
There are only two words to answer Lu Bu.

Ye Qing didn't want to say it, no one could help it.

"Since Mr. is already sleepy, I'll leave first!" Chen Gong glanced at Lu Bu and said:

"Lu Da, I want to hear the part of the story that I told about Lu Bu earlier!"

Chen Gong knew that Lu Bu was really stunned at this time, and he actually wanted to contradict Ye Qing.

This is crazy.

When Lu Bu heard this, he turned from worry to joy.

Rather than listening to the story of the later period of the Three Kingdoms, he wanted to hear the previous part about himself.

It's just that Chen Gong has always had something to do and couldn't talk to him.

Others such as Dian Wei, Lu Bu couldn't threaten it at all, and he couldn't ask for it.

So I kept holding it down and never mentioned it.

Now that the lord of the Chen Palace wants to tell this part of the story, how can Lu Bu still be able to sit still.

At that moment, he said to Ye Qing: "Sir, Lu Da Menglang is gone, please don't be embarrassed, Mr. Let's go to Accountant Chen to listen to other stories." "

Ye Qing waved his hand and motioned for them to go.

Only then did the four of them leave.

Out of the mansion!

Lu Bu asked impatiently: "Mr. Gongtai, why don't you go to my mansion!"

It's close here, and you can hear the story about your 690 early.

However, Chen Gong shook his head: "It's inconvenient for you here, and this kind of story is not for anyone to hear!"

Lu Bu has a wife and concubine in his family, and a top-secret story can be revealed.

Lu Bu's face changed when he heard this.

"Then Mr. Yigongtai!" Lu Bu had no choice but to comply, and Chen Gong said to Huang Zhong, who did not leave:

"I still can't get enough of coming to Hansheng, let's go together!"

Huang Zhongzheng had this intention, glanced at Lu Budao: "Thank you, Mr. Gongtai!"

Lu Bu's story must be wonderful.

Moreover, Lu Bu is too fierce, in case he goes crazy after hearing the story about himself, at least someone on the spot can draw with Zhan Zhan and suppress the anger in his heart.

As long as you are not stupid, you know that Lu Bu's death will not be simple!

So the three of them went to the State Thorn Mansion!


"Husband, why did you drive away Accountant Chen so early today!"

Cai Yan was puzzled, in the past, he had to talk about the moon in the middle of the sky, at midnight!

Ye Qing yawned and said, "Accountant Chen came today, mainly not to listen to stories!"

"It's for the old Chinese medicine doctor, and listening to the story is just a stopby, so just tell some of it. "

"And the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei is basically finished, and the content behind it is not very exciting, not fascinating enough, and it is boring to tell too much!"

After Zhuge Liang's death, basically, the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei can be said to be over.

The back is full of saliva, which is used to drag the plot.

Most of the famous generals died in battle, old age, and disease.

Most of the celebrities and gentlemen also died of illness and old age.

The back is all a small party dish, calling out the name, and the fans of the Three Kingdoms can't think of these people.

So there's nothing more to talk about.

"Oh, in this way, the husband is not going to tell the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei in the future. Cai Yan guessed in his heart:

"Husband wants to drag it out and leave a perfect regret for everyone!"

"Hahaha. Ye Qing took Cai Yan in his arms:

"Mrs. Someone Who Knows Me too!"

The two had a good meal and laughed and had fun. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

From the courtyard to the house.

On the bed, Cai Yan hugged Ye Qing's blazing yang body that could bake people, his eyes were confused, but there was still a trace of sobriety.

"Husband, you don't plan to tell too much about the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei, so what will you tell Boss Cao and Accountant Chen in the future!"

Cai Yan knows very well that Cao Cao and others are very persistent in chasing dramas.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here whenever I had time.

These stories are really good for dinner.

Ye Qing thought for a while and smiled: "I have a lot of stories, there were two before the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei, one is "Chu and Han Hegemony", and the other is "Romance of the Eastern Han Dynasty". "

Before the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei. (abda)

Chu and Han fought for hegemony, talking about the battle between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, and also brought Qin Wei a little.

Although he is familiar with history, Cai Yan is still very interested.

"Husband, what is "Romance of the Eastern Han Dynasty"?"

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Madame won't be pretending to be stupid with me, do you like ancient Chinese poetry, but you don't know the difference between the two Hans?"

"The Western Han Dynasty was founded in Chang'an by Liu Bang, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was founded in Luoyang by Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor. "

"This "Romance of the Eastern Han Dynasty" tells the story of Wang Mang's usurpation of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu and others raised troops to crusade, and later established a country to conquer the world!"

Two big Hans, two Han East and West!

I see.

After listening to Ye Qing's explanation, Cai Yan understood.

It turns out that the history of the Great Han Dynasty is distinguished in this way.

Also, after Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, the dynasty established by Liu Xiu could not be tied to Liu Bang.

Although it was established by his descendants, it is not the same thing.

Han has already died once, strictly speaking, it is indeed distinguishing, so that people who study history will not be mistaken.

"Husband, the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei, it is estimated that Boss Cao and they all know some of them, I'm afraid these stories will not work!" Cai Yan said:

"It's better to tell other stories after the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei!"

After saying this, a hint of cunning flashed in Cai Yan's eyes.

It's not Cao Cao and Chen Gong that they are not interested.

It's Cai Yan who is not very interested.

After all, Cai Yan still knows a little about the stories of these two periods.

So it's not very attractive to her.

Ye Qing said with a slight sigh when he heard this: "If these two attractions are not strong, then talk about the later "The Legend of the Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", "The Yang Family General", "The Biography of Yue Quan", and "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty".

If they are not interested in history, then talk about the underworld Jianghu literature such as "Water Margin", or the mythological "Fengshen Bang", "Journey to the West", "The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", and... Well...... The romance novel "Dream of Red Mansions" that you women like to listen to. "

"Of course, if they don't like these, they can also talk about the time-traveling texts they are interested in, such as "Looking for Qin" and "The Summoning of the Three Kingdoms". "

"The Legend of the Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", "The Yang Family", "The Biography of Yue Quan", "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", "Water Margin", "Fengshen Bang", "Journey to the West", "The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" There are so many good stories.

Cai Yan is almost dazzled, if this is all finished, I don't know how many years it will take, I'm afraid I won't get tired of listening to it in my life.

No, the romance novel "Dream of Red Mansions" that only women like to listen to, who is this about?

It seems to be a good look.

Cai Yan's careful thoughts plunged into the fantasy of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Otherwise, next time I persuade my husband to talk about this!

Still, I'll have a sneak peek and listen to the excitement!

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