"Puff puff..."

Countless arrows were fired, and the Jizhou soldiers were either killed or injured.

Wang Men waved his sword and listened to resist for a while, and then he was shot with several arrows and fell off his horse and died.

However, the Jizhou army outside the city seemed to be crazy, and was not frightened by the ambush, but brought a cloud ladder, directly on the city wall, and began to attack the city.

"What's going on?"

The Jizhou army that shot Weng Cheng, Gongsun Xulai was not in a hurry to celebrate, and he had to immediately face the strong attack of the Jizhou army.

I was a little confused for a while.

"Close the gates, quick!"

But Gongsun Xu understood that if he wanted to defend the city, he had to close the city gate first.

But it's a bit late at this time.

"Major General, the city gate is full of Jizhou people, and it can't be closed at all, and our people can't kill it."

"Major General, the Jizhou army has rushed out of the city gate hole again, and our arrows are almost unable to shoot."

Attack, the other side has been prepared.

Gongsun Xu couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his forehead.

Unexpectedly, the Jizhou army did not withdraw its troops when it folded thousands of soldiers and horses, and it had to attack strongly, which is really a bit ruthless!

"Hurry up, mobilize troops and horses, you must defend it, you must close the city gate!"

"Send a team down and take the city gate."

With the command of Gongsun Xu, although the defenders of Wuyun City guarded the city gate, it was extremely difficult to defend, and in the face of the fierce attack of the Jizhou army, their own casualties gradually increased, and the pressure doubled.

And the north gate of the Boundless City.

At this time, Feng Ji was quietly sparing with a large army.

Listening to the sound of slaughter at the south gate, he waved his hand and said:


Feng Ji's real killer move is actually to attack the north gate.

Knowing that Master Zhou had a problem, he still planned and let Wang Men go to death to attract the attention of Gongsun Xu and Guan Jing.

Let the defenders all be transferred to the south gate.

At this time, the north gate is empty, and it is the right time.

"Oh no, someone!"

The defenders of the north gate suddenly saw more than a dozen black shadows suddenly appearing under the dark city.

Then more dark shadows emerged, surging like a tidal wave.

"Enemy attack, release arrows~!"

"Quick, bring the others up!"

"Quick, immediately go and inform the major general, there is an enemy attack at the north gate, go quickly!"

Soon the Jizhou army rushed to the city, immediately set up a cloud ladder, and the bow and crossbow were suppressed towards the city.

Countless Jizhou troops took the opportunity to climb the city.

Launch a storm on the north gate.

All of a sudden, the Jizhou army captured the head of the city and prepared to kill towards the city gate tower and stairs.

At this time, the defenders under the city finally came up and fought to the death with the Jizhou army.

The two sides fought bloody battles over the city.

At this time, it is a competition of perseverance and ruthlessness.

Whoever can hold on will be able to hold on.

South Gate!

"Report! The major general is not good, the north gate came to report, the Jizhou army is storming the north gate, and the north gate is almost impossible to defend.

Most of the city has been lost, and the city gate tower is about to be taken! Please send reinforcements! "

Gongsun continued to listen, only to feel that his brain was buzzing.


It's anti-China!

Feng Ji was so cunning that he deliberately attacked at the south gate to attract firepower.

As a result, the main force made a surprise attack at the north gate.

Who can withstand this.

You must know that Fengji has an army of 50,000.

One hundred and twenty thousand are at the south gate, and two or thirty thousand are at the north gate.

At this time, it was a little late to transfer troops back to the north gate.

Just when Gongsun continued to be anxious.

Suddenly, someone pointed in the direction of the west outside the city and shouted: "Look, it seems to be the Jizhou military camp there, and their camp is on fire!" "

Gongsun Xu and the others looked to the west.

Sure enough, I saw the direction of the Jizhou army camp blazing.

I can't help but be a little confused.

Here's what's going on.

North Gate

Discipline Division:

"Report, military division, the big thing is not good, our army's camp was attacked by enemy cavalry, the camp was burned, the grain and grass were ignited, and the camp was lost!"

"The enemy cavalry is coming towards us, please make a decision as soon as possible!"


Feng Ji was shocked when he heard this, and then he hummed in denial:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The cavalry of the Boundless City can't leave the city at all, they are all within the scope of our army's surveillance, how can they let the cavalry of Gongsun Xu and others burn the camp?"

Feng Ji didn't believe that his camp was burned.

Not even more believing in the appearance of large-scale cavalry.


As he spoke, the sound of horses' hooves on the ground was heard from the west.

"Military division, the enemy cavalry is at least four or five thousand, our army is in the field, and it is night, and it is still attacking the city, I'm afraid... I can't stand it! (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Even in the daytime, against the five thousand iron cavalry, without a good defensive array, it will not be able to withstand it.

Cavalry is inherently superior to infantry, and it is inherently a nemesis.

Feng Ji glanced at the north gate that was about to be taken down, and there was unwillingness in his eyes.

Just a little bit.

If you can capture the north gate, let alone four or five thousand cavalry, even if 20,000 cavalry comes, you are not afraid.

It's just that now, the siege is stalemate, how can it stop the four or five thousand horsemen who suddenly killed.


With his eyes flickering, Feng Jiyi gritted his teeth and ordered a retreat.

Mingjin withdraws his troops.

Feng Ji also didn't have time to organize a defensive formation.

Ran away directly with the guards.

At this time, if you don't leave, you will be stabbed.

At night, there is a high probability of escape.

As long as you run fast, the loss of Jizhou soldiers will not be too much.

As soon as Feng Ji withdrew with his people, the Jizhou army besieging the city was stunned.

It's almost defeated, and it's still Mingjin to withdraw the troops.

However, when they heard the trampling sound of horses' hooves, they were immediately frightened and withdrew from the battle one by one, and fled eastward!

"'Kill, you must catch Fengji!"

"Don't let go of a Jizhou person, kill Ben!"

With a single long sword, he pointed ahead, caught up with a Jizhou army, and slashed with his sword.

Four thousand white horses and righteous light cavalry also rushed to the Jizhou rout, with swords in their hands and fell, countless Jizhou troops either died in the trampling and collision of war horses, or died under the blades of light cavalry.

And the south gate, without waiting for Gongsun to continue to figure out the situation.

At this time, a light cavalry also came from the west.

Rush towards the attacking Jizhou army.

The Jizhou army at the south gate was in chaos in an instant, and they fled one after another.

Everyone fled first and trampled on each other.

The dead and wounded are numerous.

"Young boy, I will come back and forth to defend the Boundless City on the orders of the lord."

"The camp of the Jizhou army has been burned, please send troops to pursue it!"

Although there were only 1,000 horsemen at the south gate, they also made the Jizhou army flee in embarrassment.

Gongsun Xu did not miss this good opportunity, and personally took the soldiers out of the city at the moment to pursue the defeated Jizhou army.

It wasn't until dawn that Gongsun Xu and the others stopped the pursuit, retreated all the way, and collected the loot.

When he returned to the Boundless City, the city was still in Guan Jing's hands.

Looking at the spoils of war all over the ground, as well as the prisoners, and after glancing at the remnants of the camp outside the West Gate, which was still vigorous, Gongsun continued to sigh:

"If this battalion doesn't burn, all the supplies will be ours, I don't know how good it would be!"

Guan Jing said: "Young General, if this battalion is not burned and its grain is not destroyed, I am afraid that Feng Ji and the others will retreat directly into the camp if they are defeated, and they will not be able to win such a big victory yesterday night." "。

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