"Master, chase?" Lejin asked.

This pioneer is very anxious, and when he sees the Yellow Turban Army fleeing, how can he endure it.

Cao Cao said: "No hurry, take Changping first, and let the yellow turban thief go to Dongping Country!" "

Before sending troops, Cao Cao had already drawn up a plan.

The battle is not to destroy many Yellow Turbans, but to subdue them.

How many kills you kill, you lose as much as you lose.

So just scare away, and solve the siege of Jiyin County first.

Seeing Cao Cao send troops to relieve the siege, the defenders of Changping City all cheered.

Immediately opened the city gate and welcomed Cao Cao in, and his words revealed his intention to leave Cao Cao behind.

Cao Cao is a 5,000 cavalryman, and with them guarding it, Changping can be worry-free.

However, Cao Cao did not stay, and only said to everyone: "There are still 10,000 pawns in my eastern county coming soon, they will help defend your city, our cavalry pawns will rest for a while, and they will also go after the yellow turban thief." "

"Uneven Qingzhou Yellow Turban, I Yanzhou must not be peaceful!"

When everyone in Changping heard this, they all praised Cao Cao for his high righteousness.

Now Liu Dai is dead.

Cao Cao was also strong soldiers, so why not support Cao Cao and let him wipe out the yellow turbans that entered the country.

Half a day after Cao Cao left, Xiahou Wei and Cao Ren arrived with a large army.

Chen Gong was also in the army and entered the city, and Chen Gong immediately met with his friends in private.

The two sides hit it off and agreed to welcome Cao Cao as Yanzhou Mu to stabilize the overall situation of Yanzhou!

So they jointly published a joint letter and sent it to Chen Liu County, Shanyang County, Jibei County, Renchengguo, Luguo and other places.

It is said that Cao Cao, with eight thousand cavalry along the way, divided into four roads, pursued to the north.

The Yellow Turban Army ran day and night.

Until Jibei County.

Cao Cao finally rescued the besieged Bao Xin.

"Meng De, you are finally here, you won't see me later!" When Bao Xin saw Cao, he was moved to tears.

It is difficult for a woman to cook without rice, although he has such a famous general as Yu Ban, but Jibei is too poor, and Bao Xin really can't expand too many soldiers and horses.

Moreover, after all, Yu Ban was from a common people, and Bao Xin did not dare to use it too much, let alone give him military power.

So this has led to the current embarrassing situation.

Cao Cao said, "Brother Bao is serious, with your ability to command the army, even without me, Jibei will not lose!" "

When Bao Xin heard this, he found a lot of comfort, and he became more confident.

"Meng De, I want revenge, I must kill this gang of yellow turban thieves!"

"Ask Meng De to accompany me and hunt them down." They must not be allowed to flee back to Qingzhou, lest they come back to Yanzhou in the future! "

Cao Cao said, "Okay, everything depends on Brother Bao!" "

Seeing Cao Cao so cheerful, Bao Xin was overjoyed.

So together with Cao Cao, he pursued the Yellow Turban Army.

Cao Cao still adopts the same tactics, and Bao Xin sees that Cao Cao easily defeats the yellow turban and chases after him, and he has an illusion.

I thought that I could do it, but I thought that the morale of the Yellow Turban Army had collapsed and was vulnerable, so I underestimated the enemy and rushed forward and disconnected from the large army.

It soon fell into siege.

Yu Ban came out of the siege and found Cao Cao and asked for help.

Cao Cao said, "Don't worry about Wen Ze, I will gather the other two departments, a total of four thousand to ride to save Bao Guoxiang!" "

"Thank you Cao Fujun!" Yu Ban replied gratefully.

Cao Cao divided the 8,000 cavalry into eight divisions, each with 1,000 men and horses, and divided into eight generals.

The eight units took turns attacking in pursuit or setting up ambushes, so it was quite easy.

It's not as hard and dangerous as it has been in history.

After gathering the other two units and combining 4,000 troops, Cao Cao allowed Yu Ban to lead the way to rescue Bao Xin.

As a result, when Cao Cao and the others arrived, Bao Xin had just died in battle.

"It's not good, Cao Cao is here, run!"

The Yellow Turban Army scattered again as birds and beasts and fled quickly.

Cao Cao saw Bao Xin, who had died in battle, and this time he was finally angry.

"Chase me, kill fiercely, and avenge Bao Guoxiang!"

Yu Ban saw that Bao Xin was also sad and indignant, and roared angrily and followed Cao Cao to kill the Yellow Turban Army.

Although Bao Xin did not give military power to Yu Ban, he also discovered and promoted too forbidden.

There is also a grace of knowledge for prohibition.


As soon as Bao Xin died, Cao Cao finally let go of the killing.

No means left.

Eight thousand people killed hundreds of thousands of yellow turban troops.

Directly forced the Yellow Turban Army to gather to the border of Taishan County, and was surrounded in the mountains by Cao Cao's horses, unable to enter or leave.

"No, in this way, not only Qingzhou will not be able to go back, but even everyone will starve to death!"

"Fight with Cao Cao!"

"No, we can't beat Cao Cao, Cao Cao's cavalry is a bit much, we fight, he will retreat, we retreat and he will come again, we want to sleep he goes into the mountains again to harass and beat gongs and drums, it is abominable!"

"Well, if not, talk to him! In the past, when he was the prime minister of Jinan, he killed the family and destroyed corrupt officials, and he was also a good official, and what he did was actually the same as our original intention, perhaps... You can vote for him to wipe it! "

Suddenly, the surroundings were quiet.

Surrender to Cao Cao!

This is something that has not been thought of before.

The problem is that now I can't fight and fight, I can't run and run, it's been a month since I entered the country, and I have eaten all the grain I stolen.

If you survive, the army should be finished.

"Talk to him, if the conditions are okay, vote for him, always find food for your brothers and sisters!"

The army of yellow turbans in Qingzhou, not only Qingzhuang, but also women and children, hundreds of thousands of mouths, the daily consumption is huge.

They really can't afford to drag on.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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