Jingzhou Thorn Mansion!

Liu Biao walked into the hall from the outside and saw Cai Maodao, who was walking back and forth in the hall, extremely uneasy.

"De Jue, why is it so urgent to come here in the middle of the night!" After speaking, Liu Biao yawned, showing fatigue and a trace of resentment.

Your sister and I are doing Zhou Gongzhi~ things, chic and happy.

Cai Mao said: "Brother-in-law, Cao Cao is going to call over!"

"Nanyang has just received news that Cao Cao wants to send troops to Nanyang, occupy Wancheng and seize Wuguan, - start a war with us!"

What the?

In an instant, Liu Biao's whole person was in good spirits, where was there still fatigue, and where was there any happy thoughts about Zhou Gong's affairs.

Lao Tzu's country is going to be over!

What is Cao Cao's strength, and what is my Jingzhou's combat strength.

"The situation can be... Is it true?" Liu Biao still didn't believe it.

Why did Cao Cao beat me for no reason!

Even if my Nanyang is close to Xu County, this is not a reason.

Lao Tzu also formed an alliance with him to deal with Yuan Shu together.

Cai Mao knew that Liu Biao didn't believe it, because Liu Biao didn't have much ambition, and after controlling Jingzhou, he had no ambition to conquer everywhere, and he guarded Jingzhou's one-third of an acre of land with peace of mind, and he was happy

He stretched out of the state several times to fight, entered the Huai River, went south to attack Yangzhou, eliminated Yuan Shao, and controlled the two rivers.

This made the number of fights that wanted to control more soldiers and horses, make more meritorious deeds, and expand the prestige of the Cai family were all in vain.

Therefore, Cai Mao was also prepared for this, and handed over the text sent by Nanyang to Liu Biao at the moment.

Liu Biao saw Cao Cao's crusade against Guo Li's attack, and he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode!


"Cao thief is shameless!"

"Where is this trying to save the fight, this is to attack my Jingzhou, take away my Nanyang land, pry open my Jingzhou portal, and kill my heart without dying!"

Liu Biao knew that Nanyang was very important, and whoever was in his hands would have the initiative to attack Jingzhou in the south.

In the hands of Jingzhou, there is the confidence to guard the northern gate.

"Nanyang can't be lost, I, Liu Biao, swear to fight Cao Cao to the end!" Liu Biao scolded angrily, and then said to Cai Mao:

"Deju, Cao Cao's soldiers are many generals, his army is fierce, Yuan Shao is still invincible, and he spit out Qingzhou. "

"Gongsun Du crossed the river and attacked far away, but the whole army was annihilated. "

"Now that its army is heading south, can you defeat and resist its army?"

Asked about this, Cai Mao instantly became a little unconfident.

Fighting Cao Cao, he was really a little afraid.

Since Cao Cao has been fighting in Dongjun, he has fought again and again, defeated Tao Qian, beat Yuan Shu and fled in embarrassment, beat Yuan Shao twice and did not dare to enter the plain, and beat the Liaodong overlord Gongsun to death!

With such a strong strength, can Jingzhou win?

From the original anger, Cai Mao slowly calmed down, and her heart was terrified.

However, for the sake of the future of the Cai family, in order to control more soldiers and horses.

Cai Mao said: "Brother-in-law, this kind of thing, even if you can't win, you have to fight!"

"Nanyang is the gateway to my Jingzhou, and it must not fall into the hands of Cao Cao, otherwise Xiangyang is dangerous and Jingzhou is dangerous. "

Yes, you have to fight if you can't win.

There is no place to avoid this.

Liu Biao exhaled a long breath of turbidity: "Come on, go and invite Kuai Yue, Wang Wei, Yi and others to enter the mansion, I have important matters to discuss!"

"Hurry, hurry!"

The guards led the soldiers to the mansions of Kuai Yue, Wang Wei, Yi and others overnight. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, Kuai Yue, Wang Wei, Yi Yuan and others also urged out of their respective mansions from the bed and came to Liu Biao.

After reading Cao Cao's text, they were shocked on the spot and were speechless for a long time.

"How do you think this matter should be handled!" Liu Biao took the initiative to ask when he saw that everyone was silent for a long time and no one spoke.

Kuai Yue said: "Lord, Cao Cao blatantly wants to take Nanyang, and he will definitely send a large army south." "

"I thought that what he said was true, he only took Nanyang, and would not attack other parts of my Jingzhou, nor would he attack Xiangyang. "

"I have two countermeasures, my lord is willing to listen!"

"Xeno, please!" Liu Biao suddenly sat up straight.

Kuai Yue has always been his most relied on advisor.

When he first came to Jingzhou, Liu Biao relied on Kuai Yue to eradicate the thieves in Jingzhou, and then he controlled the counties of Jingzhou.

Kuai Yue said: "My two strategies, one battle and one peace!"

"Let's talk about peace first, according to what Cao Cao said, if it is really to attack Guanzhong and Guo Li, it doesn't hurt to temporarily give up Wancheng and Wuguan.

0 for flowers0

Our Jingzhou soldiers and horses stick to the Xinye area and the upper reaches of Danshui, and it is enough to contain Cao's army from going south and threatening Xiangyang. "

"If you retreat as advance, you will not lose the righteousness, and the people's will will also be inclined to my Jingzhou!"

Directly cede most of Nanyang County, including Wancheng.

Liu Biao listened to the liver pain.

This is Nanyang, not anywhere else.

Emperor Township, how many people, how many fertile land.

Cai Mao hurriedly said: "Let's talk about the war directly!"

"My Jingzhou soldiers only fought to the death, and there was no one to give away the land. "

"Cao Cao is treacherous, who knows if he will immediately go south after he gets Wancheng, capture Xinye, kill Xiangyang, and directly arrest me and others and become prisoners!"

If you don't fight, Cai Mao is unwilling.

Whether you can beat it or not, that's another matter, what is the point of giving it to each other and retaking Nanyang from Yuan Shu before.

Liu Biao didn't say anything, he acquiesced to Cai Mao's words.

Kuai Yue guessed that Liu Biao and the others would not agree, nor was he surprised, so he was expressionless and continued: "If it is a battle, you need to go all out, dispatch generals, and more than 150,000 soldiers and horses to gather in Nanyang to fight to the death with Cao's army, a bloody battle!"

"Only by repelling Cao Cao by force can his ambitions to go south be dispelled!"

At the same time, it is also necessary to send three envoys to Yuan Shao all the way, so that he can send troops to contain Cao Cao from the north.

Running all the way to Yuan Shu, it threatened Cao Cao's Xuzhou from the east, and also made it impossible for Cao Cao to attack Nanyang with all his strength!

There is also a way, to Chang'an, to report to the imperial court, complain about Cao Cao's unkind and unrighteous actions, and ask the imperial court to send troops to attack Cao Cao's Xu County, so that Cao Cao retreated. "

"Only by attacking Cao Cao in three ways and attacking Cao by the four armies can Cao Cao be defeated, and even divide Cao Cao's momentum and seize the land of his four states, otherwise the war will be unfavorable and useless. "

"Okay! No matter how many soldiers and horses are transferred, we must fight Cao Cao to the death!" Cai Mao immediately applauded when he heard this:

"Isn't it just to send envoys to Chang'an, Yecheng, and Shouchun? Immediately send people to discuss the matter of dividing Cao. "

"Since Cao Cao has the intention of swallowing my Jingzhou, why don't we fight back and divide it into four states, just right, each of the four sides will get one state and eight. "。

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