Yan Rou heard this, but she was not annoyed.

This is a regular operation.

In other words, you should do the same yourself, so as not to let the enemy take advantage of it.

When he came to the city, under the reflection of the torches above and below the city, Yan Rou's figure was undoubtedly revealed.

Liu Yu said excitedly: "It's my Yan Rouye!"

Xian Yuyin immediately waved his hand and said: "Come on, open the city gate, and welcome our army into the city!"

The gates slammed open.

Yan Rou and the others poured into the city one after another.

Liu Yu, Xian Yuyin and others went down to the inner city gate.

"Lord, the last general is fortunate not to be dishonored, and the whole army has withdrawn to Jicheng!

Liu Yu stepped forward to help Yan Rou and said, "If you can withdraw with the army, it will be a great achievement, and the army will still be under your command." "

"Thank you, lord!" Yan Rou got up.

Xian Yuyin said: "General Yan, what's going on with the Jizhou military camp?"

Yan Rou explained: "I" 337 was afraid that I would be attacked by Yan Liang's cavalry when I withdrew from Juyong Pass during the day, so I led my troops to retreat south after entering the curtain. "

On the way back to the army, he kept sending people to inquire about the situation, and knew that the defense of the Jizhou military camp was lax, so he made a temporary decision to burn the enemy camp at night to test Yan Liang, but he didn't think that he really succeeded. "

"Although it was not possible to capture its battalion, it was also a gain to burn most of the camp tent materials, drive away most of the war horses, and rush to kill and kill thousands of Jizhou troops!"

When Liu Yu and Xian Yuyin heard this, they were stunned on the spot.

Good guys, really good guys.

Temporary tooth extraction, it really happened.

"Hahaha, good, this battle, greatly increase the prestige of our army!"

"Boost my ambition in Youzhou, strengthen my morale, and strengthen my army to defend the city!"

Liu Yu laughed and smiled from ear to ear.

I don't want to have fierce generals in Youzhou.

It is not difficult to defend Jixian County.

Liu Yu's heart was much more comfortable.

I was so worried that I didn't know what to do, but now I can finally take a good rest.

"Lord, although the sneak attack was successful this time, but... The martial arts of the last general are not Yan Liang's opponents! In the future, I will have no advantage in the field, so I can only hold on and wait for help, and I can't go out of the city to fight!" Yan Rou hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth.

He was afraid that winning this battle would make Liu Yu and the others get carried away, and then act recklessly.

There is still a glimmer of life in holding on.

Liu Yu's face instantly became solemn when he heard this.

stroked his beard, and then nodded slightly: "With my current strength in Youzhou, I can only hold on, hopefully... Let's go ahead and rest in the city, and we will discuss it later!"



Yuan Shao led the army to the city of Ji!

Looking at the half of the camp burned to ashes, there are thousands of soldiers and horses that have been damaged, and countless war horses are lost.

His face suddenly darkened.

"Wen Heng! what's going on?

"Didn't you say that Liu Yu from Jixian County was already frightened and didn't dare to go out of the city to fight, and was already ready to surrender?"

Yan Liang lowered his head and twisted half of his face and said angrily:

"Lord, Liu Yu is indeed frightened, but he doesn't know where the enemy came from, and he has the courage to attack our army's camp!"

"I don't even know who the enemy is, are you a waste?" Yuan Shao became even more angry when he heard this.

The commander of the dignified cavalry was attacked by the foot soldiers, and it was not clear who the enemy was.

"Report! Lord, the third prince and the high prince sent someone to report, Juyong Pass has been taken!"

"But Yan Rou, who was guarding Juyong Pass, withdrew with Youzhou soldiers and horses last night. "


There seems to be something strange about this information.

After thinking about it carefully, Yuan Shao and the others knew what was going on.

It was Yan Rou who attacked Yan Liang.

Juyong Guan retreated without a fight, and actually came to attack Yan Liang.

"Hmph, you know who attacked you this time!"

Yuan Shao snorted coldly, and then asked everyone: (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Now that all the soldiers and horses in Youzhou in Juyong Pass have withdrawn into the city, and Liu Yu's soldiers and horses defending the city have increased, what is the best way to break the city!"

According to Yan Liang's battle yesterday, Liu Yu must have reported that he would defend one line and would not come out to fight in the field.

If you don't attack, you can think of a clever plan to break through Jicheng quickly.

"Lord, there was a new defeat last night, but General Yan Liang is going to fight. The judge said:

"If the soldiers and horses of Youzhou do not fight, it can increase the morale of our army and make up for the reduced morale due to the sneak attack last night. "

"At the same time, we can also find out Liu Yu's thoughts, if he is determined to defend it, we need to think of another good strategy!"

Yuan Shao said to Yan Liang after hearing this: "Wen Heng, I'm giving you a chance to atone for your sins." "

"Lord Xie, Mr. Xie Zhengnan!" Yan Liang heard this, thanked Xie and left, ordered all the soldiers and horses, and ran to fight under Jicheng.

When the others left, Yuan Shao said: "Wait for you to continue to discuss this matter? I guess Liu Yu will not dare to go out of the city to fight!"

Xun Kan said: "If it is a strong attack, you can transfer all the soldiers and horses such as the third prince into the pass, and leave the high prince to guard the two counties of Shanggu in Juyongguan!"

"Reasonable!" Yuan Shao immediately said when he heard this:

"Send an order to Shang'er, lead the troops south, join Jixian County, and break Jicheng with me!"

As soon as the herald left, Yuan Shao's eyes swept to everyone again0 .

The judge said: "Jicheng City is high and strong, if you want to attack it, you can divide it into two steps!"

"First, in order to break its morale and cut off its foreign aid, since ancient times, there has been no city to defend and no help, and the city will be terrified. "

"The second is to build ordnance to prepare for a strong attack, and at the same time cooperate with the underground excavation and tunneling, and attack the ground and underground at the same time, and the Jicheng can be broken in less than ten days!"

Yuan Shao thought for a while and said: "Send an order to Lu Yi and others, quickly eliminate Xian Yu and other auxiliary troops, take their heads, intimidate the defenders of Jicheng, and break the courage in the city." "

"At the same time, I shot and persuaded the surrender book to enter the city, persuaded Liu Yu to surrender, and secretly united with Jicheng Shiyou, thinking that it should be an internal response!"

"Due south, you can keep an eye on the matter of digging the earth for the road, be sure to dig the tunnel as soon as possible and prepare for my siege!"

"No!" the judge clenched his fists and took his life.

Then everyone retreated.


The Infinite City!

Qi Zhou led more than 10,000 soldiers, disguised as the main army, and sent 5,000 out of the camp every day to fight.

Guan Jing and Gongsun Xu didn't know the details, and they didn't dare to go out of the city to fight.

Just guard the city and wait for Gongsun Chan to return.

Qi Zhou finished fighting again, and felt bored, so he ordered 5,000 soldiers and horses to return to the camp.

Right here, the ground shakes.

From the north, the sound of horses' hooves trampling was heard, and the earth dragon swept from the north, rolling up ten 1.5 zhang high.

"It's not good! It's cavalry, a lot, no less than a million people!"

Qi Zhou's face changed greatly.

But they don't dare to decide whether they are friends or foes to ride!

However, he still ordered: "Withdraw to the battalion first." "

Whether it was Gongsun Zhan's cavalry or the Wuhuan cavalry who entered the customs, Qi Zhou did not dare to be careless at this time.

It's just that the foot soldiers are fast, and they can't be as fast as the cavalry that suddenly kills.

Soon, the white horse cavalry at the head immediately made the Youzhou army frightened.

"It's the White Horse Righteous People, damn it, quickly retreat, quickly retreat into the camp!"

"Let's go, run!"

Before Bai Ma Yi arrived, the army in Youzhou had already rioted, and everyone rushed to the camp gate first.

Gongsun Zhan's mad dog name is not blown.

The white horse is invincible, the elite is invincible, it is a brave army among the cavalry, killing the barbarian tribes, all of them are terrified.

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