"Now is not the time!"

Liu Ye explained:

"Jiangbei has not yet been fully accepted into our rule, and rashly forming a mortal enmity with Sun Ce is likely to further lead to a follow-up war, which is not good for us!"

"And it's easy to make Sun Ce alert, it will be even more difficult to deal with them in the future, you go and treat them in the way of others, it's enough to make Sun Ce and his subordinates dare not look north!"

"Now, we want time, not attack!"

Seeing Liu Ye say this, Gan Ning had no choice but to clench his fists and take his life, and then go to meet his sailor.

As soon as Gan Ning left, Liu Ye said again: "Sun Ce's intentions are not yet clear, wait for the time being, and see if he really comes to Guangling City!"

Xiahou said: "Ziyang is afraid that Sun Ce will learn from us, so he will change his path halfway, and then turn around and go to Yuguo City!"

"Among Sun Ce, there is no shortage of wise and resourceful people, and this crossing the river is more stable and weird than the last time, so I have to guard against it!" Liu Ye admitted very simply.

An hour later!

Liu Ye and others received the latest news.

"Sun Ce really turned a corner, he went to fight Yuguo City again!"

"It seems that there will be an ambush in the middle of the road! If you chase it to the city of Yuguo, you will also fall for it!"

Liu Ye stared at the map and thought for a while:

537 "Sun Ce beats Sun Ce, we beat ours!"

"Yuan Rang led three thousand soldiers and horses out of the city and went south, directly attacking Sun Cebu, the commander of Hailing. "

"Han Sheng and I are in Guangling and waiting for Sun Ce's reaction. "

Xiahoudun was ordered to go out of the city and immediately rushed to Hailing with 3,000 soldiers and horses.


Sun Ce's office!

"Lord, Guangling City really sent troops, or Xiahoudun, he led 3,000 men and horses to Hailing, and the future Yuguo City!"

The meteor scouted the horse and quickly returned to Sun Ce.

After hearing this, Sun Ce's expression was a little strange.

Chen Duan's expression is also very rich!

"Strange thing, what the hell is Liu Ye doing, why didn't he come to chase us?"

On this expedition, Sun Ce replaced the strategist Qin Song with Chen Duan.

Qin Song and Chen Duanai were the first strategists to follow Sun Ce, and they were both from Guangling County, and they were also very familiar with Guangling.

Naturally, Sun Ce also relied on more.

Sun Ce said: "Liu Ye is scheming, it is estimated that he wants to lead our army to Hailing again, and ambush him halfway!"

Ding Feng said: "Lord, then let's fight Guangling City directly, and let Xiahoudun wait slowly in Hailing!"

Sun Ce is exactly this intention (abdc).

Chen Duan said: "The lord can't, if we attack Guangling, then Xiahoudun can return to Guangling at any time, Guangling City is high and strong, Liu Ye can't defend it, we just worked in vain in the past!"

Ding Feng was not convinced and said: "Since this is the case, we will divide our troops to attack Guangling, lead Xiahoudun back to the division, and attack Xiahoudun halfway!"

"Solve Xiahoudun, Liu Ye doesn't dare to go out of the city, except for Guangling City, we have the final say on other conveniences!"

Sun Ce was moved again when he heard it.

When Chen Duan heard this, he still shook his head: "It's not appropriate!"

Liu Ye will inevitably prevent us from ambushing Xiahoudun, if Guangling is not really in danger, he will not be in a hurry, the ambush is difficult to be effective, it is still a delay in time, and it will be consumed with nothing!"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what are we doing crossing the river?" Ding Feng was angry, and the anger on his face did not decrease.

Sun Ce also frowned.

yes, what did I cross the river for?

"Of course, crossing the river is for revenge, in order to capture Guangling!" Chen Duan stroked his beard and said:

"Our purpose is Guangling City, and now that Xiahoudun has been transferred, the next one should be Liu Ye!"

"The lord can make a group turn east to attack Xiahoudun, make a situation of besieging Xiahoudun with our army in Hailing, and lead Liu Ye of Guangling to send troops.

The lord is leading the way, raiding Guangling, seizing the root of Liu Ye, so that he has no place to stand, if he and Xiahoudun are in the opposition, surrounded by our army, it is only a matter of time before they are defeated and flee. "

Lure Liu Ye out of the city.

Keep luring the enemy, that's a good idea. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Ding Feng heard this, he immediately said: "Lord, I will lead 2,000 to besiege and kill Xiahoudun, and you will lead 3,000 to attack Guangling!"

Sun Ce shook his head:

"You take 4,000, go under my banner, I will take 1,000 to lurk under Guangling City, once Guangling is empty, it is easy to take!"

This time, Chen Duan was not stopping.

That's exactly what he meant.

So Sun Ce's 5,000 troops were divided into two, one part was led by Ding Feng to the east, and the other part was hidden in the night, and then secretly lurked towards Guangling City.

By the time Sun Ce came to Guangling City, it was already late at night!

The scouts who were lying in ambush outside the city immediately came to report.

"Lord, Liu Ye led four thousand elite soldiers south. "

"At this time, there should be only 500 soldiers in the city to defend the city. "

Sun Ce was overjoyed when he heard this.

"What a Liu Ye, there are 4,000 elite soldiers lurking in Guangling, fortunately after listening to Zizheng's words, he did not forcibly attack the city, otherwise, let alone 5,000, even 10,000 soldiers and horses are coming, it is extremely difficult to capture Guangling Mansion City!"

Sun Ce looked at the hazy Guangling City and commanded:

"The whole army rests, and when the defense is changed on Tianming City, the siege of the city will break through this Guangling Mansion City!"


Sun Ce and all the soldiers replied excitedly one by one.

Time passed slowly, the sky was about to brighten, and many people looked up from outside the city, and the people at the head of the city were all there.

The soldiers on duty had long been dozing off, relying on the gates of the city gates or under the battlements for warmth.

Soon, however, someone went up to the top of the city and waved his hand, and the sparse defenders of the city put down their weapons and walked towards the city.

"Lord, the head of Guangling City has changed its guard!"

Sun Ce woke up suddenly and stared at the city, the sky was already bright at this time, and there was no obstacle to his vision.

It was the most sleepy time of the morning.

Dangke can take Guangling City in one go.

"The whole army obeys the order, attack!"

A thousand people were waiting in the field early in the morning, and Sun Ce's army, which had been frozen for half the night, suddenly screamed.

This late autumn night is not an ordinary cold.

It's cold to the bone, and this sin can't be in vain.

Including Sun Ce, they all had a lot of resentment and vowed to transform it into combat effectiveness.

A thousand soldiers and horses bowed towards Guangling City.

Soon 200 men touched the city, and then carried the simple ladder they had brought with them and leaned against the wall.

A person with his own vigorous skills immediately bit his sword and climbed up like a monkey.

It's just that the faster you climb, the next moment there is a scream from under the city.


I saw two figures falling from above, and it was Sun Ce's elite pawn who had just jumped up the ladder.

"Damn, exposed, storm!"

"Attack, quick, knock open the gates for me!"

Sun Ce and the others quickly reacted back, and the soldiers who fell were all killed by crossbow arrows, rather than handing over short soldiers.

It shows that the movement just now attracted the attention of the defenders of the city, and they were accidentally shot.

When taking advantage of this gap, the whole army rushed to attack and storm the city.

There is only one chance, if the first wave can't be killed, it will be difficult for this Guangling City to be defeated! .

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