"Surrender, yes, all lay down your arms, I can spare you from death!" Cao Cao said to the leader of the yellow turban who came down the mountain:

"As long as you return to me Cao Cao, I will share your land, everyone has land to cultivate, and everyone has food!"

"Those who want to become soldiers continue to serve in the army, and those who do not want to become soldiers can farm and do business, and I will also give you corresponding preferential policies."

"But... If you have two minds and try to rebel against the people again, I will kill all of you!" "

The leader of the yellow turban saw that Cao Cao had offered good conditions and did not plan to change them, knowing that he could not obtain greater benefits.

So he said, "Let's go back and discuss, and we will reply to General Cao tomorrow!" "

"Yes!" Cao Cao nodded in agreement.

After the leader of the yellow turban left, Cao Cao said to the ban: "Wen Zebao Guoxiang is dead, we have avenged him and killed that small group of yellow turban thieves." "

"Grace is also counted, don't anger others, after all, the yellow turban thieves are also the people of the past, they are just cornered to rebel, they are all harmed by this world, I hope you can get through this hurdle!"

Faced with Cao Cao's comfort, Yu Ban's heart was full of warmth, and he bowed down on one knee: "Thank you Cao Fujun for your relief, Yu Forbidden understands!" "

"Yu Ban is also from the common people, and can understand the suffering of the people!"

Cao Cao helped Yu Forbidden and said: "Wen Ze, you are loyal and brave, and you are proficient in the way of training troops and commanding, but you are willing to stay and train a strong army for me, fight for the stability of Yanzhou, protect the people of the dawn of the world, and end this chaotic world!" "

Yu Ban was even more excited when he heard this: "Yu Ban is willing to go to the soup for the lord, and is willing to fight for the Cao family, calm the chaotic world, and secure the dawn of the society!" "

Cao Cao lifted up again: "Good, good, I have Wen Ze, such as Emperor Jing and Zhou Yafu!" "

That's too much parity.

Yu Ban was even more moved, after so long, he finally met the real Ming Lord.

Only Cao Cao understands me, and I want to be a famous general like Zhou Yafu.



Yuan Shu Department!

"What? Qingzhou Yellow Turban entered Yanzhou, Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai died in battle! When Yuan Shu heard the news of Yanzhou, he exclaimed with joy:

"Good, good, Liu Dai is dead, Yanzhou is ownerless!"

"Now that the Yellow Turban is sadistic, it is precisely when our army directly took Yanzhou, and I deserve Yuan Shu to get Yanzhou."

As soon as he thought of this, Yuan Shu immediately ordered the whole army to prepare to send 50,000 troops north.

When Ji Ling gathered an army and came to ask for the troops, Yuan Shu asked again: "Ji Ling, are you sure to defeat Zhang Liao and Cao Cao?" "

Ji Ling hesitated and replied: "Lord, it is not difficult to defeat Zhang Liao, if you want to defeat Cao Cao, you need to have a large army to suppress the realm, at least 100,000 troops, but you can level Yanzhou." "


Yuan Shu suddenly felt a little distressed again.

With an army of 100,000, the consumption of food and grass alone is huge.

If you can take Yanzhou the best, if you can't take it, then it's a loss.

Yuan Shu, who had a small belly and a stingy stomach, suddenly felt inappropriate.

Then he said: "First order the army to return to the camp, Yanzhou Yellow Turban people are powerful, temporarily let Yanzhou Cao Cao, Zhang Qiao, Bao Xin and others capture and kill again, wait for them to be tired and consumed too much, we are sending troops north!" "

Ji Ling wanted to say something, but finally nodded back and retreated.

Sending Ji Ling, Yuan Shu was still teasing Yanzhou.

"No, I have to find a helper to keep things safe!"

"If you have it, let Tao Qian of Xuzhou use me as cannon fodder, and wipe the color of Yanzhou."

So Yuan Shu immediately wrote to Tao Qian, expressing an alliance against Yuan Shao.

At this time, the crossing of the Qingzhou yellow turban was a good opportunity to attack Yanzhou.

Yuan Shu's letter was delivered to Tao Qian, and Tao Qian was so angry that he scolded his mother.

"This Yuan Shu, he wanted to fight Yanzhou's idea, and he didn't dare to send troops, but he came to instigate me!"

"If I'm an idiot, I'll use you as cannon fodder!"

"Although Liu Dai is dead, but Yanzhou and Cao Cao and Bao Xin, two fierce tigers, Qingzhou yellow turban hundreds of thousands, has not yet been pacified, at this time to send troops is to take the chestnut in the fire, I am not deceived!"

Tao Qian pondered again, and also felt inappropriate.

After all, this piece of meat in Yanzhou is very fat, and if you really don't do anything, you can't help but be too sorry for yourself.

So he summoned Cao Bao again and ordered: "The Qingzhou yellow turban has poured into Yanzhou, Liu Dai has died in battle, and Yanzhou is in chaos at this time." "

"You also led an army of 40,000 to gather in the northern territory, wait for the end of the Yanzhou war, and first enter the Kingdom of Lu and the city of Ren in the name of chaotic party rebellion."

"If the Yanzhou side is unable to resist and encroach on Yanzhou by marching into Jibei and Dongping, I will increase your troops by tens of thousands and take Yanzhou."

Tao Qian was equally ruthless and black.

When Cao Bao heard this, he apologized and said, "It's the master, I'll arrange it!" "

Yecheng, Jizhou!

"Just received the news that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban broke into Yanzhou, Liu Dai died in battle, and Cao Cao has led troops to pursue and destroy the Yellow Turban, what do you think!" Yuan Shao rubbed his temples, a little worried.

Whether it is Cao Cao or Liu Dai, they are his younger brothers, and now that Yanzhou has changed, it is likely that Yuan Shu and Tao Qian will take advantage of the opportunity.

Then the south of their own side will be dangerous.

At this time, he went to war with Gongsun Zhan, and Jizhou was at a disadvantage.

Very passive.

"Lord, we should have made plans earlier, Cao Cao will be a county soldier, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop the army of hundreds of thousands of yellow turbans, and we will eventually follow in Liu Dai's footsteps!" Xu Yudao:

"We should send a general to lead the army south and take over Yanzhou, so that we can kill two birds with one stone, and we can keep Jizhou safe!"

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