

"The defenders in the city listen, my Jizhou army has entered Youzhou, and you can surrender immediately to avoid death!"

Yan Liang led the cavalry, rode back and forth, pointed at the head of the city with his sword, and showed off his might.

The defenders of the city trembled with fear.

I'm really afraid that Yan Liang will attack the city.

"Surrender to avoid death, surrender immediately!"

Although the soldiers of Youzhou were a little afraid, no one dared to go out of the city and surrender.

In any case, Jizhou and Youzhou are not one.

The rash attack of the Jizhou army is injustice.

The Youzhou army is responsible for defending the territory, and Liu Yu is indeed very benevolent and generous to everyone.

From top to bottom, I read Liu Yu's goodness.

Yan Liang shouted for a long time, but no one responded.

I wanted to attack the city, but all my troops were cavalry.

If you attack, you have to dismount and fight.

It is not easy to train and train cavalry.

When used to siege the city, this is really a head hitting the wall.

So he called for a long time, and felt bored, so he ordered to camp and rest.

It doesn't matter if you can't beat it, anyway, Yuan Shao's army will be able to arrive in a day or two, and when the time comes, the foot soldiers will attack the city, and Jixian County will be easily broken.

When it came to the evening, Yan Liang did not send more sentry.

Feeling that Liu Yu and the others in the city did not dare to go out of the city to attack the camp, they were very relieved and boldly went to bed early.

The cavalry of his troops was also not vigilant enough, and after completing the practice one by one, they also went to bed early.


The cold wind in the north is blowing.

An army withdrawn from the north quietly approached the Jizhou cavalry battalion.

Because it is cavalry, there are no sappers, so naturally there is no strong camp, let alone a camp wall.

There are only two cordon barriers on the perimeter of the entire camp.

One is a rope with a bell hanging from it, and when a person or wild thing approaches, the bell rings and will alarm the patrol soldiers.

One is for the giant deer, to prevent the enemy from rushing into the camp on a large scale.

The camp is divided into four stables, southeast, northwest and northwest.

In the event of an unexpected situation, the Israeli cavalry mounted their horses in time to prepare for the enemy.

There is no other defense.

Of course, if there is, it can only be said that Yan Liangduo sent more than 100 people to keep watch and patrol the surroundings.

In the first half of the night, people can still be in good spirits, and the night patrol is meticulous.

By the time we arrived, people were basically exhausted and yawning.

Especially in the cold autumn season, it is easier to get sleepy and nap.

As soon as the hour passed, the riders couldn't hold it anymore, not only reduced the number of patrols, but also hid outside the wind and dozed off.

After all, at this hour, if Jicheng came to sneak attack, it would have already gone out of the city to sneak attack, and there was no reason to go out of the city at this time.

Otherwise, the sky will be bright in an hour.

Half of this time is spent traveling back and forth.

So according to common sense, the Youzhou soldiers in Jicheng will not come out.

"Be careful, don't touch the bell and rope of the Jizhou army. "

"Bypass the rejection..."

"After entering the camp, first seize the stables, let the horses rush to the camp, burn the camp tent, do not seek to kill the enemy, only seek to mess up the camp!"

Under the instructions of the officers above, the Youzhou army cautiously approached the Jizhou Palace camp and crossed the police post set up by the Jizhou cavalry step by step.


A bell rang.

Someone still stepped on the dark bell set by the Jizhou Army.

"Oh no, exposed!"


Together, the bell is the signal to attack.

The Youzhou army did not delay, and charged one after another.


"Damn, it's the enemy, the enemy attack!"

"The enemy has entered the camp, quickly, resist the enemy!"

"Find the general, go find General Yan Liang..."

The Youzhou army rushed into the camp of the Jizhou army, first grabbed the stables, released a group of war horses, and drove them away.

On the other hand, they set fire to the camp.

The men and horses neighed and shouted endlessly.

The entire Jizhou military camp was in a commotion.

"What's going on!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Yan Liang didn't have time to approve it, so he went back to the account and took a look.

Good fellow, the enemy is coming into camp.

"General, the Youzhou army is sneak attacking, and many of our army's war horses are running away and rushing to the camp, and the soldiers are almost unstoppable!"

Yan Liang lifted this person up, then threw it aside, and shouted angrily:


"Just a thief in Youzhou, how can you damage our army's camp!"

"Come, take my war horse and broadsword. "

After speaking, Yan Liang returned to the camp first, took the armor, and put it on it.

Soon, his subordinates brought Yan Liang's mount in.

Yan Liang turned over his horse and took a big knife, and then took his personal guards to meet the enemy.

"Youzhou thief, suffer death!"

Yan Liang was brave, dancing with a long knife, slashing left and right, and the Youzhou troops who had entered the camp dodged one after another.

For a while, Yan Liang stabilized the middle camp.

0 begging for flowers

"Yan Liang is not arrogant, he is here to fight you!"

Yan Rou saw that Yan Liang was so brave, and the soldiers of Youzhou were killed and retreated, so he personally killed, stabbed his spear, and attacked Yan Liang's vital point.


Yan Liang slashed open with a knife and knocked out Hades Rou's spear.

Yan Rou was shocked, her mouth tingling, and her arms trembled slightly.

Unexpectedly, Yan Liang was more courageous than he expected.

However, Yan Rou was a young man after all, and his blood was surging, but he aroused his competitive heart, and he stabbed him with a single shot, and Yan Liang was swinging a knife to fight back.

Yan Rou returned the gun to block, and then shook the gun and stabbed again.

The two of you went back and forth, and there were four or five rounds of fighting.

Yan Rou saw that Yan Liang killed Zhao Yong more and more, his strength was strong, and he would not be an opponent after a long battle.

Seeing that the soldiers in the camp began to retreat and retreat, they simply stopped fighting, forced Yan Liang back with one shot, turned around and left.


Today's results have been achieved, the enemy camp was burned, and the enemy cavalry was chaotic.

It was enough, Yan Rou accepted it when she saw it, and quickly withdrew with the Youzhou soldiers, disappearing into the vast autumn mist.

The sky was still dark, and there was fog, Yan Liang did not dare to lead his troops to chase and kill, fearing an ambush.

Then he only ordered the soldiers to extinguish the fire in the camp, gather the horses, and lose all the losses.

Yan Rou took the soldiers who had withdrawn from Juyong Pass, attacked Yan Liang and succeeded, and immediately headed towards Jicheng.

When I came to the city gate, someone had already reported that Liu Yu was in the city.

When Liu Yu and others arrived, they could only look at the Jizhou military camp, and there was a faint fire, and the killing was over.

"Lord, a large group of men and horses are approaching!"

The defenders of the city immediately tensed and clenched their weapons.

In a short time, a large army of soldiers and horses came from under the city.

I couldn't see the color of the flag in the fog.

"Whoever in the city dares to approach, he will not spare his life!"

Xian Yuyin held the long sword in his hand and shouted at the moment.

All the soldiers bent their bows and wound them, and only waited for an order, and ten thousand arrows were fired in unison.

"I am Yan Rou, withdraw from Juyong Pass, please see the public!"

Yan Rou!

Liu Yu and Xian Yuyin both heard their voices.

Liu Yu was just about to speak, but Xian Yuyin said: "Lord, don't be impatient, and see clearly that you are talking, Mo Zhong Jizhou is treacherous!"

Liu Yu was silent.

"The lord is still coming, please General Yan to the city gate to verify his identity!" Xian Yuyin was very businesslike, and said in a cold voice.

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