"Hmph, I'll just say that Liu Bei is born unreliable and unreliable!"

"Now the tiger has returned to the mountain. "

What Yuan Shao wanted was for Liu Yu to fight with Gongsun Zhan, not for Liu Yu to swallow Gongsun Chan directly.

What you want is turmoil in Youzhou, so Jizhou can take the opportunity to send troops to seize it.

As a result, Liu Bei made such a move, which really made Yuan Shao a little angry.

Therefore, I also agree with the views of judges and others.

Feng Ji asked: "Since Gongsun Chan doesn't go to Jixian County, will Liu Yu not move?"

With Liu Bei there, Feng Ji believes that there will be big moves.

Xun Kan said: "Liu Bei couldn't make a plan, and he had another plan, and took the initiative to ask Liu Yu for 20,000 soldiers and horses~, wanting to attack Yuyang County." "

"In this way, Gongsun Zan learned that he would lead a large army to kill Liu Bei to relieve the hatred in his heart. "

"Liu Yuke took the opportunity to go out of Jixian County, capture Youbeiping, turn around and surround Gongsun Zhan, and kill Gongsun Chan in Yuyang!"

Yuan Shao, Judge, and Feng Ji were all shining, and they suddenly came to their senses.

This trick lured the snake out of the hole, and it pinched Gongsun Zhan's temper.

Gongsun Chan is a guy who has bared teeth and is crazy about his brain.

Grumpy, I can't control it at all.

If Liu Bei goes out of Jixian County, Gongsun Zhan will definitely go to intercept and kill.

"It's a good trick to lure the snake out of the hole, so there is a chance that Gongsun Chan will be ambushed!"

"If I am Liu Bei, I should divide an army, ambush on the way to Yuyang Fucheng, and lead my troops to attack Yuyang. "

"Then let Liu Yu ambush all the way to the direction of the right Beiping, if Gongsun Chan hears that the right Beiping is lost, he will come to the rescue, and he can ambush him, and he will frustrate his sharp spirit, so Gongsun Chan will not be difficult to destroy!"

The reason why Gongsun Chan was able to rise among the generals in Youzhou was because under the rule of Liu Yu of Xianyuan, there was no military general who could fight.

Therefore, Gongsun Chan is particularly prominent, and with his fierce fight against barbarians, he will naturally be able to gain recognition and support from all walks of life in Youzhou.

Fame is soaring.

Yuan Shao asked: "Liu Bei attacked Yuyang, then who did Liu Yu order to lead the army to attack Youbeiping and cut off Sun Zan to return home?"

Xun Kan said: "Xian Yufu is the commander, Qi Zhou is the military Sima, and the army leads 60,000 to attack the right Beiping,"

"Xian Yuyin and Liu Yu are sitting in Jixian County, the soldiers and horses are ominous, it seems that Yan Rou, the captain of Wuhuan, has been transferred to Juyong Pass, and the soldiers and horses of Shanggu and Daijun are also being transferred, and the specific whereabouts are still unclear!"

Is that right?

Liu Yu's army has gone to fight Gongsun Zhan, Jixian County is empty, and it is impossible not to prevent Jizhou from sending troops to the north.

It is reasonable to mobilize Yan Rou and other soldiers and horses outside the gate.

"What about Wu Huan?" Feng Ji said:

"It's impossible for Wuhuan not to get involved, especially Qiu Liju and others, who hate Gongsun Zhan, it's impossible for Liu Bei not to take advantage of this!"

"At that time, it was suggested that Wuhuan should be transferred to help and work together to kill Gongsun Zhan. "

Xun Kan said: "Originally, Liu Bei asked Wuhuan for help, but Liu Yu refused. "

Liu Yu said: This is a family affair of the Han Dynasty, and foreign countries should not be allowed to interfere. Not really!"

"Hahaha, pedantic!" Yuan Shao heard this, and couldn't help but find a loud ridicule.

Liu Yu is stupid, if he doesn't mobilize all his forces at this time to quickly eliminate Gongsun Zhan, he still has the kindness of a woman.

The reason why Gongsun Chan broke up with you is not because of the treatment of Wuhuan and other barbarians, and there is polarization. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You protect Wuhuan, he kills Wuhuan, and this is the contradiction.

As a result, when it is critical, the people you protect do not come to help you kill the enemy, but let them watch the show on the sidelines.

It's just stupid.

If you are yourself, you should mobilize all the Wuhuan, let them fight with Gongsun Chan first, let them consume Gongsun Zhan, and then come out to solve Gongsun Zhan, so that the Wuhuan barbarians are weakened, and Gongsun Chan is also destroyed.

"Yes, Liu Yu is too tolerant of the barbarians, it's all at this time, and they are still kept without it, do you want to destroy yourself before using them, by that time, these Wuhuan barbarians, I'm afraid they won't remember Liu Yu's kindness for a long time!"

When Yuan Shao's other strategists heard this, they also laughed.

If Liu Yu was not pedantic, when Dong Zhuo hijacked the Son of Heaven to go to Chang'an, all the princes could support Liu Yu as the emperor, and he would be the Son of Heaven now.

At this time, where there are still any princely disputes, the Han Dynasty is all unified.

0 begging for flowers

It's a pity that Liu Yu is pedantic and doesn't dare to trespass at all.

"Is there a possibility that Liu Bei will invite the Wuhuan people to go south?"

Suddenly, Feng Ji opened his mouth and analyzed:

"You know, Liu Bei won't take risks, he can be so kind to be cannon fodder for Liu Yu?"

"It's true that Liu Bei betrayed us, but he will not be loyal to Liu Yu, what he wants is definitely to solve Gongsun Zhan, replace Liu Yu, rule Youzhou, and finally compete with us for the north. "

"Therefore, he needs the support of Wuhuan and other barbarian tribes, in this way, he will definitely invite Qiu Liju and others to go south to deal with Gongsun Zan together, this is what the Wuhuan tribe has long wanted to do, Liu Bei can pay nothing, just spread the news. "

To the north of Yuyang is the Great Wall, and outside the Great Wall is the nomadic land of Wuhuan barbarians, and Wuhuan often invades Youzhou from here, so this is just the same as Liu Bei's south and north to attack Yuyang Mansion City.

Liu Bei's calculations must be more than ordinary people.

Hearing that Feng Ji was shocked, everyone was stunned.

At the same time there was silence again.

Is this really possible?

It seems that the probability is still very high.

Yuan Shao said: "Wuhuan going south, will it have any impact on our entry into Youzhou?"

Yuan Shaocai didn't care whether Liu Bei would use Wuhuan to reduce his risk and increase the bargaining chips for eliminating Gongsun Zhan.

He just cares if the attack on Youzhou will go well.

Xun Kan said: "There will be an impact!"

"If there is no Wuhuan tribe going south, then Liu Bei and Gongsun Chan will die to the death, and the consumption will be very large, even if Liu Yu sends troops to capture Youbeiping, he may not be able to kill Gongsun Zhan, after all, most of Gongsun Chan is cavalry, and there are still a lot of white horse righteousness, coming and going like the wind, Liu Bei and Liu Yu can't help him. "

"So Youzhou will be a mess, Liu Bei, Liu Yu, and Gongsun Zan will consume a lot, and they will be unable to resist the northward advance of our Jizhou army!"

"If the Wuhuan tribe goes south, then Liu Bei will have the strength to kill Gongsun Zhan, and the loss of him and Liu Yu will be much smaller, and there will be the Wuhuan tribe to help fight at that time, and we will go north... There will be more than twice as many soldiers and horses to face!"

"This seriously affects the timing of our troops, as well as the probability of capturing Youzhou!"

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