
Zhao Yun took more than a dozen people, disguised as ordinary people, and blended in with the people who were about to enter the city.

The defenders of Baling did not notice the abnormality, and glanced at the people inside and outside the city who were in a hurry to enter and exit, and the corners of their mouths slightly outlined a trace of arc.

Then he waved his hand: "The hour has come, Kaejo!"

The city gate opened, and the Xiliang bandits immediately put a wooden box on the desk under the city cave.

The people who came and went, regardless of entry and exit, all those who wanted to pass through the city gate hole had to hand over a copper plate.

It's called the poll tax.

This kind of clever name is a kind of money collected by the Xiliang Army in controlling Guanzhong.

It's disgusting.

But the people who come and go have to be in it.

You can only hand over a part of your meager income in exchange for the convenience of entering and exiting.

Otherwise, ordinary people will not go out of the city for more than ten days to "130", and they will not even have dry firewood for burning fires.

The crops in the field will not be able to serve, and the losses will be even greater.

So he could only grit his teeth and hand over the copper plate, and then leave angrily.

Zhao Yun and the others were stunned.

There is no one who charges such a blatant fee for entering and leaving the city.

"Don't move, and do what you planned!"

Zhao Yun held down his soldiers who were excited to kill, pretended to be obedient, and threw a copper plate into the wooden box one by one.

until they blended into the city.

Only then did they lean under the inner city.

While paying attention to the movement of the inner city, I also paid attention to the movement of the city.

After a while, the ground shook, and Cao Hong, who saw Zhao Yun and others entering the city outside, immediately led the crowd to ride and kill.

"It's an enemy horseman, hurry, close the gates, hurry!"

When the Xiliang army at the head of the city saw the cavalry that was killed, they immediately became alert, especially when they saw these war horses, they came with a murderous spirit, and their clothes and banners were different from those of the Xiliang army.

He immediately ordered the gates to be closed and prepared for battle.


Seeing that the time had come, Zhao Yun immediately took more than a dozen people, showed his weapons, and rushed into the city gate.


Three downs, five divided by two, easily solved the Xiliang soldiers here.

"Damn, a thief has seized the city gate, kill it with me!"

The Xiliang army in the city saw that there was movement under the city, and leaned over to take a look, good guys, and their companions were all killed and lay on the ground.

Suddenly, one by one, they rushed down from above like thunder.

Zhao Yun waved his spear and stood at the entrance of the city gate, dancing left and right, and the Xiliang army that rushed up was all picked and killed.

The Xiliang army was so frightened that they didn't dare to rush forward.

"Zilong, I'm here!"

Cao Hong quickly rushed with the horses, and the cavalry army rumbled into the city cave and killed the city.

Xu Shu led a group of cavalry to wander outside the city, and all the Xiliang troops who escaped from the city were killed or captured.

Soon, Baling City was taken by the trio.

took Baling, and sent spies to the east to inquire about the news of the main force of Guo Lizhi's Western Liang Army.

On the one hand, the main force went east and killed Chang'an.

It's the same approach.

But this time, Zhao Yun brought 200 soldiers into Chang'an.

In Chang'an City, there are more Xiliang military bandits than Zhiba Mausoleum.

However, Chang'an was also larger, scattered to defend the city, and the garrison of a city gate became weak.

"It's not good, Cao Cao's people are in, run away!"

Cao Cao's military prestige has long been passed on to Guanzhong.

Xiliangjun has always felt that he is far away from Cao Cao and cannot be beaten.

As a result, now that Cao Cao's army has entered, the Xiliang army in Chang'an City has directly broken and fled.

Although most of them were killed or forced to surrender, some of them still escaped from the city and went to find Li Dao and Guo Yan.

"Chang'an City is now for us, but Li Dao and Guo Yan will be killed back soon, Mr. Yuan Zhi, how should we defend Chang'an City?" Zhao Yun asked.

As a military advisor, isn't Xu Shu doing this kind of work? (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Shu stroked his beard, half-narrowed his eyes and said:

"Although Chang'an City is strong, it is too big to defend!"

"Sitting still and holding on without a fight is the next policy!"

Yes, Chang'an is too big, and the enemy can attack from any direction.

Scattered to defend the city, the troops were too thin, and it was extremely difficult to defend.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Yun is worried, so he wants Xu Shu to find a way.

"When Li Dao and Guo Yan's army returns, they will fight in the field, and if they win, they can defend Chang'an, but the thieves of Li Dao and Guo Bi will definitely go away, cross the Weishui and run to the right Feng Yi, and they will have to fight in the future! This is the middle policy!" Xu Shu continued:

"Take Baling as bait, deceive and flee westward, lead the enemy to Baqiao, ambush and kill more than half of the enemy, defeat the enemy and capture Li Dao, Guo Yan thief head, then the Xiliang rout is not to worry, Guanzhong can be flattened, and the Xiliang army can be collected, this is the best policy!"

"If it's the best policy, just use it!" Cao Hong's eyes lit up0 .

There is no need for good ones, that is a fool.

Zhao Yun pondered for a long time before he said: "What Zilian said is reasonable, the best policy can be done once and for all, why not use it!"

Xu Shu reminded the two:

"The two generals seem to have forgotten one person!"

"Who?" Cao Hong asked directly, with a simpler mind.

"Ma Teng!" Xu Shu said leisurely:

"Ma Teng's soldiers are already on the way here, if they have a different heart, we will attack the enemy outside, and they will attack Chang'an in the west and steal the long guard.

Although our army is victorious, it has no land to gain, but is in danger of perishing. "


Zhao Yundao: "Ma Teng is the father of Ma Chao, known as loyalty, how could he betray the alliance and help the thief?"

Obviously, people like Zhao Yun think that Ma Teng should not do such a thing.

Xu Shu smiled: "Ma Teng won't, what about Han Sui?"

"Han Sui, that guy with a belly of flowers and intestines in the Yellow River!" Cao Hong said with a cold snort:

"We didn't invite him, how could he lead his troops east?"

Xu Shu said:

"Han Sui is cunning, the rebels in Liangzhou rebelled in the past, and all the leaders of the public push died, only Han Sui is not alive, and he lives very nourishingly!"

"They only look at the good, and for the good, they will come uninvited1.3. "

"Besides, I heard that he and Ma Teng have eight brothers, Ma Teng went east, how can he refuse Han Sui to go east?"


Zhao Yun and Cao Hong were both speechless.

Things got tricky.

If it is difficult to say that Ma Tengdong is alone, once Han Sui comes, he will definitely have Chang'an, and the driver will control the entire Guanzhong.

"In this case, you can only take the middle way?" Zhao Yun's brows touched slightly.

Xu Shu shook his head: "Definitely!"

"We have taken Chang'an, Cao Gong has a word, General Xu Huang will be stationed in Wuguan, the land of Shang Guoluo!"

"If we take the best policy, we should immediately revise the book and transfer General Xu Huang to the north and garrison Chang'an. "

"At the same time, recruit soldiers and horses in Chang'an City and the surrounding areas and train them, even if the new army cannot fight in the field, it is feasible to defend the city!"

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