
The war horses rushed past, and the Youzhou army was knocked into the air one after another, but they trampled to death.

Bai Ma Yicong waved the long sword in his hand.

Youzhou soldiers and horses were slaughtered like mustard.

The army of 5,000 was instantly crushed.


Gongsun Chan took advantage of the rout to enter the camp and rushed in.

The large battalion that directly descended to Qi Zhou was also breached.

Qi Zhou also died in the rebellion.

Of the more than 10,000 Youzhou soldiers and horses, half were killed, and the rest all surrendered to Gongsun Zhan.

"Hmph, it's cheaper, Xian Yufu, this guy!"

Gongsun Zhan was not happy, he thought that he could defeat the main force of Youzhou in one fell swoop under the boundless surprise attack of Xu Wucheng from the north.

As a result, only one miscellaneous fish died, and more than 10,000 Youzhou soldiers and horses were destroyed.

It's a disappointment.



Guan Jing and Gongsun Xu saw Gongsun Zhan return from a great victory, so they walked out of the city.

"Shiqi, how is it in the city?" said Gongsun Zhan:

"I'm not in the city, but 01 someone is making trouble!"

Guan Jing replied: "Back to the lord, the city is safe, everything is peaceful!"

"All the soldiers know that the lord will definitely be able to kill him. "

Gongsun Chan nodded slightly.

"Father, have you caught Xian Yufu?" Gongsun continued to ask.

Gongsun Chan looked at Guan Jing:

"You don't know that the soldiers and horses in Youzhou are divided into two, and the main force has left the boundless?"

Guan Jing and Gongsun Zhan were stunned on the spot.

The main force of Youzhou is not outside the city.

"Did the lord say that Xian Yu Fu led the army to the lord's way back?" Guan Jing was not a stupid person, and he figured it out in an instant.

Could it be that the person who came to fight the war every day was replaced by the civilian official Qi Zhou.

Gongsun Chan said: "Immediately interrogate and surrender the general, I want to know where Xian Yufu went to ambush me!"

After saying that, Gongsun Chan turned over and got on his horse and ran back to the boundless city.

He didn't have time to rest all the way back.

The white horses did not rest.

And you need to take a break and replenish your physical strength in order to maintain your combat strength.

So the rest is left to Guan Jing!


By the Gengshui River!

Xian Yufu, who had been waiting for a long time, still couldn't see Gongsun Chan coming over with a large army.

I couldn't help but have doubts.

"It stands to reason that at this time, Gongsun Chan has already arrived?"

"Why is there no shadow for so long? "

"The cavalry has expanded to the northwest to fifty miles, and there is still no movement from Gongsun Zhan's department!"

Xian Yufu never imagined that Gongsun Zhan would die from Xu Wucheng in the northeast to the east and then to the south, and still stay by the official road river.

I waited, but I was also suspicious.

I began to ponder this strange phenomenon.

"Report, general, big thing, big thing no..."

Xian Yufu saw that a horse was coming, and hurriedly said, "Gongsun Chan is here?"

The person who came was stunned for a moment, and then fell down:

"General, the big thing is not good, the soldiers and horses of Jizhou have gone north, and they have captured Quanzhou and Yongnu and other cities, and the southern part of Yuyang has been obtained by Yuan Shao. "

What the?

Xian Yufu was shocked.

I thought it was Gongsun Chan who had arrived, and he could finally ambush him.


It turned out that the soldiers and horses of Jizhou went north to attack Youzhou!

"It's over! It's over! The lord is in danger, Jicheng is in danger!"

At this time, Jicheng was empty. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yuan Shao must have gone straight to Jicheng with the army.

"General, what should I do, are you still waiting for Gongsun Chan to appear?" asked his subordinate.

Obviously, everyone knows that Jicheng is in danger at this time.

If he didn't come back, Liu Yu would die.

Xian Yufu gritted his teeth and said: "Don't wait, we can't start a war with Gongsun Zhan, the Savior is important!"

"Otherwise, even if we win the battle against Gongsun Chan and kill Gongsun Chan, we will also lose!"

Now, a living Gongsun Chan is better than dead.

Gongsun Chan is Yuan Shao's great enemy, and it is right to let Gongsun Chan continue to fight with Yuan Shao.

"Come on, go to Boundless City immediately, inform Dao Qi Zhou to withdraw his troops, and at the same time continue to talk to Guan Jing and Gongsun, Youzhou will not fight Youzhou!"

"The general is wise!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good not to fight.

Youzhou should not have been a civil war.

Attacking Gongsun Zhan, in fact, many generals resisted.

Gongsun Zhan's prestige, as well as the madness of killing barbarians, were very recognized by the soldiers of Youzhou.

Only a tough Youzhou army can protect the territory and the people, and Huai Rou will only breed the wind of barbarism and arrogance.

Xian Yufu soon took 45,000 men and horses to the north of Yuyang and went to Jixian County.

Among them, Luxian is the place they must pass through, because they can return to Jixian County as soon as possible.

Half a day after Xian Yufu and the others left, Gongsun Zhan led the crowd to meet the people sent out by Xian Yufu to give orders halfway.

After capturing more than a dozen people, Gongsun Zhan understood that Xian Yufu had withdrawn back to Jixian County.

"Yuan Shao, so cunning, instigated me to go to war with Liu Yu, but then quietly sent troops north, in a vain attempt to swallow Youzhou in one bite?"

Hearing that Yuan Shao had sent troops, Gongsun Chan was furious.

Compared with Liu Yu, he hates Yuan Shao even more.

After all, he and Liu Yu just disagree politically and have different views.

And with Yuan Shao, it was a revenge for killing his brother, and he couldn't help but revenge.

"Lord, what should we do?

If you chase at this time, you can catch up with Xian Yufu in half a day, and then defeat the Youzhou army from behind and end Liu Yu's main force.

At the same time, you can also harvest a lot of submissions, turn them into your own use, and strengthen Gongsun Zhan's soldiers and horses.

Gongsun Chan stared at the south and said:

"Is there a possibility, Yuan Shao also wants to capture the boundless rear, so that Liu 367 Yu and I have no basis. "

"What the lord means is that Yuan Shao will divide his troops into multiple routes, attack Liu Yu at the same time, and also attack us, and even he concluded that the lord will be ambushed and besieged, and take the opportunity to attack Youbeiping and solve the entire territory of Youzhou in one fell swoop. "Shan Jing couldn't help but be shocked.

That's crazy, isn't it?

Yuan Shao has a big appetite.

However, compared to the large number of soldiers in Jizhou, it is indeed possible to operate in this way.

"Shan Jing, you lead 5,000 horsemen back to defend the boundless, but don't enter the city for the time being, find a place to hide, once the Jizhou soldiers and horses attack the boundless, cooperate with Shiqi and continue to attack the Jizhou soldiers and horses!"

Gongsun Zhan concluded that there would not be too many soldiers and horses attacking the boundless Jizhou, and there were 5,000 horsemen to deal with it, which could relieve the boundless siege.

"It's the lord!" Shan received the order, and immediately turned back with five thousand horsemen.

Only then did Gongsun Zhan take the crowd and continue to chase westward, in the direction of Xian Yufu.

He didn't want to kill Xian Yufu, but the praying mantis catching cicadas and yellow finches followed.

Xian Yufu, a fool, who returned to rescue Jixian so recklessly, would definitely be ambushed.

In this case, if you don't go to join in the fun, how can you be worthy of Yuan Shao's arrangement.

The next day, Gongsun Zhan chased the general to the vicinity of Lu County, and the front detective came back in a hurry:

"Report, lord, the soldiers and horses of Youzhou in front were ambushed by Yuan Shaobu of Jizhou, and the army was surrounded!".

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