
It was dark, and at midnight, there was silence all around.

The north gate of Chang'an City quietly opened, and Xu Huang led the army out quietly.

People are grassy, horses are on top, and they don't dare to make any big moves.

Han Sui and Ma Teng's camp were a little far apart.

Suddenly, there was a shout of killing outside the Ma Teng camp, and countless rockets were fired at the Ma Teng camp.

Han Sui's generals, pretending to be Cao Jun, rushed to the camp gate, but were quickly repelled by the guarded Ma Teng soldiers.

"Oh no, we're exposed!"

Xu Huang and the others, who were preparing to attack Han Sui's camp, were all shocked, and looked towards Han Sui's camp, only to see that there was endless shouting and killing.

"General, what shall we do?"

Xu Huang raised his eyebrows, and said secretly, Mr. Yuan Zhi didn't say that he would attack Ma Teng's camp at the same time.

Who is attacking at this time?

Could it be Han Sui?

Thinking of this, Xu Huang's heart was hot, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

I didn't expect Ma Han's suspicion to be so big.

"Immediately 01 attack Han Sui's camp, shoot a wave of rockets, and then withdraw!"

Since someone set it on fire, then pour some oil on the fire.

Soon Xu Huang and others launched an attack on Han Sui's camp.

is looking at Ma Teng's camp, thinking about whether Ma Teng will be fooled and when he should send troops.

There were shouts of killing in front of the camp.

And then countless rockets came in.

The cavalry attacked very quickly and retreated very quickly.

Quickly disappeared beneath the black.

"What's going on?"

Han Sui arrived immediately with people, but as a result, he was depressed when he saw that the front camp was burned some.

"General, there were people attacking the camp, but they quickly withdrew!"

Han Sui looked at Fang Quan, who had left the attacker, his eyes flashing with complexity.

"Lord, are we still going to rescue Ma Teng?" Yan Xing asked.

The original plan was to send troops to aid Ma Teng, but now that the base camp has also been attacked, do you have to do it so fakely?

Han Sui said: "No need, Ma Teng and our army's camp were attacked by Cao Jun, I also need to save myself, if I rush to help Ma Teng, it seems that we have already prepared!" "

Yan Xingdao: "My lord, is it really the Cao army of Chang'an who attacked us?" "

Han Sui's brows furrowed slightly: "What do you mean?" "

"Lord, is there a possibility that Ma Teng and Cao Cao's people have reached some kind of consensus, or conditions!" Yan Xing speculated maliciously.

Cao Jun only attacked his own camp, was it Ma Teng who cooperated with Cao Cao and prepared to get rid of him.

As soon as this thought came to mind, Han Sui's inner uneasiness grew wildly.

Don't go aside!

When Ma Teng saw the enemy withdrawing, his face was cold and dripping water.

"Lord, the enemy retreated too quickly to catch up!"

Pound soon led his troops back, and only chased him out of the camp for two or three miles before he could find the enemy, and he did not dare to go too far in the dark night, for fear of diverting the tiger from the mountain.

Ma Teng said: "Ling Ming, who do you think attacked us?" "

Pound took down a rolled flag from his horse and scrambled it to the ground.

The flag quickly blew with the wind.

Ma Teng saw that this was a general flag with the character Cao written on it.

"Lord, this was found outside!"

"It looks like it was accidentally left behind, but it was done on purpose!"

When Ma Teng heard this, a hint of murder flashed in his eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )


This is obviously a blame.

"Lord, if Cao Hong did it, he wouldn't have made this kind of mistake, and I don't think it's necessary?"

"The most important thing is that Cao Jun's cavalry was brought by Xu Huang, he should be the commander of the tiger and leopard cavalry, and it is really strange to let Cao Hong bring it to attack the camp!"

Anyway, tonight's attack on the camp is weird.

It's like a show, it's not really about breaking through Ma Teng's camp and killing Ma Teng at all.

Ma Teng or Lao Jianghu couldn't help but look towards Han Sui's camp, only to see that Han Sui's camp also heard the sound of shouting and killing, and there were stars and fires.

More doubts flashed in his eyes.

What is this for?

It would be interesting to see that Han Sui's camp was also attacked.

The scouts sent out after a short time reported that Han Sui's camp was attacked, and the attackers fired a rocket and left.

Marten and Pound looked at each other.

Only then did he say: "Credit!" "

There are too many people to talk about.

Entering the big tent, Ma Teng said, "What does Ling Ming think?" "

Pang De said bluntly: "For show, Han Sui sent troops to attack him, pretending to be attacked by Cao Hong like us!" "

"I guess after dawn, he will take out the Xu character general flag and complain to us."

Ma Teng bowed slightly: "Han Sui has always had the heart of the Yellow River, and he loves to calculate!" "

"Now the last thing I want to be in turmoil is Cao Hong and others in Chang'an City who trigger the attack on Chang'an!"

"Because Cao Cao is about to bring a large army, as long as he stabilizes these few days, Han Sui and I will both have to retreat, and Han Sui is unwilling, so he directed and acted in such a play, wanting to force me to attack An."

Pang De said: "Lord, this matter must not be allowed, once it is done, the life of the young general is in danger!" "

"At the same time, we will also fight with Cao Cao, and there will be losses in attacking each other, if Han Sui betrays us in the future and joins forces with Cao Cao to attack us, it will be bad!"

Pound is upright and fierce, and he won't beat around the bush, so he speaks directly.

Ma Teng sighed and said: "I know that Ling Ming has always admired Meng Qi, don't worry, I won't care about Meng Qi's safety!" "

"Let's see what Han Sui wants to say about 983 tomorrow? See what he wants to do? Looking at what Chang'an will give? "

Ma Teng is not stupid, he doesn't do this kind of thing when he is used.

On the contrary, now he is the one who is going to be wooed by all sides, so it is the best time to get the benefits.

Han Sui wanted to pull him to fight Cao Cao, seize Chang'an, and occupy Guanzhong.

And Cao Cao wants to win himself over, stabilize Chang'an, and fight in the pass!

It's time to sell at a price.

Early the next morning!

Han Sui took Yan Xing over.

"Brother Shoucheng, I heard that your camp was attacked last night!" Han Sui came over, and when he saw Ma Teng, he asked directly, with a look of concern:

"Can you catch the thief who is coming?"

Ma Teng shook his head: "Brother Wenyue, don't worry, some thieves are just some thieves, shoot a few rockets, burn a few camp tents and don't get in the way!" "

"By the way, when my camp was attacked, it seemed that your camp was also on fire, but the thieves went to you again?"

Han Sui just wanted to hear this, and said angrily when he heard this:

"Cao Hong Xu Huang is really not a thing, he actually attacked the camp, and when he saw that my battalion was prepared, he shot a rocket and left, which is really disgusting!"

After speaking, Han Sui glanced at Yan Xing, and Yan Xing took out a prepared Xu character flag.

"Last night, the thieves attacked the camp, and when they retreated, I led the army to chase out of Wuli, killed more than a dozen backward ones, and captured a banner, please General Andy to take a look!"

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