Are you afraid of chilling the hearts of the Cai family, not the hearts of the people of Jingzhou!

Kuai Yue naturally will not break Liu Biao, but will cooperate with it.

"The lord is worried about the country and the people, the more I admire!"

"If the lord really wants to talk about the agreement, it is not impossible to give up Wancheng and rescue Cai Dudu and 100,000 soldiers!"

Liu Biao's heart moved when he heard this, and he said hurriedly: "How to do it?" "

"My lord, send an envoy to Cao Cao, expressing his willingness to use Wancheng and 100,000 soldiers to exchange for Xinye City!"

"From now on, my Jingzhou and Cao Cao, with Xinye as the boundary, the north belongs to Cao Cao, and the south belongs to my Jingzhou, as long as Cao Cao agrees, Xiangyang is not in danger."

Xinye is the northern gateway to Xiangyang, and the river outside Xinye City is deep enough for the sailors to be stationed and build a defense to resist Cao Cao's southward movement.

Since Wancheng wants to let go, it is better to come back with a new "130" field.

This way stop loss and save life.

Liu Biao patted his thigh and said: "There is still a way to be different, this is very wonderful!" "

Liu Biao didn't think about it, and immediately ordered someone to find Wang Wei and ask him to send an envoy to persuade Cao Cao to let Cai Mao return to Jingzhou.

Wang Wei got the order and hurried north.

When the Gangdu Han River reached the north bank, it was intercepted by Ma Chao's army.

It was clear that he was sent to the north, so he was immediately released.

Wang Wei left the cavalry's sight, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's such a fast speed, Cao Jun is ready to attack Fancheng, we must speed up to Wancheng to persuade Cao Cao, otherwise, once Fancheng is broken, I'm afraid there will be no chance to make peace!"

So Wang Wei traveled day and night, and soon came to Wancheng.

At this time, Cao Cao was preparing to attack, the equipment had already been built, the soldiers and horses were also ready, and even the water of the river had risen by half, and the warships that could not move had all become Cao Cao's trophies, and became the warships of the new army of the inland water division.

The ready-made Jingzhou Naval Division was captured, and Cao Cao ordered Lu Chang, a native of Nanyang Bowang, to be the commander of the inland water division and be responsible for commanding the new naval division.

Once Wancheng attacked the city, it could go south to attack Fancheng, and then cross the Han River to attack Xiangyang.

"Report, lord, Jingzhou Liu Biao sent Wang Wei to meet you!"

Cao Cao was discussing with his generals and strategists the details of arranging troops and horses to attack the city.

At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded, which really surprised everyone.

Liu Biao sent an envoy over at this time to think about what to do.

Cao Cao said: "Bring it in, and see what Liu Biao wants to do?" "

Soon Wang Wei came in and met Cao Cao.

Cao Cao said: "Wang Wei, what did Liu Jingsheng do when he sent you here?" "

"Back to Cao Gong, my lord deeply feels that the war between the two armies is not beneficial to the country, and I am willing to reconcile with Cao Gong, and from now on the two will not offend each other, continue the past alliance, and jointly fight Yuan Shu!" Wang Wei said.

As soon as these words came out, they instantly caused a discussion in the tent.

Even Cao Cao also showed a weird smile.

Reconcile, continue the alliance.

What does Liu Biao think?

It's all at this point, and it's still so naïve.

"I don't know how Jingzhou wants to reconcile?" Cheng Yu asked.

Wang Wei replied: "I, Jingzhou, am willing to give up Wancheng, let go of Wuguan, and let Cao Gong send troops to Guanzhong to attack Guo Lizhi's Xiliang bandits!" "

"But Duke Cao needs to make way out and let my 100,000 troops from Jingzhou return to Xinye."

"From now on, the two of us take Xinye as the boundary, the north belongs to Cao Gong, and Xinye and the south are still the old land of Jingzhou! Cao Gong must not send troops to offend. "

As soon as the words fell, a cold voice came.

"What a joke, it's a pity that Liu Jingsheng doesn't go to be a businessman!" Xi Zhicai stood up and said:

"Is it a solution to exchange my lord's things with my lord?"

Wang Wei argued: "What is Cao Gong's thing? "

Xi Zhicai said: "Wancheng, our army can be broken overnight, and all 100,000 Jingzhou soldiers and horses will become prisoners of our army, just ask, why does my lord want to exchange with Jingzhou!" "

Hearing this, Cao Cao's civil and military officers helped one after another.

"That's right, we're about to capture Wancheng, why do we have to exchange with you!"

"Use the Wancheng we are about to get in exchange for the new Ye we have already gotten, isn't this obviously trying to trick us?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Lord, if you don't ask for orders, you will immediately attack Wancheng, capture all the 100,000 Jingzhou troops, and send them back to Tuntian in Xuxian County to quarry stones and build roads!"

This, Wang Wei thought that he would come over, and Cao Cao would readily agree to Jingzhou's conditions after hearing about it.

After all, this condition is already very generous.

Cao Cao also had a solemn face, and said to Wang Wei: "You go down, I'll discuss it with everyone!" "

Wang Wei was anxious when he heard this, this discussion and discussion, I was afraid that it would really attack the city, and at that time, Cai Mao and the 100,000 Jingzhou army could not be saved0 .

And Xiangyang will also be in danger.

"Cao Gong, Wancheng is still in the hands of our army, Cai Dudu still has an army of 100,000, and it is useless to attack the city, please think twice..."

Soon Wang Wei was taken down.

Cao Cao said:

"Now that Liu Biao has softened and wants to exchange Wancheng for Xinye, what do you think?"

Cheng Yu said: "The lord has been delaying the attack on Wancheng, I'm afraid he is also waiting for today!" "

Everyone was stunned and looked at Cao Cao, their expressions were a little complicated.

Is that really the case?

Cao Cao smiled: "What Zhongde said is half right. "

I really have this plan.

"Wancheng is strong, there are 100,000 soldiers and horses, as well as grain and grass, it is not easy to attack, even if it can be defeated, I am afraid it will lose 1 to 20,000 soldiers." Xu Youdao:

"I thought I could exchange with Jingzhou, but Xinye can't, Zhuyang and Yin County can!"

The water level of Xinye is higher, and you can go straight to Fancheng and Xiangyang when you go south.

It's like a sharp knife in your hand.

Such a good strategic place naturally cannot be returned to Jingzhou.

"Cities are dead, but people are alive!" Xi Zhicai said:

"I thought that the exchange was okay, and Xinye could also give it to Liu Biao, but it was necessary to exchange Shunyang and the clerk stationed there."

Soldiers, soldiers.

Wen Ping is one of the top generals in Jingzhou, and he is also one of the four masters in Jingzhou.

In exchange for 4.6, not only can you get a fierce general, but you can also get the support of the Jingzhou Wen family, divide Jingzhou, and pry Liu Biao's interior.

Kill two birds with one stone.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but see a light in front of them.

Good guy, this is the rhythm of peeling Jingzhou and eating it slowly.

Liu Biao did not hesitate to give up Wancheng for Cai Mao.

This move will inevitably win the allegiance and kindness of the soldiers of Jingzhou.

But if Wen was hired and sent out, then his plan would be in vain.

"My lord, I thought it was a good idea!"

"Lord, you can change it, you must leave more Jingzhou soldiers and horses, you can't let go of all 100,000 Jingzhou soldiers!"

"Lord, if you want him to have 30,000 or 40,000 Jingzhou soldiers, when the time comes, go south to Jingzhou, these people can take the lead, and Jingzhou will be easily broken!"

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