Ma Teng did not speak.

Pound, who had just come out with a knife, shouted: "What is the comparison! "

With a single sentence, Cao Hong wanted to let the 80,000-strong army retreat across Weishui, which was impossible.

In troubled times, only the strong are respected.

Only the strong are qualified to call the shots.

You say that Ma Teng is a good kind.

He and Han Sui became brothers, and the two tossed in Liangzhou for decades.

All the noisy princes and generals are dead, and only two remain.

Without some skills and means, how can I survive until now.

People say that Han Sui is the heart of the Yellow River, how can Ma Teng be just a reckless fool.

Cao Hong saw that Ma Teng didn't speak, only Pang De was still shouting, so he wanted to urge Ma out.

At this time, Zhao Yun said: "Zilian, don't be angry, since the soldiers and horses of Liangzhou want to see the strength of our army, just wipe him!" "

"Zilian is pressing the formation in the back, I'll fight him!"

The aura emanating from Pang De's body, Zhao Yun knew that this person was not weak.

Cao Hong is afraid that he will not be able to win.

If he is weak, he will be defeated, and Ma Teng may attack with his army.

If there are few people on this side, it is bound to suffer.

Therefore, it is necessary to suppress the Liangzhou soldiers and horses once and give Ma Teng a dismount.

Otherwise, Han Sui in the back will be even more noisy and unruly.

Ma Chao is Ma Teng's son, and he is still a hostage on Cao Cao's side at this time.

Although he is not a son-in-law, he is always his son.

If he can not use force and do not start a war with Cao 660 Cao to make enemies, Ma Teng does not want to be evil.

When Cao Hong saw Zhao Yun saying this, he didn't rush forward.

only said: "Zilong, it's up to you, teach this barbarian from Liangzhou a good lesson!" "

Zhao Yun urged him to step forward, hugged his fists and said, "Dare to ask who is under your feet!" Somebody came to learn! "

Pang De said: "My name is Pang De, Liangzhou General!" "

"Who is Your Excellency?"


He is the fierce general who finally surrendered to Cao Cao, fought with Guan Yu in Jingzhou, and went out with a coffin!

When Cao Hong heard this, a hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Dark Qing listened to Zhao Yun's words.

Although Cao Hong was confident that he would not be defeated, he also knew that he would not be able to defeat Pang De.

After a long war, you may be in the wind.

Zhao Yun played, then there would be no problem.

Zhao Yun was also condensed, and a touch of brilliance crossed his eyes.

It will not be weak.

One Lu, two Zhao, three Dian Wei, four passes, five horses, six Zhang Fei, Huang Xu, Sun Tai, two Xiahou, two Zhang Xu, Pang Gan, Zhou Wei.

Pound ranked sixteenth, only after Xu Huang.

The martial arts are still quite good, and they can be regarded as the second sequence of fierce generals.

Zhao Yun never despised anyone.

Not to mention being one of the twenty-four generals.

I saw Zhao Yun immediately shooting.

"Beat me, and I'll tell you my name!"

Pound's eyes widened with rage when he heard this.


"Take your life!"

After saying that, Pound had already urged the horse to rush over.

In Ma Teng's army, Pang De's martial arts are only under Ma Chao, and he is often the vanguard and the champion of the three armies.

has always only served Ma Chao, and everyone else has not taken it seriously, and he is also arrogant!

The war horse galloped, slashed down with a knife, like thunder, fast as lightning.

Zhao Yun stood still, and the Liangzhou army thought that Zhao Yun was stupid by Pang De's momentum and forgot to dodge.

Wait a minute, Zhao Yun will be splashed with blood, and his head will fall to the ground.

However, just as Pang De's big knife fell, only a foot away from Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun moved, turned his wrist, and with a roar of the spear, he met Pang De's knife.

The gun was not a frontal blow, but a diagonal dislocation block, and instead of continuing to harden upward, the gun was unloaded, causing Pound's knife to slide diagonally to the other side.

Zhao Yun's war horse also seemed to comprehend, and stepped out diagonally to the side.

This scene happened too quickly, and Pang De and the Liangzhou army were not in a hurry to react. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Pound slid through the air with a knife, and Zhao Yun collected the gun with his backhand and stabbed again, just staggering with Pound's two horses, and the angle of this shot was tricky, attacking Pound's armpit.

It's really hard to guard.

However, Pound is also a long-time general, a veteran of the battlefield, busy putting away his knife and leaning forward.

He dodged the shot.

Zhao Yun shot and quickly withdrew, making Pang De's knife empty horizontally.

It's like gravity hitting cotton.

On the contrary, it hurts the arm and arm (abba) strength even more.

After all, if you swing a knife, you need to pay more force to pull it back.

Zhao Yun fought against a strong man of the fierce type, and he liked to use this kind of trick the most.

It is said that softness overcomes rigidity, which is also the reason why Lu Bu and others hate fighting with Zhao Yun the most, after all, it is not good, and it is very unpleasant to fight!


When Cao Hong and others saw people, they couldn't help but applaud to help the war.

Zhao Yun's road number, Cao Hong is still clear.

Zhao Yun can be rigid and soft, you think that he will only overcome rigidity with softness, unload the force to fight, and use ingenuity to make enemies, then you are wrong.

Zhao Yun got up violently, and he couldn't stand it either.

It's just a habit of substituting defense for offense.

"Come again!"

Pang De turned around and rushed towards Zhao Yun again.

Zhao Yun also urged the horse to fight.


A knife and a gun are exchanged, and a touch is divided.

Then Zhao Yun stabbed indiscriminately, like lightning, several spears stabbed, and Pang De frequently waved his knife to block, but he could only be blocked.

However, Zhao Yun suddenly slowed down again, deliberately leading Pang De to swing his knife and slash away, mobilizing Pang De's anger and making him frequently make killing moves.

Twenty rounds passed quickly.

Ma Teng was a little frightened and worried from the sidelines.

Who is this? Ling Ming couldn't win! Ma Teng's eyes showed worry:

"This person's marksmanship is probably already above Meng Qi."

"Such a character is not an ordinary general!"

Behind him, Ma Tiedao: "Could it be that this person is Li Jin!" "

"There was a rumor in the Central Plains that Lu Bu was defeated by Li Jin and captured by Cao Cao!"

Li Jin!

A fierce general who can compete with Lu Bu?

Ma Teng's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Pound is afraid that he will not be defeated for a long time.

It's just that at this time, it is difficult to ride a tiger, and it is difficult to collect troops.

So Ma Teng and the others continued to watch Zhao Yun fight with Pang Debi.

It wasn't until the fifty rounds that Pound's physical strength was gradually exhausted, and he seemed to be declining, and the speed and strength of swinging the knife were obviously not as good as before.

And more impatient.

Zhao Yun's style of play is really a bit funny, and ordinary generals really can't stand it.

"You little thief, if you want to fight, why are you always so entangled, so unhappy!"

Pound finally shouted furiously, and slashed it with all his might.

Zhao Yun smiled, waiting for this time.

"Okay, take me three shots, see if you fall off the horse!"

After speaking, Zhao Yun added force to his hand, and the gun flicked away, instantly turning into five gun heads, the speed was faster than the original, stabbing left and right, picking up and down.

Pound only had the power to parry.

Tired of coping, after all, he is a good knife hand, and there are really some difficulties in the face of this kind of quick gun defense.

Finally, after three shots, the tiger arm in the shoulder was stabbed, and Zhao Yun added strength to it, and the arm guard was pierced and provoked.

Pound was shocked, his body was crooked, and he was about to withdraw to his own formation.

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