I have to say that Pang Ji's words made Yuan Shu a little nervous.

A pair of eyes gradually filled with anger and hatred for Cao Cao.

If it weren't for Cao Cao, he would have the strength to win the Central Plains and dominate the world.

After losing Runan and Nanyang, Yuan Shu felt that his strength was weakened and had to compete with the princes of Yangzhou.

"Let me think about this matter, you go down!" Although Yuan Shu was moved, he did not have the courage to fight Cao Cao urgently.

So he sent Pang Ji down first, and then called the trio of strategists.

After a while, Yuan Lian, Yan Xiang, and Yang Hong arrived.

Yuan Shu briefly explained the intention of Liu Biao's envoy to come.

Yan Xiang was the first to stand up and object: "The lord can't!"

"Cao Cao took Nanyang in order to enter the army from Wuguan, fight Guo Li and other anti-thieves, rescue the Son of Heaven, righteousness in hand, if we send troops, one will be nameless.

The second is easy to be criticized, and it is suspected of colluding with Guo Li and the anti-thieves, and the people's hearts and the army's hearts are not there!"

Yuan Shu was like being poured a basin of cold water, and his face suddenly darkened.

Slightly dissatisfied.

170 This Yan Xiang is always dissuaded by this and that, Yuan Shu really doesn't want to invite him to discuss matters, and there is always a sense of disappointment.

Seeing that Yuan Shu was embarrassed, Yuan Jian stood up and said, "Lord, if you say that this battle will be fought, it is not impossible!"

"If Liu Biao holds Nanyang and defeats Cao Cao, we can send troops, because Cao Cao has not attacked Guo Li at this time, and it will not be a loss of righteousness for us to send troops!"

"And if Cao Cao is defeated, it is bound to decline, we take the opportunity to go north, attack Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and recover Yuzhou is also feasible!"

Hearing this, Yuan Shu's mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Yao Qing still understands me. Yuan Shu said shamelessly:

"This is exactly what I think, Liu Biao and Cao Cao have not started a war, and there is no victory, and my Shouchun soldiers and horses will definitely not go north lightly!"

After speaking, Yuan Shao turned his light to Yang Hong.

Yang Hong immediately stood up and said: "Lord, I agree with what Yao Qing said, you can cooperate with Liu Biao, but you can't form an alliance, after all, Nanyang was snatched from us by him, and this feud is not such a simple and good thing!"

"At the same time, I thought that Sun Ce could be sent to attack Guangling (ABEG) and test Cao Cao's defense in Xuzhou. "

Sun Ce can nominally be said to be Yuan Shu's general, but he can also be said to be a semi-independent existence.

Sun Ce sent troops, Yuan Shu could clear himself, and Cao Cao was helpless!

Yuan Shu was even happier when he heard this.

"Okay, okay, just according to what you two said, I will be on standby in the spring. "



Jingzhou's envoy Wang Wei came to Yuan Shao.

"I'm sorry, now my lord is not in Yecheng, if there is anything in Jingzhou, you can tell us directly!"

Fu Zhu received Wang Wei and said directly.

Wang Wei thought about it, and still told the mission of the envoy.

Let's listen to what Yuan Shao's important strategists have to say, and they are going to fight Yuan Shao himself depending on the situation!

After listening to Wang Wei's words.

Fu Zhi and Tian Feng glanced at each other.

Tian Feng said: "If Cao Cao takes Nanyang, it is really to send troops to attack Guo Li, and I can't manage Yecheng, and I can't send troops!"

"Unless Cao Cao takes Nanyang, he will not attack the fortifications, but continue to go south, and then he will lose his trust in the world, and I will only be able to send troops in Yecheng!"

"So you'd better go back!"


Wang Wei was stunned, he didn't expect Ye Cheng to refuse so decisively. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is a great opportunity to eat Cao Cao, why don't you cherish it.

Jizhou was scared by Cao Cao.

There is no revenge for both humiliations.

"Cao Cao has always been treacherous, he just forcibly wants to occupy Nanyang under the pretext of attacking Guo Li, if I Jingzhou let him enter Nanyang, I am afraid there will be a chance of destruction!" Wang Wei persuaded:

"If Jingzhou is lost, who can Yuan Gong echo with in the north and south at that time, and the alliance will attack Cao. "

"Yuan Gong has lost the power of the south, how can he compete for the crown in the north with peace of mind, and please think about Yuan Gong more often, don't try to be famous!"

When Tian Feng heard this, his beard trembled with anger.

Am I imaginary?

I am making a long-term plan for Yuan Shao, and it is useless to attack Cao at this time.

The first two times proved this conclusion.

This time, Cao Cao took advantage of the righteousness again, and he had not broken his trust in the world, and attacking him was disobedience, and he was in the same stream with Guo Li!

There is no Tian Fengchong in frustration, and his temper is not as good as Tian Fenglie.

came out to fight and said: "Your envoy has come from afar, it is really hard, but Jingzhou doesn't know the difficult things in Jizhou, and at this time, my lord has no skills and can't take care of the affairs of the south!"

"If you want to come to Cao Cao to attack Nanyang, it will take some time, and the battle of Nanyang will last for a while, when my lord solves the troubles in the north, there will be soldiers and horses and energy to take care of Jingzhou's affairs, and he must be the master of Jingzhou!"

When Wang Wei heard this, he could be regarded as having an explanation.

It's not that Yecheng doesn't help, but he can't help for the time being.

It's not that they don't want to send troops, but they don't want to go south.

However, Wang Wei still wanted to fight for it, and said: "Can you tell Yuan Gong where he is now, I will personally explain this matter to Yuan Gong!"

Tian Feng snorted coldly: "No comment!"


It's really strong and smelly!

Wang Wei touched his nose and knew that there would be no result in the talks.

Only then did he get up and say, "In that case, take your leave!"

"I'll send you a noble envoy!" Fu Zhi got up and personally took Wang Wei out.

After Wang Wei left the city, he wrote a joint letter with Tian Feng to report the matter to Yuan Shao!

At this time, Yuan Shao was in the Gaoyang area of Hejian Kingdom.

The Jizhou army was mostly transferred to Hejian, Bohai, and China.

"Lord, Liu Yu has summoned Gongsun Chan to Jixian several times, but Gongsun Chan refused on the grounds that he was busy with affairs and needed to train soldiers and horses to defend the northern barbarians and invade south!"

After Xu Yu fell out of favor and disappeared, most of Jizhou's intelligence work was given to Xun Kan by Yuan Shaoqiang.

Who made Xun's friends all over the world, and the news was faster and more.

After listening to Xun Kan's report, Yuan Shao said: "In this way, Liu Yu has already murdered Gongsun Zhan, and Gongsun Chan also knows about it!"

Liu Yu summoned Gongsun Chan to Jixian County, which was clearly to capture the thief and capture the king first, and besieged Gongsun Chan in Jixian County in one fell swoop, except for a big disaster.

As a result, Gongsun Zhan was not stupid, and knew that Liu Bei was in Jixian County, so he didn't dare to go.

"Yes, the lord, Liu Bei said that Liu Yu was moved, and Gongsun Chan was transferred to Jixian County, wanting to kill Gongsun Chan, so as to quickly disintegrate Gongsun Zhan's forces, and take the three counties of Yuyang, Youbeiping and Liaodong smoothly!" Xun Kan replied:

"It's a pity that Gongsun Zhan's long history Guan Jing is not mediocre, this little trick can still be seen through!"

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