"Dare to ask, why is Cao Gong not short of money and food?" Matthew asked curiously, young and curious.

If you can, learn from Cao Cao, then can our Ma Jiajun also not worry about money and food, and not worry about food and drink!


Ma Teng felt that Matthew had asked a stupid question, how could a messenger know such a secret.

Even if you knew, you wouldn't be able to tell yourself and others.

If everyone knows, learn Cao Cao one by one, how can Cao Cao dominate the world.

The messenger replied with a smile: "Actually, it is not a secret that my lord is not short of money and food! "

"First, my lord governs well and treats the people well!"

"The second is to guard in a good way, the soldiers are self-sufficient, and the requisition degree is all from the hands of the soldiers, not relying on the family and the people!"

"The third is that the grain is different, my lord has brought overseas immortal grain, the yield per mu is extremely high, the harvest is bumper every year, two seasons a year, the people are naturally rich, and the state capital is naturally full."

"Fourth, my lord has a good way to manage and is good at employing people, and there are countless new and exotic things created in Juancheng, which can create countless treasures for my lord and gather wealth in the world!"

Four points are enough for Ma Teng and others to understand the situation under Cao Cao's rule, and they can understand the means and secrets of Cao Cao's development of the family.

The first and second points are studious.

Fourth, Ma Teng thinks he can't do it.

The third point is to make his heart move 580.

"Cao Gong has immortal food?" Ma Teng said:

"I've heard of this matter, but it's all false, we live in Liangzhou, and I don't know much about it, I don't know if your envoy can talk about it!"

It would be great if you could get Cao Cao's high-yield immortal food, as long as the problem of food was solved, Liangzhou would have as many soldiers and horses as he wanted.

Why can't you occupy Guanzhong.

With Guanzhong as the foundation, it will be able to sweep Liuhe like Daqin.

The envoy shook his head: "I am only here to deliver the message, and I have said everything I can say." "

"If the general has a heart, you can go to Chang'an to talk to General Cao in detail, or wait for my lord to come to Chang'an and discuss this matter with my lord!"

After saying that, the person was about to retreat and leave, Ma Teng's mind was pulled, and he wanted to call this person, but he suddenly stopped, and finally waved his hand to signal that he could go back.

"Father, Cao Cao's immortal food must be obtained, with the immortal food, we will be saved in Liangzhou!" Ma Xiu hurriedly suggested to Ma Teng.

Ma Teng's face showed bitterness!

"It's not so simple to want Cao Cao's immortal food!"

"You said that he was kind enough to listen to us just now, but he just hung our appetite and wanted (abdc) to let us withdraw our troops as soon as possible to attack the north of the Wei River!"

Ma Teng glanced at Pang De and said, "Ling Ming thinks, can he cooperate with Cao Hong and others?" "

Pang De said: "Lord, if we withdraw across the Wei River, Han Sui will not dare to stay on the south bank for a long time, either attack Feng Yi with us, or withdraw his troops back to Liangzhou!" "

"In my opinion, he will not return to Liangzhou easily, he must rob Feng Yi, and he will withdraw his troops only after he has grabbed enough supplies."

Ma Teng's face suddenly became solemn.

Jiang Xin waved and said: "Cao Hong said that he can take charge of Cao and give us the two counties of Fufeng and Feng Yi, with the Wei River as the boundary, the northern border belongs to us, and the south bank belongs to them." "

Ma Xiu said: "This is not very good, not only do we not have to conflict with Cao Cao, but we also don't have to withdraw our troops, but we can get two counties!" It also occupies half of the Guanzhong land. "

A strange light flashed in his eyes when he heard this, and he finally swallowed his breath when he wanted to say something.

Ma Teng couldn't be happier.

Matthew's vision wasn't too bad.

The brain is simple and naïve!

These two counties are not so easy to take.

It's easy to say looting, and leave after robbing.

If you want to occupy it for a long time, I'm afraid it's too difficult.

The so-called Weihe River as the boundary is not very realistic.

"Wait two days, and when Cao Cao comes, I'm making plans!" Ma Teng is still an old man, and he knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Whether it is to withdraw troops or take Feng Yi and other counties, it all depends on the changes in the situation after Cao Cao came.

It's too early to make a decision.

"Lord, there is an abnormality in Han Sui's army!"

Suddenly, a general broke in and said: "Lord, Han Sui's general Yan Xing, leading 10,000 troops, crossed the Wei River in the north, and now guards the pontoon bridge and camps on the north bank, it seems that he wants to set up a village to echo the south bank." (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

What the?

Han Sui divided his troops.

Ma Teng was shocked when he heard this.

"It's serious!" Ma Teng stood up and asked.

What did Han Sui want to do, why did he occupy the north bank and control the pontoon bridge.

I want to block my way north.

There was only one pontoon bridge, which was the key to the crossing of the river between the two armies.

"The lord can go to the Wei River to have a look!" Let's say firmly.

Ma Teng took a deep breath, and then said to Pang De: "Ling Ming will go out with me to see what kind of evil intentions Han Sui has!" "


Chang'an City!

"Report, Huayin replied!"

Zhao Yun, Xu Shu and others looked out of the city outside the West Gate.

Seeing that Han Sui had 10,000 soldiers crossing Weishui north, he was immediately relieved.

Han Sui really moved his heart and wanted to occupy Liangzhou alone, and even left the back road in advance.

After Cao Hong opened the letter and read it, he was overjoyed and said: "Duan Xuan replied, saying that as long as Han Sui and Ma Teng attack Chang'an, they are willing to lead the army to help. "

Hearing this, all the generals were relieved.

With Duan Xuan's Xiliang army as reinforcements, even if Ma Teng and Han Sui jointly attacked Chang'an, they could hold it.

"It seems that Yuan Zhi guessed again, and the differentiation of Ma Han has also initially worked, and then it will be left to time to brew!"

"I really hope that Ma Han will turn his back soon, and the dog-eat-dog fight will start!"


"Sir, under the microscope, you can really see a lot of bacteria and wriggling worms!"

Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji, since they touched the self-made version of the instrument, they couldn't extricate themselves.

He is even more obsessed and crazy in medical research.

Looking at the microscopic appearance, the virus looks, they are excited, excited, and afraid of the unknown.

and the worship of Ye Qing.

I didn't expect Ye Qing to use scientific means to explain that in the past, Chinese medicine could only be called a plague lesion.

"Not only can we see this, but the blood and flesh under the microscope have changed to a new appearance, full of infinite mysteries, this door is opened, I am afraid we will not be able to finish studying it in this life!"

Ye Qing heard this old man, a half-old man sighed, and couldn't help laughing.

"This is just a rudimentary version of the microscope, if you are allowed to use a nano-scale microscope to see a more microscopic world, you still have to sigh at the heavens, and marvel endlessly!" Ye Qingdao:

"After you study something, I'll hand over the next biological experiment class to you!"

It's a shame that there is no free labor to use.

The trial class, taught by these two old Chinese medicine practitioners, is believed to be more vivid.

It's definitely more suitable than being blind yourself!.

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