You have to subdue others, and then you don't believe them.

How can people still be loyal to you?

Cao Cao's expression instantly became solemn when he heard this.

Guo Jia continued: "No matter what Ma Teng does, at least he has not attacked Chang'an so far, so he can't misunderstand Ma Chao because of this. "

"When you directly send someone to explain the reason for this matter, and make it clear that if you want to go, you can send it out of Wuguan generously, and if you want to stay, you can come to Wancheng, and the lord should go to Chang'an with him!"

Give the choice to Ma Chao.

If Ma Chao goes, let him go, it's better if he stays.

Xun You and the others couldn't help but be anxious.

Isn't this a return to the mountains?

Ma Chao's courage is not comparable to ordinary people.

If such a fierce general leaves, it will be a great disaster.

Cao Cao pondered for a moment and said: "You don't have to say anything, just send someone to inform Ma Chao according to what Fengxiao said, and see what choice he makes!" "

Cao Cao also wanted to know how Ma Chao would treat him.

Is 01 immediately turned his back on and left, or was he too loyal and followed himself to conquer the world from then on.

Soon the people sent by Cao Cao to the south found Ma Chao.

told Ma Teng and Han Sui about raising 80,000 troops to the east.

Ma Chao was extremely surprised when he heard this.

"How could my father be so confused, and he mixed with that Han Sui, Han Sui was treacherous, and went east with him, wouldn't it lead Cao Gong to misunderstand!"

Ma Chao was immediately anxious when he heard this.

The envoy explained: "General Ma Mo Duo thinks that the lord did not misunderstand your father, let alone you!" "

"The matter of Chang'an has not yet been clarified, and this time the lord sent me here for fear that you would misunderstand, so he told the truth!"

"The lord said, if you want to leave, you can go out of the military pass now, and you will not embarrass the general; If you want to stay, you can go to Wancheng, enter the customs with the lord, and see what Han Sui wants to pull your father to do? "


Ma Chao was in a dilemma for a while.

Cao Cao was willing to let himself go, and he did not want to harm himself because Ma Teng and Han Sui jointly invaded Chang'an in the east.

was so frank, but it made Ma Chao a little embarrassed.

If Cao Cao was suspicious of himself and sent someone to kill him, he would take the opportunity to turn against Cao Cao and cut off Cao Cao with a knife.

As a result, Cao Cao believed in himself and let himself choose, which was difficult.

"The general doesn't know which one to choose?" Seeing Ma Chao's hesitation, he asked.

Ma Chao said: "It's not a secret, it's really a little!" "

"Cao Gong treats me very well, and I reuse my trust, I really don't want to live up to Cao Gong!"

"However, my father and Han Sui together, the 80,000-strong army will go east, it will not be a simple alliance to attack Guo Li, Han Sui must have a big picture! My father is afraid that he will be coerced and disadvantageous to Cao Gong, and I am caught in it, which is really... Bewilderment! "

On one side is the father, and on the other side is the master.

"Hahaha, the general is confused!" Let's laugh and laugh:

"If the general is here with my lord, General Andy will not dare to do that thing with Han Sui to hurt my lord, if the general is not there, it is possible that he will really fall into it, and then the general and we will be enemies, and we will see real blood on the battlefield!"

Ma Chao suddenly realized when he heard this.

Yes, if I were a hostage here with Cao Cao, my father would be a little more restrained and jealous.

If I went to Chang'an alone, my father would have thought that Cao Cao was afraid of him, but he would have become more bold, and immediately attacked Chang'an, seized Guanzhong, and did the way of the king, and Han Sui was even more unscrupulous.

At that time, he will really have a bloody battle with Cao Cao, and he will not die.

After understanding, Ma Chao immediately followed the envoy to Wancheng.

Cao Cao was extremely excited and happy when he saw Ma Chao coming, and said to everyone: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

"It seems that I will say that Meng Qi is loyal and brave, and he will not betray me."

"I treat each other with faith, and they will repay with faith."

Cao Cao saw Ma Chao and comforted him, and immediately ordered the army to go north to Chang'an.

Before this, Cao Cao had already asked Zhang Liao and other generals to lead the army out of Wuguan and go straight to Chang'an.

Li Jin sent someone to report that the Son of Heaven crossed the river and went to Hedong, Guo Li retreated early, and Zhang Ji stayed in Hongnong.

Please advise Cao Cao on how to deal with it.

Cao Cao only replied, everything is as usual, and the matter of offering the emperor is not concerned for the time being.



Two days passed.

Ma Teng saw that Cao Cao had not yet appeared, and his own grain and grass consumption was also low every day, and Han Sui controlled the pontoon bridge again, so he was even more uneasy, and sent someone to suggest to Han Sui to withdraw his troops and cross the river to attack the county town on the north bank.

Han Sui saw that Cao Cao did not appear, and felt that Ma Teng deliberately deceived him with Cao Hong and others, and he was even more sure that Ma Teng and Cao Cao united to seek himself.

So he refused Ma Teng's request to withdraw from the army.

Instead, he sent an envoy to Chang'an and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Cao Hong and others to kill Ma Teng together.

"Yuan Zhi, your strategy is really effective, Han Sui has already been moved, and now he will take action!"

The crowd rejoiced.

Cao Hong said: "Now can we cooperate with Han Sui and directly kill Ma Teng."

Dismantle the Malaysia-Korea Alliance! "

Xu Shu shook his head: "Zilian, we said before, Ma Teng and Han Sui, we can only choose the former to form an alliance, the latter can't!" "

"Now there is a letter from Han Sui, it can be sent to Ma Teng's place, the alliance between the two has collapsed, Ma Teng will cooperate with us when he sees the letter, and the danger of Chang'an has been solved!"

Zhao Yundao: "It's a pity that Han Sui occupies the pontoon bridge, even if Ma Teng cooperates with us to deal with Han Sui, we can't eliminate Han Sui." "

Han Sui was too cunning, he occupied pontoon bridge 053 in advance, and set up a battalion on the north bank, stationing 10,000 soldiers and horses!

Xu Shu said with a smile: "It's not difficult to kill Han Sui, but it's not appropriate to kill him at this time, otherwise the power of Liangzhou will be unbalanced, Ma Teng will not want to vote for Cao Gong, and An Chang will not have peace in the future!" "

Whether it is Han Sui or Ma Teng, they can't let them occupy Liangzhou alone, otherwise they will raise troops to the east and want to occupy Guanzhong.

Cao Hong said: "Whether you kill or not is another matter, Yuan Zhi will talk about how to kill Han Sui." "

Xu Shu shook his head and was silent when he heard this, Cao Hong continued to pester him, asking him to say something, Xu Shu saw that Cao Hong was straightforward and couldn't shirk it, so he said:

"There are two chances to kill Han Sui!"

"First, let Ma Teng send a general back to Liangzhou, lead the remaining soldiers and horses, and go south to occupy Chencang, which can block Han Sui's return road, and then our two armies will attack Han Sui, Han Sui will retreat, and if he retreats, he will be defeated and killed!"

"Second, let the lord send military horses into the pass, go out of Lantian and take the mountain road at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains, go to Chencang, cross the river to occupy the danger of Chencang, arrange an ambush, and also attack Han Sui with Ma Teng, Han Sui will retreat to Jincheng and return when he sees the enemy, or pass by Chencang Canyon, ambush it, and can be killed!"

Both opportunities are related to Chencang Canyon.

When Han Sui's troops retreated, he didn't expect that there would be an ambush in the rear, and passing by such a dangerous place, it was a rat that got into the trap, and he could only be beaten to death! .

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