
"Boom Boom Boom..."

The horses of both sides rushed to the scene, swords and shots intersected.

One touch opens, then turns back, and a few more rounds of fighting!

Soon the two fought for ten rounds, but there was no winner or loser.

The soldiers on both sides raised their arms and shouted, cheering for their commander.

The two also became more and more brave and fought vigorously.

It's been a long time since I've met an opponent who can fight.

Then they fought again, and the fight became more and more intense.

Before they knew it, the two fought for fifty rounds.

Still no winner or loser.

"Are you still fighting?"

"If you fight, I will fight!"

"Okay, here!"

The two continued to fight again, and after another fifty rounds, the two were a little tired from fighting, and only after a shock did they separate:

"I'm tired today, and I'm here to go back and eat!"

"Okay, let's go back to the city and eat something. "

The two then led their own troops back.

Back to the camp, Li Daodao: "Wen Yuan, Wen Ping's martial arts are not bad, I'm afraid it's a little difficult to defeat him!"

Zhang Liao nodded:

"Wen Ping is worthy of being the general of Jingzhou, if I want to defeat him, I need to be unprepared to attack him before I can kill him!"

"01 Otherwise, it can only be a draw. "

Li Daodao: "In this way, if you want to break Shunyang, you need several other soldiers and horses to come to support!"

Zhang Liao said: "The lord has a word, if it can't be broken, then keep it, as long as you don't let Wen Ping run away!"

"From now on, you and I will take turns on duty, watch Shunyang Wenpin, and prevent him from escaping immediately!"

"As soon as Wancheng is broken, Shunyang will be self-defeating, and Wenpin can only surrender obediently!"

"That's all there is to it!"

After the two of them discussed, they went their separate ways.

After saying that Wen hired back to the city, he was out of breath.

"Zhang Liao, he is really my fierce enemy!"

"Cao Jun is a fierce general, if this is the case!"

After speaking, Wen Ping sighed again: "If I go out of the city, I won't be able to escape far!"

"I can only stick to Shunyang and wait for the war in Wancheng to end, hey, Jingzhou is in danger!"



Overnight, Cao's army completely surrounded Wancheng.

The Jingzhou Naval Division, the Jingzhou Naval Division in Nanyang, was all defeated and captured by Cao Cao.

The loss of 50,000 troops made Wancheng lose its peripheral pillars, which made Cai Mao's face dark all the time.

"What are you waiting for... A clever plan to retreat from the enemy?"

After staring at Cao Cao's army outside the city for a long time, Cai Mao finally spoke.

The army of 200,000 has now lost 60,000 horses.

In addition to 10,000 points and cultural appointments, 10,000 are stationed in Xinye, 5,000 are stationed in Yuyang, and 5,000 are stationed in Zhuyang and other places.

Wancheng has only 100,000 soldiers and horses

It seems that defending the city is enough, but defeating Cao Jun is a bit overrun.

Jingzhou generals, look at me, I look at you, at this time, there is no good way to retreat from the enemy, unless you can persuade Cao Cao to let him attack Nanyang.

Cai Mao didn't say a word when she saw everyone.

In the end, he had to set his sights on Chen Dao:

"Uncle Zhi, come and talk about it!"

That's when I thought of it.

Chen Zhi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

However, in order to defend the city, he still said: "Governor, since ancient times, we have not defended the helpless city, if our army wants to defend Wancheng, it must have foreign aid." "

"Otherwise, if Cao Jun is trapped here for a long time, the army's heart will inevitably be unstable, and it will be able to hold on for ten days and eight days, and after a long time, someone will surrender to Cao Cao. "

Sticking to it is definitely not going to work.

Cai Mao didn't really want to fight Cao Cao in Wancheng for a year and a half.

"You can tell that it is light, and now that the sailor is broken, where do we get foreign help?"

"Yes, my main force in Jingzhou is in Wancheng, and the periphery is broken, who is going to ask the lord for help?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"The water level of the Shushui River has dropped too much, even if Xiangyang sends troops, my Jingzhou sailor will not be able to reach Wancheng, at most he can only swim in Xinye, and the distant water can't quench his thirst?"

"That's right, if the lord sends army foot soldiers to come, I'm afraid it will be intercepted by the cavalry of the Cao army, and people will be waiting for us to deliver food and snacks!"

Can Jingzhou still draw out 100,000 troops?

Of course you can, but Liu Biao won't do it.

Because once the 100,000 army went north, Xiangyang was empty, and the counties were empty.

Once someone rebels, I am afraid that Jingzhou will no longer be in Jingzhou that is Liu Biao.

So in order to protect himself, Liu Biao will not invest in Nanyang with additional footmen.

He would rather give up Nanyang than let Jingzhou change his surname.

This is human nature.

When Chen Zhi heard these words, his heart was also filled with bitterness.

"If there is no help, then you can only save yourself!" Chen Zhi hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Cao Cao's army is besieging the city, our army is out of the city to fight with it, as long as it can win, the army's heart can be stable!"

"If you can succeed in a sneak attack, burn Cao's camp, and break his army, you can break the siege!"

Out of the city field battle!

The generals gasped when they heard this, and fought with Cao Cao, I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead words.

"Uncle Zhi said specifically!" Cai Mao glanced at everyone, and his eyes stopped everyone from making disrespectful remarks to Chen Zhi.

Only then did everyone be quiet and listen to Chen Zhi continue to speak.

Chen Zhi said at this time: "Cao Jun is fighting, if I don't fight back in Jingzhou, the army's morale will fall, I think I can send a general out of the city to meet the battle, and if I win, I will increase morale and stabilize the army's heart!"

"If you lose, it won't hurt!"

"The total number of soldiers and horses of Cao's army is only 100,000, which is equivalent to our army, and its main cavalry force must have gone south, or to attack other cities, and they are not outside the city for the time being. "

"The siege of the city with fewer troops than our army, the 127 troops are diluted, and the army can attack the camp in the evening, and there will be gains!"

Cai Mao glanced around and said, "The battleable generals in the city, I'm afraid it must be your uncle!"

"Would you like to lead the army to fight the thieves?"

Chen Zhi clenched his fists and replied sonorously: "I didn't want to go!"

"Okay! I really didn't see the wrong person, Uncle Zhi's courage is far better than Cao Jiang!" Cai Mao stepped forward and said:

"I will give you 10,000 soldiers and horses to go out of the city, and I will beat the drum on the city to help, hoping that you can kill the enemy!"

"Xie Dudu!" Chen Zhi had a feeling of being a wise man when he heard this.

Excitedly, he received the military order and went down.

As soon as Chen Zhi left, Cai Mao's henchmen and generals said, "Governor, is it really okay for Chen Zhi?"

"In case he is defeated, it will be a greater blow to the morale of our army, if Cao Cao takes the opportunity to attack the city, I am afraid that the city can be defended!"

"Yes, Dudu, we haven't seen Chen Zhi's martial arts, the generals who can really beat Cao Cao, I heard that Cao Cao's generals are all enemies!"

Cai Mao snorted coldly and said, "He can't do it, you can!"

"If you don't go down, any of you can take off a Cao general's head for me, and I will promote him to be the deputy governor and command one-third of the soldiers and horses!"


When the generals heard this, their faces changed instantly.

He retreated in shame.

Replace them, that's really not going to work.

Shut up!.

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