Lu Bu listened to the story of the night here in the Chen Palace!

During this period, his face changed again and again.

almost wanted to explode, but they were forcibly restrained.

Chen Gong also watches people and dishes, observing Lu Bu's expressions and movements at any time, and reminding Huang Zhong from time to time~ Huang Zhong.

Fortunately, Ye Qing's tempering of Lu Bu is still effective.

Lu Bu's precipitation during this period also played a key role.

The sky was white, and Chen Gong also said that his eyes were low, and sleepiness was coming.

But in the end, he insisted on finishing everything, and then he took a long breath.

The part about Lu Bu is not too much, but it is also a lot.

Fortunately, Chen Gongdu only said it briefly, and it took a night to finish.

After listening, Huang Zhong felt embarrassed.

Lu Bu closed his eyes, and his whole body was trembling.

In the end, he couldn't help it.

scolded viciously: "Hate Liu Bei, I treat him like this, he actually wants to kill me in the end!"

"I'm really blind, how can I help this white-eyed wolf!"

"Ah, I can't help it, I want to kill someone, I really can't restrain myself!"

Mu Ran Lu Bu opened his eyes, scarlet as a scorpion, and extremely vicious.

He may be naïve, but he is more prone to anger.

He has become a prince and the lord of Xuzhou, and he has been calculated by Liu Bei several times.

Even though he was finally defeated and captured by Cao Cao, Cao Cao still wanted to subdue himself and still didn't want to kill himself.

And Liu Bei said lightly, stabbed a knife in the back, and directly asked for his own life.

"Let's go outside first!"

After speaking, Chen Gong nodded lightly towards Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong punched Lu Bu.

Lu Bu suddenly took a heavy blow.

Immediately irritated and went crazy.

"Liu Bei Xiao'er, if you dare to sneak attack me, I swear to kill you!"

After speaking, Lu Bu chased Huang Zhong out of the hall.

The two came to the compound and began to punch and kick each other.

The guards in the palace heard the movement and came armed one after another.

Protected all around, especially in front of the hall door.

Chen Gong pushed aside the crowd: "Put down the bow and crossbow, this is a contest between General Lu and General Huang, and you must not come forward unless necessary."

They all retreated, and they were not allowed to interfere with the two, and when they were tired, they were sent to Mr. Ye to rest!"

Chen Gong knew that only Ye Qing could appease and suppress the second general in this world.

If the two of them have internal and external injuries, only Ye Qing can best treat the second general.

So I made arrangements early.

Rubbing his temples, Chen Gong couldn't stand it anymore, so he went to the backyard to rest.

This time he finally realized that Ye Qing was not easy, this storytelling is really not simple.

Thanks to Mr. Ye's lecture so many times, the entire Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei are almost finished.

Still feeling drowsy, Chen Gong fell asleep.

By the time I woke up, it was already afternoon.

The first thing he said when he woke up was: "How are Lu Bu and Huang Zhong?"

"Homecoming, Lu Bu and Huang Zhong are now tired and fainted half an hour ago, and they have been sent to Mr. Ye!"

Fought for so long.

I don't know how many hundred rounds we've fought.

"What's going on now?, what's the big problem with the two of you?" Chen Gong asked again.

The housekeeper replied: "When Mr. Ye received the consultation, he scolded the head of the family, saying that the head of the house should not compare Lu Da to Lu Bu, causing the two to fight, and they both fought with real fire!"

"Fortunately, they are all skin injuries, and the internal injuries are not very serious, so it is not a big deal to take some medicine to recuperate!"

When Chen Gong heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Blame me!

Seeing that Chen Gong was silent, the housekeeper said again: "Mr. has applied the needle, and the two of them have woken up!"

"General Huang Zhong is nothing, it's normal!"

"It's General Lu Bu, his demeanor seems to be a little sloppy, and he seems to have something on his mind!

Hearing this, Chen Gong generally knew, so he waved his hand and said, "Go down, you have to talk to anyone about this matter!"

"No!" the butler took the order.

Chen Gong thought about it, so he wrote a letter to Cao Cao about the truth of the matter. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I'm sending someone to send it, and I think it's inappropriate.

So I wrote the story I heard recently, and I wrote it silently, although some side details were removed, but the story remained largely unchanged.

Just let Cao Cao and the others understand the point.

This is the only way to send someone to Xu County in the starry night.

"Liu Bei Xiao'er! Liu Bei Xiao'er..."

In the infirmary, Lu Bu was still chattering, Ye Qing had been here a few times, and he was tired of listening.

"Sir, is my dad really okay like this?"

Lu Lingqi's expression was gloomy, and it was extremely uncomfortable to look at Lu Bu like this.

Although this father has never cared much about her, he has always been her own father.

Ye Qing sighed and said, "Your father's body is fine, he is still as strong as a cow, and his blood is vigorous!"

0 begging for flowers

"It's just a little conjecture, a little deep, I always think of myself as Lu Bu, and I want to kill Liu Bei!"

"Speaking of your ancestor, is it Lu Bu?"

Ah, this!

Lu Lingqi panicked.

My father is Lu Bu, and it is true that he killed Liu Bei.

"What's the matter, your ancestor of the Lu family is really Lu Bu, this is too coincidental!" Ye Qing showed a hint of suspicion.

Lu Lingqi hurriedly denied it: "Sir, don't guess, how can the ancestor of our Lu family be Lu Bu!"

"The main thing is that my father used to admire Lu Bu very much, and I heard that Lu Bu was the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, so he became the first bully in Caojia Village, and then... You know, sir!"

Hearing this, Ye Qing smiled.

I was suddenly not interested in the dark history of Lu Da.

"Let's observe for a day, after this effort, your father will be able to eliminate and wake up from his imaginary state!" Ye Qing stretched out his hand and wanted to pat Lu Lingqi habitually, but when he thought that the two had a skin-to-skin relationship, he suddenly felt guilty again.

Retracted his hand and said, "Talk more with your father and talk about the recent development of Caojia Village." I'm going to prescribe some medicine to defeat the fire, and I'll let Dian San come over later, and you can feed it to my dad and drink it!"

After speaking, Ye Qing shook his head and left.

Lu Da's situation is really special.

Accountant Chen didn't know how to anger Lu Da and make people so stunned.

Could it be that Boss Cao and the village committee still didn't let go of the mustard, and wanted to rectify Lu Da.

Walking out of the infirmary, Huang Wudie, who had been dodging, ran over again.


Huang Wudie!

Ye Qing knew what she wanted to say, and pointed to the gazebo on the side of the playground corridor:

"Say it in the past!"

"Yes sir!"

The two came to the pavilion, there was no one around, Huang Butterfly stared at Ye Qing's handsome face and couldn't help but think of Mo Yang who did that shameful thing that day, and suddenly blushed.

Ye Qing didn't know that Huang Wudie had become a nymphomaniac.

Then he said: "Wudie, your father is fine, a little skin injury, you can heal after three or five days of rest, and there are no sequelae!"

"Ah, oh, yes, sir!" Huang Wudie's thoughts suddenly pulled back to reality, and he was confused for a while, and he responded nonsense:

"Sir, my dad is fine, are we okay?"



Do we have something to do?

Ye Qing was stunned in an instant, we... What can I do?

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