
Soon there was a sound of killing in the city, and countless elite soldiers rushed out of the city gate, and more rushed up from the stairs under the city, filling the battlements.

Countless bows and crossbows aimed at Sun Ce's soldiers under the city.


"Puff puff..."

In an instant, Sun Ce's soldiers, there were more than 100 people who died by arrows.

More injuries to the ground.

Arrows rained down from the city, and stones and sassalwoods rolled down.

Several simple ladders were also stabbed over with forks and sticks, and smashed towards Sun ~ Ce and others.


Sun Ce is not stupid, there are too many defenders in the city, and there are more than five hundred county soldiers at all.

Even this is not a county soldier at all, but a well-trained Danyang elite soldier.

Combat experience is too rich.

There are generals in the city to defend it, and they can't attack it by themselves.

"Military advisor, do you want to go out of the city to pursue!"

Seeing the defeat and flight of Sun Ce's army, some of the generals were ready to move.

Liu Ye shook his head: "No need, although Sun Ce was defeated, his bravery and martial arts can be compared!"

"Han Sheng and Yuan Rang are not here, and no one can control the little overlord of the Dongjiang River!"

Seeing Sun Ce's defeat and departure, Liu Ye knew the way to chase the poor.

With a strong city to defend, he can rely on his elite soldiers to defeat Sun Ce, if he chases out, there is no general to suppress the formation, but it is easy to be killed by Sun Ce.

Greed for merit is easy to die.

Besides, his purpose was not to kill Sun Ce.

Otherwise, why bother with such a troublesome design.

Sun Ce withdrew, escaped into the mountains and forests, and counted them, but only escaped back to about 500 people, which is not too many!

"Damn, I fell for Liu Ye's thief's tricks again!" Sun Ce was indignant.

But he no longer dared to fight the idea of Guangling Mansion City.

"My lord, what should we do now?"

The subordinate asked unwillingly.

Sun Ce swept over at a glance, there were more than five hundred people, and they were so embarrassed that their morale was really low.

As Sun Ce, who has his own aura, he clenched his spear, had a strong fighting spirit, and pointed to the south:

"Liu Ye has left elite soldiers to guard Guangling City, and the four thousand soldiers and horses he sent out must be county soldiers and county soldiers, when they are not elite, we will immediately go south, and Chengyuan will attack it from the north and south, first break its 4,000 army, and then be in Tuguangling County!"

If he loses and doesn't get back to the field, this is not his Sun Ce's personality.

So Sun Ce took the remnants of the defeated army and went south.


It is said that Ding Feng and Chen Rui led the troops to the east and walked halfway.

Chen Rui said: "Crossing the river in front is to go to Hailing, once you cross the river, it is difficult to find a way out, and Xiahoudun will not be far away if he wants to ambush!"

Ding Feng frowned: "You mean there is an ambush ahead, we should not go!"

"Can you retreat now and find a place to ambush Liu Ye?"

Chen Rui nodded:

"We can carry out an ambush, but before that, we still have to transfer the soldiers and horses in the direction of Jiangdu, in case Xiahou Dun crosses the river in a roundabout way, our army may be difficult to resist!"

The corners of Ding Feng's mouth twitched: "Do you believe in my strength?"

"Xiahoudun is so terrible!"

Chen Rui said: "The lord has fought with Xiahoudun, but he can't be killed, do you think you can do it?"

These words immediately made Ding Feng lose his temper.

He knew that he was not Sun Ce's opponent, so he obeyed Sun Ce, otherwise Jiangdong boys, who would follow Sun Ce to start and attack so many counties.

Sun Ce couldn't kill Xiahoudun, let alone himself.

"That's it, just do it if you want to prepare more!" Ding Feng knew that Chen Rui was a military advisor and Sun Ce's confidant.

Those of them who are military generals can only obey orders and fight bravely to kill the enemy.



"Sure enough, as the military advisor expected, Sun Ce's army will not cross the river!"

Xiahoudun received the information from the other side of the river, and showed a look of surprise.

Sun Ce, who had been in charge once, was even more cautious.

"General, the enemy army does not pass the river, shall we cross the river in a roundabout way and go around to its south?"

The subordinate asked.

Xiahoudun shook his head: (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No need, Huang Han has been promoted, and let Sun Ce's army slowly guess the intentions of the military division!"

"Our army rushed to the southeast with all its strength and destroyed the enemy of Hailing. "

Without reinforcements, Sun Ce's army that entered Hailing was like meat buns beating dogs, and there was no return.

Although you can't take a big credit, but mosquitoes are small and meat, just eat them!

Then Xiahoudun led 3,000 troops and went straight to Hailing.

The 3,000 soldiers and horses who were looting and attacking Hailing and creating momentum for Sun Ce saw the arrival of Xiahoudun's army, and they were frightened and fled immediately.

After all, the name of Xiahoudun has already spread across the river, and Sun Ce's army is somewhat afraid of tigers.

The little overlord of Jiangdong can't win yet, and the Jiangdong warriors have a few who can fight.

Xiahoudun easily defeated these 3,000 Sun Ce soldiers and horses, captured thousands of people, relieved the danger of Hailing, and continued to pursue the fleeing remnants until they all fled back to the south of the river by boat.


"General Ding, military advisor, the four thousand men and horses of Guangling are here, here"

Ding Feng and Chen Rui, who were in ambush halfway, received a report from their subordinates to visit the Malay, and their excitement was indescribable.

It's finally here!

Four thousand people.

That's a lot of people?

Ding Feng couldn't help but glance at Chen Rui, and secretly said that this guy was prescient and transferred the two thousand men and horses in Jiangdu.

Otherwise, in terms of numbers, your side will not have an advantage, and even if the ambush is successful, it will not be able to create too many results!

"The whole army obeys the order, pay attention to hiding, and let the Cao army enter the ambush place!" Chen Rui took a deep breath.

Four thousand Cao Army, if this is eliminated, the revenge of the defeat of the Jiangdong disciples last time can be regarded as revenge.

And Liu Ye is in the army, if Liu Ye is arrested, Guangling County will be ours!

After a while, there was a rumbling sound from the north.

The earth trembled!

Chen Rui and Ding Feng's faces changed instantly.

"Wait... It's..."


The hearts of the two of them suddenly struck.

Where did Guangling come from, there seem to be a lot of cavalry.

The two of them immediately looked for a place to look far away, and saw that it was a group of cavalry coming from the north.

The number is about five or six hundred.

"There are cavalry, why don't you report it!" Chen Rui shouted angrily, he really wanted to catch the spies and roast them. "

"Strategist, you didn't give an account of the number of troops!" replied the person in charge of spying.

Can I be blamed for this?

The other party only has five or six hundred horsemen, and in a southern country like Guangling, the cavalry can't exert any combat effectiveness, is there a big difference?

Ding Feng kicked over this person:

"Stupid, this is Cao Cao's cavalry!"

"Don't say it's five or six hundred, even two or three hundred, and you have to report it!"

"We are ambushing the official road, not the small road Zeguo, the cavalry..."

While he was talking, a cannon rang out from the north, and only four thousand Cao troops shouted in unison:


Ding Feng and Chen Rui saw that the leader was a fierce general, wearing yellow armor and bright yellow robes, leading 5,600 horsemen straight into the ambush circle and shooting arrows at both wings.

Behind him, Cao's infantry was divided into two, and 1,500 left and right rushed in towards the outside of the official road, as if they had expected that there were Jiangdong soldiers and horses here.

Jiangdong soldiers and horses suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

Apparently also blinded by the sudden attack.

Who the hell is ambushing whom?.

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