A day ago!

Guanzhong! Changan!

Li Dao and Guo Yan made an unsuccessful attempt to return to Chang'an after the emperor, and watched Liu Xie and others escape across the Yellow River.

In the end, he could only vent his anger on the hundred officials who had not crossed the river.

After killing a large number of officials, the two led their troops back west.

When he entered Guanzhong, he found that Chang'an was occupied by Cao Cao's soldiers and horses, and there were many losses in the soldiers of the headquarters, and his wife and children were captured by Zhao Yun, Cao Hong and others.

"Damn, Cao Cao is so hateful, he actually took the opportunity to sneak attack us!" Li Dao scolded.

Guo Yan also said: "Cao Cao is too a chicken thief, and he killed Guanzhong silently." "

"Liu Biao, this waste, in the end, still failed to hold Nanyang."

The two regretted it at this point.

If you knew you shouldn't have attacked each other.

Now it's okay, the little emperor Liu Xie has run away.

Even Chang'an was occupied by Cao Cao.

"What now?" Li Wei asked.

Guo Yan said: "If we are alone and Chang'an is occupied, then go elsewhere to live in peace!" "

"But our family, as well as the families of all the soldiers, are in Chang'an, and if we don't take Chang'an back, not many people are willing to go with us!"

In the past few years, all the soldiers under his command, whether they robbed openly or secretly, plundered some women.

There are many who marry wives and have children.

The two of them came out with troops, but they didn't bring everyone's families, so it's difficult now.

If you don't recapture Chang'an, no one will want to slip away.

"Damn, since you can't go, then take back Chang'an!" Li Dao scolded:

"There are not many soldiers and horses who want to come to Cao Cao to enter Guanzhong, they have just arrived, and those who are willing to hold Chang'an will be killed immediately!"

Guo Yan also said: "Everyone is like an arrow, there is a family in the city, the siege must be fought to the death, and it can be won!" "

So the two gathered all the soldiers and horses and went to Chang'an.

Soon attack Baling first.

Cao Hong, who defended the city, did not hold out for long, and fled with his troops.

Baling was quickly captured, which suddenly boosted the arrogance of Guo Yan and Li Dao, as well as the morale of the Xiliang army.

So the two immediately chased and killed without stopping, not giving Cao Hong and the others time to react.

To be chased across the bridge.

Suddenly, a soldier and horse were killed in the reeds on both sides of the bridge, and the person at the head, with white robes and white horses and silver spears, cut off the army of Li Dao and Guo Yan.

It was partially blocked in the east of the bridge.

"Damn, it's a plan, retreat, kill back to the east bank of the river'!"

Li Dao and Guo Yan saw that Cao's army was in ambush, and Cao Hong, who had just fled, turned around and killed back.

immediately understood the plan, and in a hurry, he rushed to the bridge to kill back.

"Shoot the arrows!"

Baqiao was fought by Zhao Yun, and immediately commanded the soldiers to shoot Guo Li's army.

The strong bow and crossbow shot the Xiliang bandits and died one by one.

However, Li Dao and Guo Yan were eager to flee, bent on survival, and still rushed to kill.

Zhao Yun saw that the bow and crossbow could not defeat the Xiliang bandits, so he urged the horse to meet him, the spears danced, and the rushing Xiliang soldiers were named and dismounted one by one.

"Death to the thief!"

Li Dao arrived first, swung his knife and slashed, Zhao Yun speared all the guns, and stabbed with his backhand.

With a quick blow, he stabbed Li Dao in the throat, and then jumped lightly.

Li Wei rolled over and fell off his horse and died.

Guo Yan arrived, swung his sword and stabbed at Zhao Yun's shoulder.

Zhao Yun blocked sideways, hit with a backhand, and directly knocked out the long sword in Guo Yan's hand.

Seeing that he was a leader, Zhao Yun caught up with a shot, stabbed Guo Yan from behind, and then picked up and collected the gun and stabbed it upward.

Guo Yan was stabbed in the heart.

Blood poured down the silver spear.

Zhao Yun roared angrily and shook it hard, and Guo Yan's corpse hit Xiliang's three horses and died.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, who dares to fight!"

Li Dao and Guo Yan were killed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

It's just that in an instant, the Xiliang army was stunned.

In addition to Zhao Yun's fierce bravery, he heard the names of people at this time, and he was scared one by one.

Cao Hong came from the west and scattered the Xiliang army.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Xiliang army either fled to the north and south, or directly asked Zhao Yun and other troops to surrender.

Those who are on the run are those who have no families.

Those who have families, seeing that the general trend of the Xiliang Army has gone, there is no leading general, so they simply surrender with the trend.

Zhao Yun and Cao Hong surrendered Li Dao and Guo Yan, and then returned to Chang'an.

I haven't seen the city yet.

Then he heard that the west was rolling and killing a great army.

It was Ma Teng's department.

After Ma Teng, there is also Han Sui's army.

The two of them had an army of 80,000 and came from the west.

All the places they passed through were surrendered, and the entire Fufeng County was obtained by the two of them.

The two of them went to the city of Chang'an.

Seeing that the city was closed, he divided his troops to stay outside the west gate, and the first army to control the east gate.

happened to meet Zhao Yun and other troops on the way home.

"The army coming from the front is the Cao Gong Department?"

Ma Teng sent his men forward and asked.

Zhao Yun and Cao Hong believed each other, and Cao Hong urged Ma to make his debut:

"I am Cao Hong, the younger brother of General Zhendong, and the leader has just destroyed Li Dao, Guo Yan and other Xiliang bandits, I don't know if General Ma is coming, if he wants to help our army, or if he wants to attack our army!"

That's pretty straightforward.

Because Xu Shu had already sent spies to the west to explore Ma Teng's department.

knew that Ma Teng and Han Sui went east at the same time.

So Cao Hong asked this question.

Ma Teng came alone, and he must have attacked Guanzhong in response to the Covenant.

But with the addition of Han Sui, it's not that simple.

Cao Hong, Zhao Yun and others had to guard against it.

Ma Teng was first overjoyed when he heard this, and then urged Ma to say: "'It turned out to be General Cao Hong! "

"Congratulations to the general, you have captured these two thieves and returned victorious!"

"I came to Guanzhong at the invitation of Cao Gong, and I am helping Cao Gong, how can I attack one of them!"

Cao Hong replied unceremoniously: "Since you are here to help our army, why did General Ma bring all the soldiers of Liangzhou." "

"My eldest brother doesn't seem to have asked Han Wen for an appointment!"


Ma Teng was slightly embarrassed when he heard this, but said: "Wen Yue is afraid that our army will not have enough soldiers and horses, and the general and others will not be defeated by Guo Li's bandits, so they will come with all the soldiers and horses from Liangzhou." "

"The so-called rabbit game also do its best!"

Cao Hong said: "Since (Qian Nuozhao) is like this, now that Guo Li has been killed by our army, I respectfully ask General Ma to inform Han Wenyue, and his troops will return first!" "

"If General Ma doesn't have the heart to attack me, please also move across the river and leave 5,000 soldiers and horses on the south bank!"

Hearing Cao Hong's words, a general rushed out of Ma Teng's army and shouted: "What a gut, I really think I am the general of Zhendong, and I can't call my Liangzhou soldiers to drink." "

"If I don't retreat, how can you endure?"

I saw that he would be eight feet tall, his face was black and yellow, his head could not be reviewed, his clothes could not be left to his body, he was walking in the valley, and the ape could not compare with his health.

At the end is a member of the general warrior.

Holding a large long knife, looking at it from a distance, it is quite about the wind of cloud chief.

However, Cao Hong and others knew that this was not Guan Yu, nor was he the son of Guan Yu.

"Hmph, I talked to General Ma, and you came out presumptuous, so you don't know the rules." Cao Hong snorted coldly, and then looked at Ma Teng:

"Is General Ma willing to give up because he wants to compare himself with our department?"

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