"Damn, Han Sui, you want to murder me! It's good to monopolize Liangzhou! "

Ma Teng read Han Sui's letter to Cao Hong, and immediately scolded.

That's the sworn brother, bah!

What the hell!

"Lord, don't be angry, Cao Hong and the others chose to give the letter to the lord, that is, they are willing to cooperate with us, continue the previous covenant, and attack and defend each other!" Pound persuaded:

"In this way, we should cooperate with Cao Hong, Zhao Yun and others to attack and kill Han Sui."

Ma Teng said worriedly: "Now that Han Sui has occupied the pontoon bridge and set up a camp on the north bank, the two sides of the strait are horns on each other, and it is not feasible to kill him,"

Pang De thought for a while and said: "There must be strategists in Chang'an City, so Cao Hong and others can come up with a plan to kill Han Sui."

At the same time, we bypassed Chang'an, crossed the river with a pontoon bridge in the east, took Feng Yi first, attacked in the north, and let Cao Hong and other troops attack on the south bank, and at the same time his second battalion could break Han Sui! "

After hearing this, Ma Teng stroked his palms and smiled: "This plan is very good, I will write to Cao Hong and others!" "

The messenger returned to the city with Ma Teng's reply, and Cao Hong and the others said after reading it.

"What does Yuan Zhi think?"

Xu Shu said: "You can use Ma Teng first." "

"Although his plan can defeat Han Sui, it is difficult to kill Han Sui, just let him break with Han Sui and return to Liangzhou to confront each other!"

So Cao Hong wrote back to agree with Ma Teng's plan.

Ma Teng then led the army, left the west gate, and headed for the east gate.

came to Quyou, camped on the bank of the river, ordered people to erect a pontoon bridge, and wanted to attack Feng Yi on the north bank.

Han Sui was also taken aback when he received the report from his subordinates.

Ma Teng didn't know what to say and left.

This made Han Sui angry and annoyed.

So he immediately called Yan Xing back from the north shore.

"Ma Teng seems to know something, and he moved out of the Xicheng camp, I'm afraid he is also worried that we will cooperate with Cao Hong and attack him on both sides." Han Sui sighed and said:

"It's a pity that I didn't do it sooner, and I missed a big event!"

Yan Xingdao: "My lord, since Ma Teng is aware of it, I think we should also leave the south bank, withdraw to the north bank, and go to Feng Yi to occupy Chiyang and Anling, in case Ma Teng escapes back to Liangzhou from the north." "

"When Ma Teng's army crosses the river, it will attack with Cao Hong and other armies in the north and south, and Ma Teng can be destroyed!"

"Good plan! Good plan! Han Sui was overjoyed when he heard this.

Then he immediately pulled out the camp and went north, crossed the Weishui, and went to Chiyang and Anling to kill.

Han Sui's letter was sent to Chang'an, and after Cao Hongzhu read it, he not only sighed.

"Han Sui is really cunning and cunning, and he is very damaged, if he uses his tricks, Ma Teng will be resting."

"Yes, this is an excellent opportunity to kill Ma Teng and destroy the Ma family's army, but it's a pity... It doesn't work! "

"Do you need to tell Ma Teng about this?"

Xu Shu shook his head: "No need, if you tell Ma Teng, he will think that we are still in contact with Han Sui, and we have been plotting to kill him!" "

"It's better to take the opportunity to let the two sides fight and form a mortal enemy, so it doesn't take much effort."

Pushing the boat down the river, Xu Shu easily resolved the crisis in Chang'an, and caused Ma Teng and Han Sui to go to war soon.

also let everyone understand why Cao Cao asked him to be a military advisor and follow alone.

Counting up, Xu Shu is also a really ruthless person.

Moves kill you.

Soon Ma Teng built a pontoon bridge, and then sent troops and horses to cross the river, because he did not send scouts, so he did not know that Han Sui had killed Chiyang and Anling.

is waiting for the rabbit to wait for Ma Teng to guard the river.

Ma Teng crossed the river first with Pound as the vanguard, and stabilized the army on the south bank.

When the soldiers and horses were halfway through, two armies suddenly came out from the north and the west.

Pang De recognized that this was Han Sui's general.

And the leaders are suddenly Yan Xing and Han Sui.

"It's not good, it's Han Sui, this old thief!"

"Soldiers, obey the order and fight against me!"

Pound knew that running at this time was a dead end, and only by fighting head-on could there be a glimmer of life. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Damn, it's Han Wenyue, what does he want to do, why did he attack my troops crossing the river?" Ma Teng was furious.

However, the pontoon bridge is only so wide, and there are only so many soldiers and horses that can pass.

If the north bank can't gain a foothold and block the horses and horses, let the soldiers cross the river at this time, that is, to add oil and send vegetables, and the soldiers and horses are broken in vain.

So Ma Teng can only do it in a hurry on the south bank.

watched Pang De lead the soldiers to kill Han Sui and Yan Xingdian non-stop.

Although Pang De is brave, Yan Xing is not a vegetarian.

The two quickly fought in one place, one with a knife and the other with a spear, you came and went, and used each other's killing moves.

No one can kill anyone, and the two are fighting for a while.

Pang De was restrained by Yan Xing like this, and the soldiers below were already in a panic, and there was no one to command at this time, so they were quickly defeated by Han Sui, and they fled for their lives.

When Pang De saw people, he swept away Yan Xing with a knife, and then shouted and withdrew.

Flee east with the rest of the soldiers.

"'.chase!' Yan Xing led his headquarters to pursue and kill Pang De's army along Weishui.

Han Sui gathered his troops and horses, collected the spoils of war, and set up an army on the north bank, facing Ma Teng swaying.

Ma Teng boarded the pontoon bridge, walked to a third and shouted: "Han Wenyue, you attack me for no reason, you want to betray the brotherly alliance and be scolded by thousands of people!" "

Han Sui sneered: "Ma Shoucheng, since ancient times, it has been a king who has been a king and a loser, if you don't want to attack Chang'an City with me, you are betraying the alliance!" "

"I put up with you again and again, you still refuse to attack Cao Cao and break with him, but you can think about it today!"

Why did you say why Han Sui was talking nonsense to Ma Teng, it was all because he was waiting for Cao Hong and the others to come and attack Ma Teng.

In order not to let Ma Teng run away, he also tried his best.

However, the soldiers and horses he was waiting for were destined not to come, and his infatuation was in vain.

Ma Teng didn't know it, and scolded Han Sui across the river, until his throat was itchy and he came down from the pontoon.

After drinking a bowl of cold water, not only did my throat feel a lot better, but my brain instantly sobered up. Why didn't Han Sui leave even though he was victorious, this person has a lot of scheming, why would he scold me across the river.

There must be a conspiracy.

Could it be... Cao Hong and others formed an alliance with Han Sui instead, wanting to kill me in Guanzhong

Thinking of this, Ma Teng's eyelids jumped instantly, and his back spine was cold.

He ordered the withdrawal of the army and moved east to Xinfeng to establish himself in Xinfeng.

At this time, a horse came rushing to look for a horse.

came to see Ma Teng, it was Xu Huang's general.

"General Ma, my Chang'an Shou heard that Han Sui attacked General Ma's soldiers on the back bank, and I knew that it was too late to come to the rescue, so I was besieging Wei to save Zhao, and I was already attacking the Xicheng pontoon bridge and attacking the camp on the north bank of Han Sui!"

"Please General Ma must hold Han Sui!"

Ma Teng turned his worries into joy when he heard this.

Secretly, fortunately, Cao Hong and others kept their word and did not betray the alliance, but wanted to save me.

Han Wen about that, Han Wen about it, look at you attacking, this time you will die without a place to be buried!.

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