Yuyang City!

Liu Bei didn't expect Gongsun Chan to come so quickly!

More than 10,000 elite light horsemen suddenly killed the city.

"Didn't Gongsun Zan go south? Why...... It's Yuyang again! "

Liu Bei looked at the scout.

The scout's forehead was covered with sweat.

"This last general doesn't know that Gongsun Chan suddenly went north, without any warning!"

Guan Yu on the side stroked his beard and said: "It should be Zou Dan's previous request for help, Gongsun Zhan was eager to kill the eldest brother, so he didn't continue to attack the city south to recover Yongnu and other cities!" "

Liu Bei bowed his head slightly and asked another: "Ziqi, what do you think?" "

This person who abandoned the word was a member of the Han family like Liu Bei, but he was a descendant of Liu Rong, the Marquis of Xixiang, the son of Liu Jian, the king of Guangyang of the Han Dynasty (son of Liu Dan, the king of Yanra).

I saw Liu Fang pinching his already small beard and said, "General, the reason why Gongsun Chan is in a hurry to go north is not important.

The important thing is whether we should go out of the city to fight in the field, or defend the city! "

Guan Yu has always been contemptuous and arrogant, and glanced at the newcomer Liu Fang and said, "Ziqi thinks that the field battle can be won!" "

This is not a rhetorical question.

The field battle could not defeat Gongsun Chan at all.

Liu Fang said with a smile: "General, our army 160 has no advantage in the field, only to defend the city, and consume Gongsun Chan first!" "

"There is plenty of food and grass in Yuyang City, and Gongsun Zhan's troops are all cavalry, so they can't eat nearby, and the consumption is also large, and they will inevitably not be able to hold on to it for a long time, the army's morale will be unstable, and their morale will also fall!"

"He can't hold on to retreat when he gets there, and this is our chance? After all, General Zhang is not in Yuyang City! "

Liu Bei bowed his head slightly when he heard this: "Ziqi's words are reasonable, Gongsun Zhan's troops are all cavalry, and they can't attack the city!" "

"Losing the southern part of Yuyang, it can only mobilize grain and grass from Youbeiping, but if Yuan Shaobu wants to attack Youbeiping, Gongsun Zhan will definitely not be able to consume it!"

"As long as he retreats, we can go out of the city and attack, although we can't kill him, but we can defeat him and get a lot of good horses!"

Liu Fang saw that Liu Fang understood the full score, so he didn't say much.

Guan Yu said: "If it goes on like this, wouldn't it be so that Yuan Shao can successfully capture Jixian County, and then... How else do we scale. "

Liu Fang shook his head: "Otherwise, although Liu Yu is not defeated by Yuan Shao, he will not be defeated for a while and a half!" "

"Jixian County is high, Liu Yu is well educated in the people's livelihood, the grain and grass are sufficient, and now Xian Yufu is leading the main force back to help, although the Youzhou soldiers (abee) horses can't fight with Yuan Shao, but it is more than enough to defend the city!"

"Moreover, Yuan Shao has spent too long in Youzhou, and Cao Cao will inevitably attack Yecheng from the south and seize Yuan Shao's foundation."

Guan Yu had nothing to say, but he was still a little dissatisfied with Liu Fang.

Although Liu Fang and Liu Bei are of the same clan, this generation is too far apart, it is good to say that they are relatives of the Zong family, and if they are not good, they are people with the same surname.

Why did he come to become a military advisor directly, and he could lead a large army alone.

Liu Bei talked with him all night and slept on his feet.

"So, what does Ziqi mean, we can ignore Yuan Shao for the time being, and we can also ignore the threat it brings?" Liu Bei seemed to have caught something.

If Yuan Shao's threat is not counted, then his small life will be moisturized.

He is confident that he can establish an alliance with Liu Yu to resolve Liu Yu's suspicion and murderous intentions towards him.

Such a three-legged top can stabilize Youzhou.

As long as he gives himself time, he will be able to unite with Liu Yu to get rid of Gongsun Zhan.

At that time, he was swallowing Youzhou in homeopathy.

In this way, he will also become the object of Cao Cao's wooing.

Anything you want!

"What the general said is right, Yuan Shaozhi seems to be fierce, but in fact, it is just a tiger skin pulling big, and he is screaming." Liu Fangdao:

"Yuan Shao is scheming and indecisive, and he has a lot of military under his command, but the people are not in harmony, thanks to the fame of the family.

is not a person who can do big things, can dominate the Han Dynasty, and clean up the old mountains and rivers! "

Hearing this, Liu Bei cherished Liu Fang even more heroically, and favored and valued Liu Fang even more.

"Zi abandoned, let's go, let's go into the city gate tower and chat slowly, and let Gongsun Chan scream a few more times outside the city gate!"

Gongsun Zhan, if you want to recapture Yuyang, dream.


Gongsun Chan kept fighting and scolding under the city. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Liu Bei's grandparents have been scolded.

But there was still no movement in Yuyang City.

Liu Bei was thick-skinned, he didn't pay attention to it at all, and he didn't scold Gongsun Zhan.

This made Gongsun Chan both boring and angry.

"No, Liu Bei is too cowardly, he doesn't dare to go out of the city to fight me!"

"I have to think of a way to provoke him out..."

Gongsun Zhan temporarily withdrew and set up camp, but deliberately did not build the barracks according to the foot.

It was still the same as the cavalry, and there were no decent camp walls or fences around it.

It looks like you can raid the house at night.

It's just that a night has passed, and I haven't seen Liu Bei send troops to steal the camp.

After tossing all night, Gongsun Zhan's gloomy face can drip water.

"Liu Bei Xiaoer, it's too hateful!"

"The flaws are so obvious, and I won't come to sneak attack!"

Just when Gongsun Chan was worried about how to solve Liu Bei, the sound of communication sounded outside the camp.

"Report! Lord, Lu Bu sent a letter! "

Lu Bu!

This guy is coming!

Gongsun Zhan immediately ordered someone to send the letter in, opened it and took a look, only to see Lu Bu saying that Yuyang was difficult to break, and Liu Bei would retreat in the city, and he went to fight the city.

"Hohei Castle?" Gongsun Chan looked puzzled, and immediately asked:

"Is Yuanping still in the hands of our army?"

Yan Gang said: "It seems that it was captured by Liu Bei's brother Zhang Fei, Lu Bu may want to cut off Liu Bei's siblings first and cut off his peripheral help." "

It seems that Lu Bu's mind is more calm and sober.

If you can't kill Liu Bei for the time being, kill Zhang Fei first.

When Gongsun Chan heard this, it was like missing out on hundreds of millions.

Why didn't I think that attacking Zhang Fei could hit Liu Bei!

"No, why did Lu Bu send someone to send this letter to me!"

Gongsun Chan quickly reacted back.

"It turns out that Lu Bu wants to use Zhang Fei to lure Liu Bei out of the city, okay, I'll arrange people to ambush him, as long as Liu Bei dares to come out, he will definitely be killed!"

Yan Gang reminded: "Lord, I'm afraid that Liu Bei will not move as the end, so I will only send Guan Yu out of the city to rescue!" "

With Liu Bei's urine, he will definitely defend the city, so the heavy responsibility of rescue falls on Guan Yuzhi.

Gongsun Chan sneered when he heard this.

"It's okay for Guan Yu to go out of the city, Lu Bu killed Zhang Fei, I killed Guan Yu, broke Liu Bei's wings, let him taste the loss first!"

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are Liu Bei's right-hand men, Liu Bei relies on two fierce generals with 10,000 enemies, and once these two are removed, it is only a matter of time before Liu Bei is defeated.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Zhan's heart was hot, and he immediately went to arrange the arrangement.

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