
When Chen realized that something was wrong, Cao Jun rushed out of the middle and rear camps one after another.

The Cao army in ambush in the field also lit torches and came to block the camp gate.


Chen Zhi didn't dare to delay, so he turned around and withdrew, but it was easy to get in, but it was difficult to get out.

The flames were blazing all around, and this was the fire belt they had set on fire themselves.

At this time, they became the main culprits in their own destruction.

"Shoot the arrows!"

"Puff puff..."

In front of the camp gate, countless Jingzhou troops wanted to withdraw from the camp gate, but they were suppressed by the Cao army crossbowmen who rushed up with a powerful rain of arrows.

Countless corpses were piled up in front of the camp gate in an instant.

"Puff puff..."

The Jingzhou soldiers who rushed into the front camp were also defeated and retreated by Cao's army.

Just when the Jingzhou army was rushing, suddenly Cao's army stopped rushing forward to kill.

"Chen Dao, you have been surrounded, surrender!"

"If you surrender, the Jingzhou army can live!"

"Down, down, down!"

Cao Jun shouted one after another.

The Jingzhou army in the camp looked around in fear.

Finally, he set his sights on Chen Dao.

Chen Zhi's face was extremely gloomy, and he was constantly remorseful.

looked at the Jingzhou soldiers who looked at them all with their desire to survive.

Looking at the heavy Cao army that couldn't rush out.

Chen Zhi asked, "Cao Gong is here, I want to meet Cao Gong!"

"I'm sorry, the lord is not in this camp, if you want to see you, I'll take you there!"

Chen Zhi said: "If I surrender, will you really not kill the Jingzhou soldiers?"

"Joke, they are also the people of the Han Dynasty, whether it is the Jingzhou Army, or the soldiers of my four states, they are all descendants of Longteng Huaxia, and after surrendering, they will naturally not be embarrassed to surrender prisoners. Lejin said affirmatively.

When Chen heard this, he poked his spear into the ground.

"That's it, come down!"

With a bang, the officers and men of the Jingzhou army threw their weapons on the ground one after another.

Since you can't kill it, just surrender.

After all, Cao Cao didn't have the habit of killing prisoners, so there was no need to die.

Soon, Chen Zhizhong's army was arrested and imprisoned.

Chen Zhi was also taken to Dongying to see Cao Cao with his hands tied.

"Fengxiao, you really guessed it, it was really only Chen who came to attack the camp, and the number of people was only five thousand, which is a lot more than expected!" Cao Cao looked at Wancheng and shook his head slightly:

"If Cai Mao sends a large army to attack my four battalions, it will be unpredictable tonight!"

"It's a pity that he doesn't have such a resourceful strategist by his side!"

Guo Jia said: "Lord, is there a possibility, he won't listen to the opinions of any resourceful strategists at all, after all, he only seeks stability, and he only wants to defend!"


That's true.

Cai Mao had an army of 200,000, but he did not dare to fight head-on with his 100,000 soldiers and horses, only to see his cowardice and the fighting spirit of the Jingzhou army.

"It's still true that Fengxiao is analyzed!" Cao Cao praised, it was really his luck to have a strategist like Guo Jia.

Yuan Shao was really blind back then, and he obviously had great talent but he wouldn't reuse it.

caused great talents like Guo Jia, Xun Yu, and Xun Yu to invest in themselves.

"Lord, do you remember the bet?" Guo Jia didn't eat Cao Cao's set.

Hearing this, Cao Cao's face changed instantly.

But he still conceded defeat and said: "Okay, it's up to you!"

"Thank you, lord!" Guo Jiaxi said.

In the future, he will have the highest priority for this manuscript.

Soon Chen Zhi was taken to Cao's tent.

Cao Cao waited under the tent to watch, and when he saw Chen Zhi being tied up, he hurriedly said: "Why do you want to tie up Shu Zhi?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Le Jin said: "Lord, his people are like tigers, and they must not be restrained!"

Cao Cao said: "Uncle is loyal and brave, since he has surrendered to me, how can he harm him!"

After saying that, Cao Cao stepped forward and cut the rope with a sword.

Chen Zhi felt a little unreal, thinking that he would be killed by Cao Cao.

As a demoted general, the general treatment is not good.

"Uncle Zhi, don't blame, they are probably afraid that you will escape, and it is not easy to explain to me, and afterwards, I will punish them!" Cao Cao helped Chen Dao up.

Chen Zhi was full of emotion, and hurriedly said: "Cao Gong is very loving, Chen Zhi deserves it!"

"Please don't blame this general, Chen Zhi is a general, and he should be bound!"

"Uncle is willing to surrender for the safety of the soldiers of Jingzhou, it is not the fault of the war, nor is it defeated, why should it be like this!" Cao Cao said:

"Come, come, talk to me in front of the tent, it's late at night, don't catch a cold. "

Chen Zhi half-pushed and half-followed in.

Cao Cao is good at wine and meat.

The level of enthusiasm exceeded Chen's expectations.

People are most afraid of contrast.

Although he is a demoted general, this encounter is even better than being a general in Cai Mao.

couldn't help but make Chen Zhi even more ashamed and regret his opponent with Cao Cao.

"Why didn't Uncle Zhi eat it, is it unappetizing, I'll let people make a new table of good dishes!" Cao Cao said:

0 for flowers0

"My four states are now rich in money and food, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and their lives are rich, fish and shrimp, chickens and ducks, pigs, dogs and sheep are all raised, and the ingredients are abundant, which will definitely make Uncle Zhi satisfied!"

In the face of Cao Cao's enthusiasm, Chen Zhi finally couldn't bear it, stood up and said: "Cao Gong is loved, Chen Zhi has nothing to repay, but there is a dispatch in the future, please Cao Gong, and he will die in the end." "

Cao Cao didn't speak, and Guo Jia on the side said: "Uncle Zhi is still calling Cao Gong!"


Chen Zhi immediately comprehended these words, and then walked out and bowed to Cao Cao: "Chen Zhi to meet my lord, I am willing to share my lord's worries!"

Cao Cao got up and got down and picked up Chen Dao again: "I have to be uncle, such as Gaozu and Zhou Bo, the Marquis of Jiang!"

This metaphor is too high to see Chen, which makes Chen Zhi a little grateful.

The master of knowing the goods is also.

"Congratulations to the lord and the commander of the good general!" Guo Jia immediately poured wine and saluted Chen Dao.

Cao Cao laughed, patted Chen Zhi's shoulder and said, "Uncle Zhi thinks that if you want to break Wancheng, how should you arrange it?"

Chen Zhi pondered for a moment when he heard this: "Lord, can I avoid Wancheng and not be an enemy of the Jingzhou soldiers for the time being!"


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then understood, and nodded affirmatively: "Uncle is loyal and brave, which can be seen from this!"

"It's okay, you can be my guard for the time being, and take over the defense with Zhong Kang!"

"Thank you, lord!" Chen Zhi didn't expect Cao Cao to agree.

did not force himself to be an enemy of the Jingzhou army.

This made Chen Zhi feel a lot better.

After all, he originally helped the Jingzhou army in Wancheng, and if he turned around and became an enemy with it, it seems that some traitors are suspected of betraying their backs on glory.

"My Uncle Wen is very good at training!" Cao Cao continued:

"Uncle Zhi, can you train an elite army for me, and who you need can be selected from the army. "

Training, this Cao Cao also knows?

Chen Zhi was shocked.

You must know that Mao recommended himself to Cai Mao and suggested that he train an elite soldier, but Cai Mao was afraid that he would seize the military power and get out of control, so he didn't agree.

I didn't expect that as soon as I arrived at Cao Cao, I was entrusted with such an important position, how could I not let Chen Zhi feel and excited.

"The lord has an order, Chen Zhi does not dare to disobey, he is willing to train the master to conquer the world, so that the four seas will be unified and seven!"

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