Chen retreated, an army of 10,000 people. Immediately turned around and rushed to the city gate.

And Wei Yan and Hao Zhao immediately ordered the two wings to kill in a roundabout way.

As a result, it was still a little late, so that Chen Zhi retreated into the city first, but he couldn't intercept it.

However, he intercepted 6,000 Jingzhou troops and cooperated with Xu Chu and others to eat them and force them to surrender.

When they chased to the city gate, arrows rained down under the city, and the two were originally infantry generals, and they were not good at cavalry warfare.

Then he led the two wings of the army to turn around and gave up the storm, and captured the city gate.

The gates slammed shut.

Cai Mao and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm really afraid that Cao Cao's cavalry just now will rush in, and that will be the end of it.

Chen Zhi withdrew into the city, went up to the city wall, and came to confess to Cai Mao.

"Chen Zhi has a heavy trust, failed to defeat the Cao army, but let the thief army gain power, please punish him!"

Cai Mao is quite complicated with Chen Zhi.

Chen is now one of the few fierce generals in the Jingzhou army, and Cai Mao wants to reuse it.

However, Chen was born as a commoner, and he had no victories in addition, and he was defeated repeatedly.

Cai Mao naturally still has some whispers in her heart.

"This battle is not your fault, it is really Xu Chu who is too brave. "

"When the war employs people, I will punish you for a year, and you can go down!"

When Chen Zhi heard this, his heart was more uncomfortable than being stabbed by needle 173.

As a military general, he doesn't care how much he has at all.

If Cai Mao fights him ten battles according to military law, this will be better, and it will also be conducive to governing the army and defending the army.

As a result, it is a feeling of insulting oneself to use such a thing as a penalty to deduct it.

"Chen Zhi you still can't go down, but is there something?" Cai Mao saw that Chen Zhi did not receive the punishment and did not thank him, but was stunned for a while, and was still there, and his heart suddenly became unhappy.

Chen Zhi came back to his senses and said: "Governor, now that our army is newly defeated, Cao Cao will definitely celebrate, and the garrison at night must be lax, and tonight an army can be made out of the city to sneak attack, and it will be a miracle?"

Cai Mao's eyes lit up when she listened.

However, when the other Jingzhou generals heard this, they all ridiculed and ridiculed.

"General Chen is really like a god, and he concluded that the garrison of the Cao army will be lax!"

"Our army is newly defeated, morale is not high, if you sneak attack out of the city, you are afraid of ambush, and it will be even more unfavorable to defend the city at that time, the governor must not send troops out of the city to attack the camp!"

"Governor, I have a lot of soldiers, guarding Wancheng, there is no problem for a year and a half, in my opinion, there is no need to risk losing troops!"

"Yes, Dudu, seek stability first, don't take risks!"

The crowd was again dissuaded. When Cai Mao heard this, her mind suddenly sank.

Chen Zhi was anxious: "Governor, I am willing to lead the army with a warrant, if the sneak attack fails tonight, the military law will be engaged, even if you ask for a beheading, there will be no complaints!"

This, Chen is forced like this, and Cai Mao will not be able to come to power.

If you don't agree, the morale of the military will inevitably be shaken.

The soldiers of Jingzhou did not treat him as the governor of the city.

With a deep groan, Cai Mao said: "It's okay, I'll give you 5,000 soldiers and horses tonight, I hope you won't disappoint the governor of Pontus!"

After speaking, Cai Mao brushed his sleeves and left.

The generals followed.

Five thousand centaurs.

What are the results of the sneak attack!

Fei Ming doesn't believe me.

Still don't dare to fight!

Chen Zhi's eyes flickered, and his face changed.

The soldiers of Jingzhou from top to bottom have no courage to fight.

One mind only wants to defend the city, focusing on defense, hoping that the enemy army will retreat.

It's ridiculous, pathetic, pitiful!


Cao's army collected his troops and returned to the camp.

Although it was a small victory, it also boosted morale.

After surrounding Wancheng, it was only a matter of time before it was breached.

So they were happy one by one and followed Cao Cao back to the big tent.

Cao Cao proposed to celebrate, and there was basically no objection.

The camp was full of joy and bright lights.

Even the sergeant's night practice was exempted.

It was not until the lights were blown out and the troops rested that the night was quiet.

It's just that in the main tent camp, Cao Cao and his main henchmen and generals gathered together to discuss important matters. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Our army celebrates tonight, and it will definitely be seen above Wancheng. If Cai Mao is still a little bloody, he will definitely send troops to attack the camp! All armies must be prepared to wait for the Jingzhou army to attack and besiege and kill them in one fell swoop!"

Cao Cao made careful military arrangements.

Soon the generals were ordered to leave.

Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia, who was lying in the corner, and said, "Why didn't Fengxiao participate in the discussion?"

Guo Jia didn't get up, and said with a smile: "Lord, I guess Cai Mao doesn't have the guts, and your arrangement tonight will be greatly disappointed!"

"If the Jingzhou army sneaks up, it won't exceed 8,000 men at most, and it should just be a tentative look at the garrison of the four battalions of our army. "

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said, "Feng Xiao is so determined, aren't you afraid to guess wrong?"

Guo Jia said: "Lord, how about we gamble?"

"I guess, it is Chen Dao who leads the army, and there will be no more than eight thousand soldiers and horses, and Cai Mao has no other backhand!"

Cao Cao said: "What is the bet?"

"The manuscript, the manuscript sent by the public station in the future, I will give priority to watching. Guo Jia said.

Cao Cao said: "Bet!"

"If you lose, you have to think of a way to make Liu Mianbei a minister, and you don't dare to covet Nanyang, let alone be my enemy. "


The second half of the night!

The west gate of Wancheng quietly opened, and soon a team of people came out of the city.

The leader is naturally Chen Dao.

The 5,000 soldiers and horses did not dare to make too much movement.

Soon came to the camp of Ximen Cao's army.

Chen Zhi did not immediately attack.

Instead, he patiently waited for the time of half a pillar of incense, and made sure that there was no danger nearby, and there was no ambush in Xiying, so he ordered:

"Attack, quickly break through the Cao camp, and then set fire to the camp, not to kill many enemies, but to mess with the camp, so that the Cao army tramples on each other. "

"After success, quickly withdraw to the city, and do not fight!"

The generals were promised, and then each led his troops to follow Chen Zhi to Cao Ying.

When I got closer, I saw that the camp gate guards were not small.

It can be seen that the vigilance of Cao Cao's camp is not lax.

However, there are not many people patrolling around.

Apparently there was no more precaution.


Once again sure that there was no danger, Chen Zhi rushed to the camp gate first.

Behind him, the horsemen also held longbows, and drew the bow to open the string.

Then loose strings released arrows, and the next moment, the Cao soldiers on duty at the camp gate were hit by arrows one after another, and then fell down.

Chen Zhi took advantage of the situation to kill, and with a spear, he stabbed directly at the bolt of the camp door, and he was heavy.

Then hit the gun.

The gate of the camp is opened inward.

The infantry soldiers who rushed up behind him immediately opened the camp gate.


Chen Zhi snorted and led the army in.

Charge your way forward, knock out brazier bonfires with guns along the way, and lure sparks to tents and other flammable objects.

Suddenly, the front camp was on fire.

just rushed to the middle camp, Chen Zhi suddenly stopped, and his face was extremely ugly:

"Why is there no one in the front camp, there is no resistance!"

"It's not good, it's a plan, get out quickly!".

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