate the world and conquer the barbarians in all directions.

"Sir, what other thoughts do you have about this engagement, such as the scale and the dowry?" Cao Cao asked with concern.

Ye Qing thought for a while and said:

"I haven't thought about the scale to the point, just do it, as long as the Cai family is satisfied, it will not be rude and faceless!"

"In terms of dowry, I have some ready-made ones here, you can help me check them, and if you can, bring them all!"

Whatever the scale is, it's hard to do.

Without an accurate definition, Cao Cao made another difficulty.

"Little Cicada, you take Boss Cao and them to the miscellaneous room next to my master bedroom, and let Boss Cao and them quietly prepare the dowry!"

Diao Chan replied, "Yes, sir!"

Then he said to Cao Cao and the others: "Accountant Chen, please come with me!"

Chen Gong then pulled up the drama to check the dowry. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Originally, the two thought that the dowry prepared by Ye Qing would be very shabby.

When I got to the place, I opened the door and took a look.

Good guys, a room of joy.

Full of high-end dowry in this dynasty.

At a cursory glance, everything that should be there is there, luxurious and chic, rich and exquisite.

There are at least 100 or so pieces, and this scale is probably comparable to that of a prince.

"This is what Mr. Ye said casually?" Xi Zhicai looked at Chen Gong:

"Has Mr. Ye always been so cute when he speaks?"

Chen Gong also had an expression that wanted to cry.

"I really don't know about this matter, I never thought that Mr. would have such a big hand, he is worthy of being an immortal!"

When Diao Chan saw these dowries, he was so envious that he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Diao Chan girl, do you know when Mr. prepared these things?" Chen Gong knew very well that ordinary people couldn't buy these things for Ye Qing.

So there is only one possibility, Ye Qing used the immortal method to conjure it.

Diao Chan shook his head: "A few days ago, it was still an empty miscellaneous room, and I don't know why there are more dowries like this here!"

Xi Zhicai's eyes widened and he stumbled a little: "This... Is it really as you say, Mr. Ye is actually... A true immortal, not a half-immortal?"

"As you guessed!" Chen Gong admonished.

"This matter can't be made public, Mr. Ye's matter is only open to you, if everyone knows about it, the world will be in chaos!"

A gleam flashed in Xi Zhicai's eyes, his face showed a little excitement, and he nodded: "Don't worry, we have our own proportional opinions." "

The trio soon returned.

Chen Gong whispered a few words in Cao Cao's ear.

Cao Cao's eyes widened, and he also showed a hint of surprise.

A dowry on the scale of a prince.

It turns out that the casual thing in the mouth of the gentleman is like this.

We all blame Mr. for it.

The general appearance of the immortals is the great gift of our princess.

"How is it, is it available?" Ye Qing asked Xiang Chen Gong.

Chen Gong said: "Sir, this set of dowry is excellent, it is the best we have ever seen! The Cai family will definitely like it." "

"If you let Boss Cao buy it, it will be cliché. "

"It's okay to use it, as long as you don't feel chilling and don't have grievances Yan'er!" Ye Qingdao:

"My eyes are inconvenient, I can't go to the next hire in person, I'm really sorry for the Cai family!"

"Sir, don't worry, we will definitely help you do this well, if you can't handle it, I'm not the village head, Accountant Chen can also abdicate and give way, and Guo Da can also come to Mr. to clean the toilet!" Cao Cao patted his chest and said.

Chen Gong and Guo Jia frowned and blackened their faces.

Lord, lord, you swear that you can not take us with you.

"Well, in short, thank you!" Ye Qing pointed at Cheng Yu and the other four:

"Boss Cao and Accountant Chen haven't introduced you yet, everyone came to help, I don't know your names, that's not rude!"

Cheng Yu and the four of them reported the pseudonyms they had already taken.

"Sir, I heard that the story you told is the most exciting, can you let us listen to it today and satisfy our hunger!" asked Xi Zhicai with a smile, his eyes skimming the spoon towards Guo Jia.

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