Five drop points.

Five rewards.

Not a lot.

I didn't expect to talk about the context of the change of dynasties, and I also got a reward~.

It seems that next time - you can continue to talk about it!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining god-level acting skills, +100 mental power, lion roar skills, chess mastery, and a fragment of five dynasties and ten kingdoms. "

God-level acting, this thing, well, do I want to go to film and television in the future.

Be a star, or be an Internet celebrity!

The thing is also good, Ye Qing clicked directly to use it.

In an instant, the whole person seemed to be a different one.

Between the gestures, there is a wind of actors.

Just make a move and expression, it is a classic star signboard.

"Hey, this is really good, it's a good pickle, but unfortunately, I'm already a family now!"

"When you are a star, your privacy will be cleaned, so forget it!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Qing continued to check the rewards behind.

"Mental Power +100!"

"Click to use!"

The next moment, a divine and mysterious power poured into the brain, rushing from the brain to other places.

Ye Qing felt that the whole person was full of energy, and he could stay up for ten nights without blinking.

"Cool, really cool, plus 100 mental power, it's a must-have for your career. "

"It's the foundation for scientific research, Wang Bangna, with this spirit, mushroom bombs can be wholeed. "

Lion's roar, a martial arts, is rare.

After Ye Qing read it, he realized that this is the same as the iron cloth shirt and the golden bell jar, which are all good things in the martial arts world.

Chess mastery, but also a teaching life skill.

"Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Fragments, what is this?" Seeing the end, Ye Qing was a little confused.

It's not the first time I've ever gotten something like this.

"Could it be that it's for the game, and if you put together a whole set of pieces, you can put together a copy of the game and open up the treasure?"

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, what should come will come.

Put it away first, and it won't fall off in the system backpack anyway.

Ye Qing didn't pay too much attention to this, after all, there were too many things that the system rewarded him now, so much that he couldn't use them up in his life.

Where does he still have the heart to pay attention to some shit fragments.




"I don't know what happened to Zilong and Zilian?" At night, after Cao Cao finished inspecting the camp, he raised his head to the west and stared at Chang'an.

Zhao Yun, Cao Hong and others have been gone for a few days.

But there was no reply, and Cao Cao was really a little worried.

Cao Cao is a suspicious character, and this time the leaders are not Zhao Yun and Xu Shu who are newly invested.

Although Cao Hong is here, there is no need to worry that the two of them will defect with the horses, but because of their personality, Cao Cao is still at ease.

"Lord, according to the time, Zilong and they should have taken Chang'an, I believe the news is already on the way!"

Cao Cao listened but disagreed.

continued to stare in the direction of Chang'an without taking his eyes off.

It was here that the sound of hurried footsteps came.

"Can the lord be here?"

Guo Jia's voice sounded, followed by Xu Chu's voice.

"It's Mr. Fengxiao who is here, the lord is in front, I'll lead you over!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"No need Zhongkang, you have your own responsibilities, it's better not to leave, I'll go myself!"

Xu Chu is Cao Cao's bodyguard, commanding the guards and horses to protect Cao Cao's safety.

If ordinary people want to see Cao Cao, they have to pass Xu Chu first.


Guo Jia had already seen Cao Cao's figure and did not hide the message he wanted to convey.

"Lord, Xuzhou came to report, Ziyang they defeated Sun Ce twice, according to your meaning, put Sun Ce back to the south of the river, Sun Ce was stunned and returned to the south bank, his troops and horses totaled 15,000, morale plummeted, I dare not talk about crossing the river, Guangling is worry-free!"

"By the way, General Xingba also returned from Yangzhou and withdrew to Xuzhou, and is already on the way back to Qingzhou in the north, and I believe that he will be able to rush to Youzhou soon. "

Sun Ce was defeated and fled.

This is great news.

Once Sun Ce is defeated, Yuan Shu will not dare to move, and Xuzhou will not have to worry about it.

"Ziyang did a good job with Han Sheng and Yuan Rang, this time it should hurt Sun Ce, Sun Ce's name as a little overlord should not be enough to deter Jiangdong!" Cao Cao showed a wicked smile.

Why did Sun Ce return to the south of the river, first, in order to divide the momentum of Yuan Shu, if Sun Ce was killed, the four counties would be chaotic, and it was Yuan Shu who benefited.

At the same time, not killing Sun Ce is to preserve the vitality of Longteng Huaxia.

0 begging for flowers

On the other hand, it also made Sun Ce never raise his head, so that the famous ministers and generals of Yangzhou will no longer have the belief in victory against the Cao Wei army in the future.

This is a conspiracy, and it is planned in the long run.

"Lord, the danger of Xuzhou has been solved, and now we have to solve the enemy of Wancheng and break the water and land in Jingzhou!" Xi Zhicai proposed.

Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia: "How is Xiaozhi's preparation?"

Fa was recommended by Guo Jia, and Guo Jia was the person closest to Fa Zheng.

Of course, Cao Cao had to ask Guo Jia.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "The layout of Fazheng has been basically completed. "

"The ditch excavation is largely complete, and the dam is almost complete. "

"Waterwheels and thirsty black are placed on the riverside, and the upper and middle reaches are arranged, just waiting for an order, you can quickly pump the water of the Huai River, reduce the height of the river, and freeze the Jingzhou naval warships!"

Cao Cao heard this: "Three days later, in the afternoon, I want to paralyze the Jingzhou Navy Division overnight, and when it reacts back, it is already the second day, and our army has attacked." "




Zhao Yun and the others, who went north from Lantian County, did not directly attack Chang'an, but first attacked Baling and took this small city that the Xiliang army and bandits did not care about very much.

Baling is the west of Chang'an, east of Huayin's main road, although located in the plain, there is no danger around, only the city depends on each other.

If it is in peacetime, it is inconspicuous and has no military value.

But at this time, for Xu Shu and others, it is extremely important.

"Taking Baling, one can cut off the communication between Guo Li's envoys and Chang'an, as well as the transportation of grain and grass!"

The two can alert Guo Li to come back to Chang'an.

The three can send troops to attack and catch Guo Li off guard!" Xu Shu analyzed the situation in front of him and talked about the sufficient conditions to take Baling.

Zhao Yun and Cao Hong glanced at each other and said:

"Since Baling is so important, then take it!"

"As soon as the guards were changed at dawn, the city gate was opened, and the people were anxious to enter and exit the city, chopping wood and turning over the ground, but they rushed into the city and took the city. "

"If anyone escapes from the city, it will be Ding who will be intercepted and stopped!"

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