Zhao Yun didn't chase either, but just took a bow and an arrow, aiming at the defeated Pang De.

When Ma Teng saw it, he shouted: "Leave people under the arrow!" "

I saw Zhao Yun loosen the string, and the arrow flew out, accurately hitting the helmet on Pound's head.

The arrow passed overhead, and Pound was startled, and he was so frightened that he sweated on his back.

It wasn't until the arrow hit the ground that it was a big relief.

Secretly screaming to pick up a life.

Just looked down, the arrow with the helmet tassel, and suddenly - the face was as pale as snow!

"This time I shot a helmet, but next time it may not be!"

Zhao Yun glanced at Ma Teng, and then rode his horse back to the military formation.

Ma Teng's face was also extremely ugly.

He knew that Zhao Yun had no murderous intent, otherwise Pang De would have died in front of him.

"Lord, the last general will insult the military prestige of Liangzhou, please punish him!" Pound escaped death, and he still has a little heart.

Ma Teng said: "Ling Ming doesn't have to blame himself, this person's martial arts are above Meng Qi, and my Liangzhou is unrivaled." "


Pound was stunned and didn't know what to say next, so he finally had to sing a promise and return to the group.

Only then did Ma Teng bow his hand to Cao Hong and said: "Under the rule of General Zhendong, there are really countless fierce generals, Ma Mou admires it!" "

Cao Hong said: "General Ma, I don't know what you plan to do next?" "

Now that you've seen how powerful we are, you should be intimidated.

Ma Teng replied: "Cao Gong sent a message to me to come and attack Guanzhong with you, and now I only take Chang'an, Ma naturally wants to respect the agreement, and work with General Cao Hong to recover Guanzhong, and return the people to stability." "

"General Cao worked hard to attack and kill Guo Li, but he can return to the city temporarily, and leave other things to Ma!"


When Cao Hong heard this, he was so angry that his nose was about to crooked.

When listening to Ma Teng, he wanted to close the middle.

Chang'an occupies it himself, it doesn't matter, he wants the entire Guanzhong to encircle Chang'an in the middle.

Who knows who will be uncomfortable then.

Just when Cao Hong was about to refute and persuade Ma Teng to return to the north of the Wei River.

There was a sound of horses' hooves trampling from the south, and the dust rolled towards Chang'an City.

"That's it!"

Another army came.

Ma Teng's face was solemn.

Cao Hong, Zhao Yun and others were overjoyed.

Coming from the south, it must be Xu Huang and other troops from Shangluo.

Sure enough, soon a troop of cavalry of about 5,000 men approached.

Finally, it stopped five hundred paces away.

Black dress, bright sword and fresh armor, a high-headed horse in Yishui, an elite and strong army, and a strong army, the momentum is compelling.

Murderous intent is surging.

The first general is armed with two axes and approaches with a hundred horsemen.

"Zilian, Zilong, Guo Li can be killed!"

Xu Huang came over and asked, ignoring Ma Teng directly.

Obviously, Ma Teng's army had tens of thousands of horses, but he didn't pay attention to it at all.

Cao Hong said: "Gongming, you are here, Guo Li has been destroyed by me and Zilong, you see that the Xiliang army has captured 3,000 people and horses, and you can be charged into the tiger and leopard ride when you turn around!" "

Haw Par Ride!

It turned out that this was Cao Cao's tiger and leopard ride.

Elite and murderous.

Xu Huang smiled: "It's not night, it's not night, I'm just right!" "

Speaking of this, Xu Huang deliberately glanced at Ma Teng and the others, and then winked at Cao Hong: (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The lord and their army of 100,000 are coming, and it should arrive tomorrow and tomorrow!"

Cao Hong received Xu Huang's signal and pretended to be surprised: "So soon, the war in Nanyang is over?" "

Xu Huang replied loudly: "Of course, the battle in Nanyang is basically over, Wancheng, Xinye and other places have been captured by us, and now my Xu County army has been in Hanshui, and I am almost able to kick away Xiangyang with one kick!" "

"No, I heard that there is trouble in the customs, so the lord will not fight Liu Biao, and he will bring 100,000 elites into the customs to see what troubles need to be solved!"

Ma Teng, Pang De and the others on the side heard this, and their faces changed greatly.

Good guys, Cao Cao is almost here, 100,000 elites who have just experienced the Battle of Nanyang.

Who can withstand this special thing?

Ma Teng suddenly began to ponder and think deeply.

Cao Cao's army is coming, and Xu Huang has already reinforced.

If you overdo it, it's going to be hard to end up with.

"Hey, Zilian, who are they? Why are you here?" Xu Huang pretended to be surprised.

Cao Hong said: "Gongming, I'll teach you to know, the person in front of you is Meng Qi's father, General Andy!" "

In the first year of Xingping (194), Ma Teng and Han Sui invaded Chang'an, and wanted to unite with the ministers Shao, Ma Yu, and Liu Fan to kill Li Dao and others, but the matter was leaked, so they fought with Guo Li.

0 begging for flowers

In the end, in order to appease Ma Teng and Han Sui, Guo Li named the two as General Andi and General An.

Xu Huang suddenly realized and said: "It turned out to be General Ma, disrespectful and disrespectful!" "

Ma Teng clenched his fists and replied: "You are General Xu Gongming, the fierce general under Cao Gong's account, who killed Dong Zhuo in Chang'an in the past, it can really be said that he is famous all over the world, and he has been admired for a long time!" "

"Don't dare to be! Don't dare to be! Heroes don't mention the courage of the year! Xu Huang smiled and said:

"Meng Qi has mentioned General Andy a lot in Xu County, the general has managed the army in a good way, and he has been in charge of Liangzhou for a long time, which makes people envious!"

"General Andy rest assured, Meng Qi is doing well in Xu County, he went out with the army to Liu Biao, and he made many military exploits, which won the appreciation of my lord!"

"It's a pity that this time I entered the customs, the lord couldn't bring him, otherwise General Andy and Meng Qi's father and son would get acquainted and talk about their family love!"

What does the good end of Timachao do.

As an old fox, Ma Teng quickly understood Xu Huang's intentions.

Ma Chao, the hostage is still in our hands, Ma Teng, don't mess around.

Ma Teng didn't feel like the boss in his heart, and then he understood why Cao Cao had many chicken thieves at the beginning, so why he didn't send personnel to serve in the other party's army and form an unbreakable alliance.

Ma Teng is also an old man, he can't see through it, he only said: "It's okay, Meng Qi can have a future with General Zhendong, and he didn't lose our face in Liangzhou, and he is very happy for his father!" "

"It's not early, I won't delay General Cao Hong and General Gongming to enter the city, I will lead the troops back to the outside of the West Gate first, and when Cao Gong comes, I will drink and talk with Cao Gong!"

After speaking, Ma Teng left with Pound, Matthew and others.

Seeing Ma Teng gone, Cao Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yun, Xu Huang and the others also relaxed.

Seriously, they are also afraid of Ma Teng's desperate attack.

If that's the case, they can really deal with Ma Teng.

Soldiers and horses are very probable.

Unless he kills Ma Teng at the first time.

It's just that with Pound present, it's still a bit difficult to kill Ma Teng instantly.

"Zilian, Zilong, is Ma Teng embarrassed for you?" Xu Huang stared at the direction of Ma Teng's departure and asked.

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