Hearing this, Ma Teng and Pound looked at each other.

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and soon disappeared again.

Ma Teng's face was calm, and he took the Xu Zijiang flag and looked at it again.

In the end, it was silently returned to Han Sui.

The workmanship and material are all from one category.

Han Sui, Han Sui, and said that you didn't do it.

You're really good at acting!

"Brother Shoucheng, Cao Hong bullied me and didn't dare to attack the city!" Han Sui was indignant and pointed to Chang'an City:

"You and my brother led 80,000 soldiers and horses to the east to break through Chang'an, just overnight."

"The soldiers are going east, all looking forward to capturing Chang'an, and they can get some rewards, do you see whether we are attacking on both sides, or one main attack!"

Ma Teng's face became more and more solemn when he heard this.

stared at Chang'an City for a long time.

This made Han Sui and Yan Xing a little anxious.

Ma Teng said leisurely: "Brother Wenyue, what can you do if you capture Chang'an, can you hold Guanzhong?" "

Ma Teng uses your word very much.

Obviously, he doesn't believe Han Sui's nonsense, the siege of the city is hard work, many people will die, and many soldiers and horses will be broken.

The most important thing is that his eldest son, Ma Chao, will die.


Han Sui was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Brother Shoucheng doesn't have much to worry about, Chang'an City is high, as long as it is captured, we have an army of 80,000, which is enough to resist Cao Cao." "

"At that time, our two brothers will be based on Chang'an, control Guanzhong, and have food and food, soldiers and soldiers, and money will be rich!"

"Why can't you compete with the Kwantung princes for the world!"

"Why can't you raise the name of the Ma family, it's bright and bright!"

Han Sui knew that Ma Teng's favorite boast of his ancestor was General Fubo Ma Yuan.

Therefore, bright and bright is what Ma Teng hopes to do the most.

Taking this as a temptation, I don't believe that Ma Teng is not moved.

"Since Brother Wen Yue knows that Chang'an City is high, how can he easily take it by attacking?" Ma Teng turned his face and asked:

"Even if it is captured, how many soldiers and horses will be left to defend Chang'an.!"

"At that time, Cao Cao's 100,000 troops will come, and we will wait for the guest to fight, there is no foundation, can we really hold Chang'an?"

After speaking, Ma Teng turned around and walked towards the inner camp, not paying attention to Han Sui.

Han Sui saw that Ma Teng didn't eat his own set, and walked straight away, but he was also a little confused.

Well, how Ma Teng just won't be fooled.

Didn't you say when you came, capture Chang'an, and take Guanzhong?

Why did it suddenly become hanging!

"General An, please!" Pound put on a dead face and pointed to the camp gate officially.

Signaled that Han Sui and Yan Xing could leave.

Han Sui snorted coldly, glared at Pang De fiercely, and then brushed his sleeves and left.

Back at his camp, Han Sui was angry about what he thought.

"Yanming, why do you say Ma Teng is unwilling to attack Chang'an with me?"

"What's going on in his head?"

"Do you really care about the life of Ma Chao's little king and eight lambs?"

Yan Xing thought for a while and said, "My lord, it seems that Ma Teng doesn't trust us!" "

"After seeing Xu Ziqi today, he didn't have any anger, he was quite calm, I guess he didn't believe that Xu Huang attacked us at all, let alone Cao Hong attacked Ma Jiajun's camp at night!"


If so, that's not good.

"You mean, Ma Teng guessed that we did it, so he didn't believe us and was guarding against us." Han Sui's eyes became resentful: "If that's the case, wouldn't Ma Teng want to continue the alliance with Cao Cao and probably deal with us!" "

Han Sui's back began to chill.

If Ma Teng joins forces with Cao Cao, then he will be in danger.

At this time, the army was under the city of Chang'an, and there was nowhere to run if they wanted to, once they were wiped out or severely damaged, Ma Teng could become the lord of Liangzhou, wave his army to the west, and take the entire territory of Liangzhou.

Okay, Ma Teng, I want to Chang'an and Guanzhong, you actually want to seek my lair and take my life.

"Lord, I don't dare to say if I guess or not, but Ma Teng must have doubts, but he couldn't find evidence, so he didn't turn against us!" Yan Xingdao:

"We'd better withdraw some of our soldiers and horses across the river, set up a camp on the north bank of Weishui, and control the pontoon bridge and official road back to Liangzhou, otherwise, once there is a change, it will be destroyed here!"

Han Sui said: "This statement is reasonable, so Yan Ming, you immediately take 10,000 soldiers and horses back to the north bank, you must firmly grasp the pontoon bridge, and don't make this Qiao have an accident!" "

Yan Xing was about to go down, when someone outside the tent said: "Lord, the envoy of Chang'an City asks to see you!" "

A messenger from Chang'an City.

Han Sui and Yan Xing glanced at each other, and Yan Xing nodded slightly.

Han Sui then said, "Let him in!" (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )


Horse Teng!

Inside the big tent!

There was also a messenger who claimed to be from Chang'an City and asked to see him.

Ma Teng ordered someone to summon him in.

"I've seen General Andy!" Come and meet the Word.

Ma Teng said: "Cao Hong sent you over, but there is something wrong!" "

Take the letter out of your sleeve and give it to you!

"General Andy, please take a look, what my general wants to say, it's all in it, how to decide depends on the general, I am only responsible for delivering the message, and I don't know the content of the letter!"

To make it is simply to say that I am a tool man.

Just running errands.

Let Ma Teng not care about himself, and he doesn't have to be difficult for himself.

Ma Teng's brows furrowed slightly.

I took the letter and looked at it, but the seal was not gone, and the messenger had no possibility of hindering it.

After reading the letter, Ma Teng closed his eyes and weighed them carefully, and then asked, "Cao Hong asked you to come over, and I have something else to say!" "

The envoy replied: "Does the general know why my lord was able to take the four states of the Central Plains in just a few years, and now he has captured Nanyang strongly, marched into the pass, and has the ambition to swallow the world?" "

These words immediately aroused Ma Teng's interest.

Pound and the horse on the side also straightened up instantly.

Prick up your ears and listen.

"Why?" Ma Teng opened his eyes and asked.

The envoy replied: (Li Hao) Because my lord is not short of food, money, soldiers, horses, generals, and all kinds of talents! "

"Not only is there no shortage of money and food in the government, but there is also no shortage of money and food for the people, let me ask the general, who in this world can do it?"

"Ask the general, who can resist such a person?"

This is too shameless.

There is no shortage of food, no shortage of money, no shortage of soldiers and generals.

It's uncomfortable.

What he Ma Teng lacks most is money and food.

In the past, when he attacked Guo Li and went south with Ma Teng, he just wanted some food to give to his soldiers to eat, so as to keep the morale of the army and maintain a huge number of soldiers and horses.

If you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil, and salt are not at home.

Every prince, in fact, is not easy.

Not only do you want to have the strength to dominate the world, but you also have to carry the huge pressure of food and grass needed by tens of thousands of troops.

Once the people below have nothing to eat, it is unlikely that they will rebel and cut off their own heads.

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