
"Is what Madame said true?"

Ye Qing excitedly held Cai Yan's hands.

"Husband, it hurts, it hurts!" Cai Yan was held tightly by Ye Qing, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Ye Zai hurriedly opened his hand: "Madame, it's okay, I was excited just now, and I couldn't hold back my strength." "

"Husband, you're going to be a father!" Cai Yan said:

"Husband, you are good at medical skills yourself, so you won't be able to take the pulse yourself. "

"Uh, haha, yes, yes, how did I forget this!" Ye Qing reacted when he heard this, yes, he has a proficient knowledge of Chinese medicine and superb medical skills.

You still need to ask someone else to determine whether your wife is really pregnant or fake?

Ye Qing immediately took his hand to wipe his pulse.

After a while, an even brighter smile rose on his face.

"Madame, do you know how many "nine-zero-threes" you are pregnant?"

"What several?" Cai Yan was a little confused, but Bing Xue was smart and she quickly understood.

"My husband is saying... Twins!"

Ye Qing nodded: "That's right, they are twins, and according to my diagnosis, it should be Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang!"

What the?

Dragon and phoenix are auspicious?

Cai Yan was stunned.

"Husband, are you not lying to me, this can also be measured?" Cai Yan was a little unconvinced.

Forget about the twins, even the dragon and phoenix fetuses can measure the pulse, which sounds a bit mysterious!

"For others, of course not, but I, it's not a difficult thing!" Ye Qing smiled modestly:

"I can not only diagnose the pulse of the twins to determine whether the twins are male or female or dragon and phoenix fetuses, but also through the pulse of the newly pregnant baby, I can see whether the pregnant woman has been pregnant before!"


Cai Yan was taken aback.

Good guys, it could be more mysterious.

"Don't be nervous, madam, you're the firstborn!" Ye Qing joked.

Cai Yan suddenly snorted: "It's up to you!"

"Don't tell others about this kind of thing, and don't help people test it, otherwise it's easy to be beaten!"

Not everyone in the world is clean.

People's privacy is important.

I don't like others to know my secrets.

Ye Qingdao: "Madam, don't worry, you know this kind of thing, I know the heavens and the earth, and I still have the door to the door for the husband, and I won't give people the pulse everywhere!"

"Husband, you said that I was pregnant with a dragon and phoenix fetus, so did you say that the baby boy came out first, or did the baby girl come out first?" asked Cai Yan in the school entrance examination.

When Ye Qing heard this, he immediately frowned.

"Ma'am, this... I can't measure it!"

This kind of thing that will happen in eight or nine months, Ye Qing naturally can't calculate it.

"Hehe, it turns out that my husband is also inaccurate!" Cai Yan laughed stupidly:

"Therefore, the husband's medical skills have not yet reached the realm of heaven, and he still needs to work hard and go further!"

Take it a step further, that's with god-level medical skills!

Ye Qing thought so.

Just when the two were discussing for their own children.

Diao Chan knocked on the door and shouted outside the room: "Sir, Accountant Chen and Huang Qi are here!"

"Huang Qi heard that Mr. likes to eat crabs, so he specially brought back some river crabs and lake crabs from outside, which are bigger than a fist!"

River crabs and lake crabs!

Ye Qing listened, and instantly the gluttonous insects began to make a fuss.

There are also crabs in Caojia Village, but they are all small river crabs, smaller than small oranges, without any meat, all hard shells.

It's okay to be wrapped in egg flour and fried, and it tastes crunchy.

"It seems that there is a blessing today!" Ye Qingdao:

"Of course, Mrs. can't eat too much, just pay for one, otherwise it will be bad for the baby!"

Cai Yan sighed when he heard it: "It's a pity to have to pass by with food!"

Cai Yan knew that the river crabs and lake crabs brought by Huang Zhong must have been salvaged from the lakes in the southern river basin. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otherwise, there is no fist.

Ye Qing came to the courtyard.

Chen Gong and Huang Zhong said hello, and Ye Qing went straight to the barrels where the river crabs and lake crabs were loaded.

Squatted down and reached out with his hand, dodged the double pincer attack raised by the crab, grabbed one, and gestured at the individual of the crab:

"It's a pure wild cargo, okay Huang Qi, where did you get it!"

This kind of pure wild big goods, ordinary people really can't get it.

But the number brought by Huang is quite large.

Huang Zhong said: "Sir, this is what I went out to visit relatives, and I caught it in the river and lake in front of my relatives' house, it is not small, the meat yield is high, and the most important thing is that the crab roe is full." "

Eat crab season in autumn and October, crab roe is soft and fragrant with wine and rice, and the world has the best taste 0.

"It seems that today evening, I have to personally cook a delicious crab feast for everyone!"

Possessed by the god of cooking, even if he can't see with his eyes, Ye Qing cleans up crabs, steames crabs, and digs out crab roe skillfully and easily.

Soon a table of crab feasts was ready.

Steamed crab, braised fried river crab, spicy crab, stir-fried crab, crab burger, crab roe soup, scallion oil crab roe noodles, crab roe steamed egg, a bite of fresh crab roe tofu, winter melon and crab soup, ten methods.

Each has its own unique taste, which is simply irresistible.

Everyone looked at the crab feast full of tables, not only did they not have a greasy taste, but they were full of appetite.

If this weren't for Ye Qing's home, everyone would have started eating a long time ago.

"Okay, all the dishes are finished, everyone, let's eat, don't be polite!" Ye Qing sat down and directly served himself a bowl of winter melon and crab soup.

Drink soup before meals and be slim and beautiful without getting fat!

Start with the light taste, taste the unique taste, and finally eat the heavy taste, so you don't have to worry about the taste in your mouth, everything you eat is a taste.

Everyone followed the same example and followed Ye Qing to enjoy the food.

"Woo, this soup is so delicious, I didn't expect the crab soup to be so delicious!"

"This steamed egg with crab roe is so tender and fragrant. "

"A bite of fresh crab roe tofu, this is the love of the world!"

"I like to eat this braised fried river crab and spicy crab, which is 0.7 crispy and spicy!"

Ye Qing, the delicious food made by the possession of the kitchen god, simply conquered countless people.

The wind swept away, and everyone ate very quickly, and at once they swept away the delicious food on the table, and they ate one by one until their stomachs were round and round.

Chen Gong didn't even want the image, his mouth was full of greasy, and he didn't pay attention to Dian Wei Huang Qi, and with a rude method, he solved a crab by dividing five by two.


Chen Gong, Huang Zhong, and Dian Wei were full of burps one after another, which was enjoyable.

Ye Qing wiped his mouth, he was restrained, and he paid for it a little.

So I enjoyed the food without having to support my stomach.

"Today we are talking about a new book, called "The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties"!"

"Before I start talking, I want to ask you, do you know the eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties?"

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