When everyone heard this, they were also embarrassed.

Like Xu Shu, they don't believe what Xu Shu's mother said.

Why was Cao Cao able to govern the four states so well.

Everyone is one head and two shoulders.

Your rule is so rich, it's like a fairy-like realm.

Look at Xiangyang, this is already a rich and unspeakable place, Jingzhou has no war, and after so many years of development, I have never seen Cao Cao boast so well.

It must be a lie.

Cao Cao also spent a lot of money in order to trick Xu Shu into going to Xu County.

On the other hand, Cao Cao attached too much importance to Xu Shu.

made everyone's eyes hot again.

If Cao Cao treats us like this, we will be loyal to Cao Cao.

"Cao Cao, the hero of the troubled times, the capable minister of the prosperous times, is not false at all!" Pang Tong remembered the comments of the famous scholar Xu Shao on Cao Cao in the past.

Zhuge Liang smiled: "Perhaps, Cao Cao's rule is really as prosperous as Yuanzhi's mother said?"

Everyone was stunned.

What does Zhuge Liang mean, he actually helped Cao Cao say good things.

This is not like Zhuge Liang's personality.

Zhuge Liang said: "In the past two years, the number of people who have gone south from the Central Plains to avoid disasters has decreased significantly, and even 01 Many people who fled to Jingzhou have returned to their hometowns!

"The businessmen who came and went to Xiangyang and Cao Cao also had a lot of praise, have you ever heard of it!"


Everyone's faces changed slightly.

Xu Shu said: "I have heard about this matter, and the rangers who made friends in the past have all returned to Yuzhou and other places. "

"At first, I thought that Cao Cao occupied the land of the four states, the Central Plains was stable, everyone moved south, and the homesickness was serious, so I didn't think deeply!"

Pang Tong's eyes opened, revealing a strange light: "If this is the case, then we will have to visit Xu County and other places to see if Cao Cao's rule is really different from the princes elsewhere!"

Xu Shu sighed again and said, "Then let me go to see Xinxu County for you and see the changes in Yingchuan and others in Yuzhou!"

If it is true, you should attach what you have seen to the letter for you to taste and comment. "

"If it's false, don't say anything!"

Shi Guangyuan, Cui Zhouping, Meng Gongwei, Zhuge Liang, and Pang Tong saluted one after another:

"There is Lao Yuanzhi!"


After talking about Xu Shu's trip to Xu County.

Pang Tong asked Zhuge Liang again: "Kong Ming, do you think Liu Biao will treat Cao Cao's matter and give up Nanyang?"

Zhuge Liang shook his fan and said with a slight smile: "Shiyuan already has the answer in his heart, why ask me!"

"Haha, it seems that Kong Ming and I have thought together!" This time, Pang Tong's ugly and serious face finally smiled, but it was a bit obscene to laugh, so it was better not to laugh.

Shi Guangyuan said: "How Liu Biao is willing to let Nanyang go lightly, there will be a battle with Cao Cao!"

Meng Gongwei said: "I heard that Liu Biao has worshiped Cai Mao as the governor of the capital and mobilized 200,000 land and water troops, which is to defend Nanyang and the northern gateway to the north, and not give up an inch of land." "

Cui Zhouping was compassionate and compassionate: "In this way, there will be a bloody battle, I don't know how long it will be a stalemate, and I don't know how many people will die?"

"It won't be too long, this battle won't last a month or two!" Xu Shu said:

"Cao Cao dared to send a text, and he clearly told Liu Biao to Nanyang, he must be completely sure!"

"And Liu Biao takes Cai Mao as the governor of the capital, this battle will be defeated! Nanyang can't keep it!"

Pang Tongxiao was even more obscene than before: "Yuan Zhi has not yet gone to Xu County, and he already has a way to deal with Cai Mao!"

Zhuge Liang put down the fan, picked up the teacup, and took a sip and said: "Cai Mao is far from Cao Cao's opponent, and even Cao Cao's generals are invincible.

This can be regarded as helping Xu Shu out of the siege.

Although Xu Shu has a way to deal with Cai Mao, he will not offer a plan.

After all, Xu Shu is studying in Jingzhou, and Jingzhou is kind to him, and he will not do such a kind of revenge.

Xu Shu is a principled person who will not buy his personality for the sake of interests and high-ranking officials.

Zhuge Liang does have an extraordinary talent for grasping people's hearts. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Shu, Pang Tong and others were all impressed.

Xu Shu said: "In my opinion, Liu Biao will not only send Cai Mao to lead 200,000 troops to the north, but also send three envoys to Yecheng, Shouchun, and Chang'an for help, in order to break Cao Cao's offensive, and even go further and capture Cao Cao's subordinate prefectures!"

Shi Guangyuan, Cui Zhouping, and Meng Gongwei glanced at each other, and finally said together:

"It's too difficult, I'm afraid it won't be as he wants!"

Chang'an is controlled by Guo Li's gang of thieves, even if he knows that Cao Cao will fight him, he will not send troops to attack Cao Cao in Guandong, otherwise Ma Teng Han of Xiliang will send troops to the east and take Chang'an and Guanzhong while he is weak.

It is considered that the gains outweigh the losses, so Guo Li and other Xiliang bandits who focus on enjoyment will not do this kind of thing to lose money and make money.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan are fighting for Youzhou, even if there is a temporary truce, but if they have a mortal enemy, one side will not end if they do not die.

It's just a matter of time before the war resumes.

As for Yuan Shu, this is a loser.

In the past, there was Yuzhou, and hundreds of thousands of troops couldn't defeat Cao Cao, and now, let alone mention.

Therefore, the so-called three-way messengers may all return in vain.



Liu Biao's envoy Song Zhong was the first to rush to Chang'an, because the road was the shortest and the time it took was less!

It's just that after coming to Guanzhong, he was a little dumbfounded.

Guo Yan 687 and Li Dao have lost harmony, and they have made great moves and attacked each other.

"Li Dao robbed the Son of Heaven"

Guo Yan robbed hundreds of officials, what's going on!

Song Zhong never thought that Guanzhong would be so chaotic.

The so-called imperial court was scrapped by the two fools Guo Yan and Li Dao, and it was dismantled in pieces.

"Who should I talk to about this?" Song Zhong was a little embarrassed for a while.

After thinking about it for a long time, Song Zhongyi finally gritted his teeth and took Jingzhou's documents and went to Li Dao.

After all, Li Dao robbed the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven represented the imperial court.

So Song Zhong came to see Li Dao first.

"Liu Biao, Liu Biao, this old man will also send him to the court!" Li Dao sneered when he received the report:

"Someone, bring Liu Biao's envoy in, and I'll hear what Liu Biao wants to do?"

Soon Song Zhong came in and paid homage to Li Dao's official position.

"Song Zhong, why did Liu Biao send you here?" Li Dao asked directly.

He doesn't like to go around the bush with people, especially with these civil officials, who can go around so that you don't know the north and the south.

So it's still simple to use force, say what you want, kill if you don't give it, and grab it if you don't give it.

Song Zhong said: "Back to Da Sima, my lord sent me here to report something to the imperial court!"

"Cao Cao sent a message, wanting to attack the Chang'an court, please take a look at it!"

After speaking, Song Zhong presented Cao Cao's crusade document.

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