
Liu Biao coughed lightly.

Cai Mao realized that he had lost his temper, so he said: "Everything is naturally decided by the lord!"

Liu Biao's face was slightly better at this time.

Looking at the others, "What do you think?"

Yi said: "The adjustable general Wen Ping, the general Lu Jie, the Zhonglang general Huo Jun, the Changsha Taishou generals Huang Zhong, Zhang Hu, Chen Sheng, etc., will go to Nanyang to fight!"

Wang Wei said: "I thought that at least 200,000 land and water soldiers should be sent to have the strength to fight Cao Yi and build a defensive line along Xinye and Wancheng." "

Cai Mao said: "Lord, I am willing to lead the army and defeat Cao Cao!"

Seeing this, Liu Biao finally made up his mind, and said with a fierce look in his eyes: "Cao Cao wants to kill me, I have to fight!"

"Today, all the soldiers in Jingzhou are working together to resist Cao Cao, and they will act according to what you say!"

"Order Deqi to be the governor of Jingzhou's "773" to defend against the enemy, and coordinate 200,000 land and water troops to resist Cao. "

"Fate is different to find three people, send envoys to Yecheng, Shouchun, and Chang'an, and discuss the matter of jointly breaking Cao Gongcao!"

"The lord is wise!" Cai Mao, Yi Yuan, Wang Wei and others praised one after another.

The next day, all parts of Jingzhou received orders, all went to Xiangyang to assemble, handed over to Cai Mao, and sent troops to Nanyang on the third day to defend Wancheng and Xinye.

All of a sudden, there were many discussions from all walks of life in Jingzhou, and both inside and outside Xiangyang were shaken, and some people began to panic.

In particular, the scholars and civilians who fled into Jingzhou from the north were afraid that the war would burn to Xiangyang, and once again felt the threat of swords.

A small pavilion on a hill not far from Xiangyang City.

Six people sit cross-legged, or play against each other, or drink tea, and talk about the world's major events!

"I heard that Cao Cao is going to send troops to attack Jingzhou, this is not wise, the enemy in the north has not been destroyed, how dare he go south. "

"Cao Cao wants to send troops to take Nanyang, not Jingzhou!"

"Heh, how do you know that he won't take advantage of the situation to attack Xiangyang, Cao Cao has already planned and prepared to do things, or he won't fight, and one dozen will be taken by one state, when will you only capture one county!"

The seizure of Yanzhou, the capture of Yuzhou, the capture of Xuzhou, and the robbery of Qingzhou are all the same.

Cao Cao didn't say that when one county was taken alone, either it would not be occupied, or it would be a full battle!

Listening to three of Zhuge Four Friends arguing.

Pang De looked at Zhuge Liang with half-squinted eyes, and asked malice, "What does Kong Ming think about this?"

Zhuge Liang is the youngest of the people, in popular terms, a child with yellow hair who has not grown up.

However, Zhuge Liang's genes are good, twelve or thirteen years old, he has grown extremely slender, tall and thin, and after Zhuge Liang followed his uncle Zhuge Xuan to Jingzhou, the living conditions are not as superior as in his hometown Langxi, so he needs to plough the land by himself, grow food and vegetables, so his body has developed well, and he does not seem weak.

Of course, because Zhuge Liang's face is white, it looks like Wenwen is weak like a little white face.

This is also in stark contrast to Pang Tong, who has a black face and looks ugly.

Therefore, in addition to competing with Zhuge Liang for knowledge and analyzing the opinions of various things, Pang Tong also loves to squeeze Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang shook his fan and looked at Xu Shu, who was sitting diagonally opposite:

"I have to ask Yuan Zhi about this!"

Asked Yuanzhi, Pang Tongyi was stunned.

What does it mean?

He was a little confused, and Zhuge Liang seemed to be fiddling with some mystery.

is not very old, and he likes to pretend to be mysterious, which makes Pang Tong a little complaining.

Xu Shu himself was also stunned, and seemed to understand what Zhuge Liang was going to say.

Sure enough, the next moment, Zhuge Liang said: "I heard that Cao Cao has visited Yuan Zhi and wants to ask Yuan Zhi to discuss the matter of crusading against Guo Li's thieves!"

At this point, Zhuge Liang pretended to be up again, and he didn't go down.

Shi Guangyuan, Cui Zhouping, and Meng Gongwei, who were still arguing, all stopped and looked at Xu Shu with a surprised expression.

"Yuan Zhi still has such a thing?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yuan Zhi, Cao Cao asked you to be an official, why don't you tell us!"

Pang Tong's half-narrowed eyes were about to merge into a line.

This news is really exciting.

Unexpectedly, among the six middle schools, Cao Cao actually visited the monk.

It was a real surprise.

Xu Shu saw everyone's inquiries and had to reply truthfully:

"Cao Cao has indeed asked someone to invite me to Jingzhou, but I refused on the grounds that I had not finished my studies!"

"I want to spend more time in Jingzhou with you. "

Only then did everyone show their expressions.

Pang Tong said: "In this way, Yuan Zhi will not go to Cao Cao, and he does not believe that Cao Cao sent troops to Nanyang to facilitate the attack on Guanzhong and welcome back His Majesty?"

When he asked this, Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and the fan shook even more.

Pang Tong raised his eyebrows, and said with some displeasure: "Why does Kong Ming think that what I said is wrong!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head slightly: "Yes and no!"

Cui Zhouping said: "What's the solution?"

Shi Guangyuan and Meng Gongwei stared at Zhuge Liang curiously0 .

This guy is fiddling with Xuanxuan, if it weren't for his talent, he is young, smart as a demon, and compares himself to others, he would really roll up his sleeves and beat him several times.

Zhuge Liang said at that time: "Yuan has not said much else until now, I think he will go to Xu County!"

"And Cao Cao sent troops to Nanyang, it is indeed to facilitate the attack on Guanzhong, this is the Yang of killing two birds with one stone, Cao Cao will go to meet the Son of Heaven, because he knows the importance of the Son of Heaven, if it falls into the hands of others, it will be a big trouble, and it will be extremely unfavorable for him to dominate the world!"

Shi Guangyuan, Cui Zhouping, Meng Gongwei and Pang Tong set their sights on Xu Shu again.

Xu Shu nodded slightly: "Kong Ming is Kong Ming, it's not bad at all!"

"Cao Cao not only sent someone to Jingzhou to look for me, but also personally went to Changshe to meet my mother, talking about attacking Guo Li to welcome back His Majesty, and wanted to use me as a strategist to lead this matter!"

"So just as Kong Ming said, Cao Cao's capture of Nanyang is true, and it is also true in tackling key problems!"


The crowd was shocked.

Cao Cao was too thirsty for Xu Shu, so it wasn't enough to send someone to Jingzhou, and he went to Changshe's hometown again, saying that he moved Xu Shu's mother to persuade Xu Shu to go north to Xu County.

This handwriting, this enthusiasm, is really enviable

Such a gentleman is rare, and there are really few princes in the world who have this kind of bearing and the 0.9 heart of Corporal Lixian.

No wonder Cao Cao can achieve great things, in just two years, he has the land of Sizhou, and the two Yuan dare not speak up.

Destroy the Gongsun Du who crossed the sea.

My mother said in the letter that Yingchuan is very different from the past. "

"Yingchuan under Cao Cao's rule, the people are solid, there is no shortage of food, the houses are all built with red bricks and blue tiles, the roads extend in all directions, smooth and clean, thieves in the state and county are hidden, business and travel are endless, a prosperous world, the world is rare, prosperous, the Han has never had it, I hope I will return north as soon as possible and be loyal to the Ming Lord!" Speaking of these, Xu Shu couldn't help but sigh lightly:

"Seriously, I don't dare to believe what my mother said in her letter, this may be Cao Cao's trick to deceive you!"

"Otherwise, how can there be such a place in the world, Cao Cao is just a prince, how can he do something that all previous Ming monarchs can't do!".

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