Soon Chen Zhi went out of the city with an army of 10,000.

At this time, the person who fought under the city was Cao Jun Zhu Ling!

"The Jingzhou army in the city listened, they had the courage to come out to fight, but they didn't have the courage to surrender quickly!"

didn't wait for Zhu Ling to call a few times.

I heard the city gate open violently, and Chen Zhi went out of the city with 10,000 soldiers and horses.

Zhu Ling was stunned.

Cao Cao and others in the rear were also stunned.

Wancheng even dared to send troops out to engage in battle.

This was unexpected.

"Who's the fighter?"

Cao Cao pointed his whip at Chen Zhi and asked.

The generals shook their heads.

Cao Cao's eyes fell on Wei Yan.

Wei Yan also became a petty official in Jingzhou.

Although it is not allowed to be reused, some generals in Xiangyang should be recognized.

Wei Yan also looked sullen.

This man has never seen it.

Guo Jia said: "At this time, there are still those who dare to go out of the city to fight, and there are only two people in Jingzhou."

"One is for Wenpin, the other is for Chen Dao, and Wenpin is in Shunyang, only Chen has arrived!"

Chen arrives!

Cao Cao's gaze instantly flashed with a blazing light.

I was a little worried.

"Is Zhu Ling his opponent?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Zhu Ling is also one of the fierce generals in our army, even if he is defeated, he will not worry about his life."

If the lord is not at ease, he can make Zhong Kang go to the pressure formation, and in case of an accident, he can be saved!"

When Cao Cao heard this, he said to Xu Chu:

"Zhong Kang, you go first, see the opportunity to make a move, if you can capture Chen alive, remember a great achievement!"

"No!" Xu Chu clenched his fists and took the order, and went straight to Zhu Ling.

Let's say that Zhu Ling saw Chen go out of the city and asked, "Who are you, do you dare to fight?"

Chen Zhi said: "Runan Chen Dao, why not take you to fight!"

"Chen Dao, you are the guy who newly invested in Cai Mao. Zhu Ling snorted coldly:

"Let's go to one of my houses and see what you are capable of to get my lord to send someone to find you. "

Cao Cao is looking for me?

Chen Zhi was stunned.

He always thought it was a fake.

Now when I heard Zhu Ling say this, I suddenly felt like I had missed out on a billion dollars.

However, Zhu Ling had already rushed over to kill, so he also shot and killed.

The long knife slashed at his right shoulder.

Chen blocked the spear in his hand, and then changed, and the counterattack stabbed Zhu Ling in the chest.

Zhu Ling returned to the knife and blocked, shot one after another, and swept horizontally towards Chen Dao.

Chen Zhi dodged while lying down, turned the long pole, and stabbed with a gun.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and he went straight to Zhu Lingmian's door.

Zhu Ling was shocked, eager to defend, not wanting Chen to change the gun to another stab, so he changed to his right shoulder.

Zhu Ling's arm shook, and it was a little difficult to defend himself, so he had to lean over and dodge.

But Chen was unforgiving, had an advantage, shook the gun, and went straight to the door.

Zhu Ling was tired of coping, blocking left and right.

Chen had a lot of empty guns, and he was dazzled, and Zhu Ling was in a hurry for a while.


Suddenly, Chen turned virtual into reality, and a shot stabbed him, not heavy, but a horizontal blow.

hit Zhu Ling's tiger head armguard, the arm guard was broken, Zhu Ling was in pain, his body was forced, and he fell off the horse.

Before he could get up, Chen Zhi's spear was about to stab at his neck, threatening Zhu Ling's lifeline.


At this time, a long knife caught Chen Dao's spear head diagonally.

"General Xu Chu!"

Zhu Ling reacted back and found that it was Xu Chu who rushed to save him.

Chen Zhi saw the man who wielded the knife, with big shoulders and round waist, and his arms thicker than other people's thighs.

A long knife took all his strength.

I can't suppress it no matter how much I can't suppress it, and I can't help but be horrified.

"Get up!" Xu Chu didn't respond, he snorted coldly, the long knife was raised, and he brought up Chen's spear.

Chen Zhi immediately put away his gun, and rode his horse back to Xu Chuze's rear flank.

Xu Chu turned around and slashed away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Zhixu took a shot.

The change of tactics quickly attacked Xu Chu and put it down.

Xu Chu snorted coldly, blocked it with a gentle knife, and slashed over with his backhand, obviously a little hostile to Chen Zhi's three-way play.


Soon the two of them fought ten things.

Xu Chu is powerful and mighty.

Although Chen Zhi's strength is not as good as Xu Chu, he also frequently receives moves, and between the changes in marksmanship, there are also constant routines.

Drew with Xu Chu for a while.

Everyone was amazed.

There are not many generals in the world who can fight with Xu Chu.

I didn't expect Chen Zhi's force to be a bit beyond expectations.

"Hahaha, good, good!" Cai Mao was happy to see it in the city.

I didn't expect Chen Zhi's martial arts to be so high, and Xu Chu, a fierce general in Cao Cao's army, couldn't defeat him for a while.

It seems that it is no problem to defend Wancheng.

The generals in Jingzhou had a complicated look on their faces.

Chen Dao, a commoner-born military general they looked down on, was so fierce.

It has the posture of Huang Zhong in the past.

However, everyone looked at Cai Mao's cold and ruthless face, and suddenly showed pity again.

What about being strong, it's just a pawn in Cai Mao's hands.

After driving Cao Cao out of Nanyang, Chen Zhi lost his value.

Either hide in a corner in the cold, or send it to the local garrison and be a little general.

If you are not a child of a family, you don't want to gain a foothold in Xiangyang.

Soon, Xu Chu and Chen Zhi fought for twenty rounds.

Chen Dao's disadvantages began to appear.

In terms of strength and durability, he is not as good as Xu Chu.

Xu Chu is not only powerful and powerful, but his reaction is also different from ordinary people.

Ordinary generals are no match for him at all.

Chen Zhi couldn't nail Xu Chu, and Xu Chu couldn't help Chen Zhi for a while.

But if it's fifty rounds, or a hundred rounds, it's hard to say.

Chen Zhi's heart also began to be bitter.

Cao Cao's army rushed out casually, and they were all so brave.

Nanyang will be lost!

"'My lord, if you continue to fight, Chen Zhi will make a false move and retreat into the city!" Guo Jia said with a slight curl of the corners of his mouth:

"Why don't you make the cavalry divide into two wings and prepare to outflank, and if Chen retreats, he will immediately kill the general. "

"It's good if you can capture it alive, if you can't, you can bite more than sixty percent of this 10,000 army!"

Cao Cao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he commanded:

"Wei Yan and Hao Zhao, you two each lead about 2,000 horsemen to outflank, if you can take advantage of the situation to attack the city (get Zhao) Finally, if you can't, you can't attack, killing the enemy is small, and the loss of soldiers and horses is big!"

Wei Yan and Hao Zhao took the order and left immediately when they heard this.

Cao Cao also ordered the generals to prepare.

Once you have the opportunity to enter Wancheng, you will take the opportunity to capture it.

Solve Cai Mao in one fell swoop.

However, Cao Cao did not have much hope for this.

Cai Mao is not a fool, and he must be on guard at this time.

And Chen Zhi is not an ordinary person, an ordinary general.

is a good general who can lead Liu Bei's soldiers and know the soldiers.

I shouldn't have given it a chance.

However, everything is difficult to say, and it is definitely good to prepare more.

Soon Xu Chu and Chen Zhi fought to thirty rounds, and Chen Zhi's strength weakened and began to lose to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu seized the opportunity and slashed and attacked again and again, so that Chen Zhi could only parry.

Chen Zhi saw that the cavalry on both wings of the Cao army was protruding and preparing to take a detour, and secretly shouted in his heart, and forced Xu Chu back with a false move, and turned around and shouted:


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