It is said that Han Sui crossed the mountain, took the path to Yongcheng, and continued to return west, at this time there were only more than 100 riders around him.

The rest failed to catch up and were all left in the mountains.

Or run away and no longer follow Han Sui.

Han Sui didn't care very much.

As long as he can return to Jincheng, he still has tens of thousands of troops, and he is still the overlord of Liangzhou.

After two days of hurrying, Han Sui and the others finally left Fufeng County and came to the street pavilion.

The pavilion is surrounded by mountains, and the winding valley road is a natural roadway, which gradually deepens and widens from north to south along the mountain.

There are no Xiongguan and cities built around it.

It's also a normal time, it doesn't matter.

Unless a big war is approaching and a large army needs to pass, such a small place will not be noticed by the world.

Han Sui is the same, when he goes out of Fufeng, he has the feeling that a bird has escaped from the cage and a fish has entered the sea.

He was also free, and Han Sui and everyone began to relax their vigilance, and they were in a hurry.

In order to recover physical strength is not the master.

Hundreds of horses swayed through the valley road of the street pavilion.

As everyone knows, at this time, there are countless eyes staring at Han Sui and the others below.

"Shoot the arrows!"

Suddenly, on the mountain to the west, there was a command, and countless arrows shot down from above.

Han Sui and the others were caught off guard and were shot one after another.

"Not good, enemy attack!"

Han Sui hurriedly drew his sword and swung it to block, but he was still hit by an arrow, so he had to point in the direction and say, "Rush over!"

Just as he was charging, there was another rumbling sound from the mountain to the west, and countless stones rolled down from it.

Han Sui and the others were so frightened that their faces changed greatly, and they only dared to rush forward, not daring to block the flying arrows at all.


The stone rolled down, quickly taking away half of the war horse.

Han Sui actually rushed out of the danger zone in the twentieth horse, secretly calling it a fluke.

Fortunately, the enemy only set up an ambush on the mountain, and did not set up a camp in the valley road, otherwise...

Thinking like this, Han Sui raised his head, good guy, a simple camp appeared in front of him.

The camp is not high, at most half a zhang.

And it is extremely simple, that is, it is cut down and tied up, and it is simply erected.

But this was a disaster for the cavalry.

If you want to rush through, it's impossible.

"Damn, how can there be enemies here, how many steps did Cao Cao count~?"

Han Sui asked himself that he was also the heart of the Yellow River, and he was not invincible to the other party.

At this time, Cao Jun, who was ambushing and shooting arrows behind him, also came down from the mountain and formed a formation in the pile of rocks.

Block Han Sui's back road.

Han Sui couldn't move forward or retreat, his face was as white as blood.

Twenty riders also looked panicked, not knowing what to do.

The camp in front of here was opened, and a general rushed out, and hundreds of soldiers were involved.

"Han Sui, my military advisor said, you deserve to be here today, do you surrender yourself, or will we shoot you off the horse!" Li Tong immediately shouted.

Han Sui's expression was uncertain, he never thought that Cao Jun would sink here and wait for him.

It's amazing that people can get to this point.

It's just that Han Sui is not a person who compromises easily.

I only heard him say: "If I surrender, how will Cao Gong treat me." "

"You are not qualified to negotiate conditions, if you don't surrender, you will die!" Li Tong would not give Han Sui any guarantee.

I won't even negotiate terms with him. At this time, Han Sui was his great military exploit in Li Tong's military merit book.

When Han Sui heard this, he knew that he was going to die. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he said, "Hmph, if you can win me, I will surrender you." "

Saying that, Han Sui sent a horse to rush up, wanting to fight with Li Tong.

If you can capture Li Tong, you can get through this street pavilion.

It's just that Li Tong is not stupid, his advantages are fully displayed, and he has no intention of going head-to-head at all.

The spear pointed at Han Sui in front of him:

"Shoot the arrows!"

Suddenly, the archers fired their arrows in unison.

Han Sui couldn't stop these arrows and was shot dead on the spot.

His generals threw away their weapons one after another: "I will surrender if I am willing to surrender." "



After receiving the summons sent back by Zhao Yun, Cao Cao said: "I will repair a letter with Yan Xing, he will surrender, and there is no need to wait for Han Sui's head!"

So Cao Cao wrote a letter and ordered someone to send it to Chiyang immediately.

Hearing that Cao Cao came to Guanzhong, the Xiliang troops from all cities in Guanzhong came to join one after another.

For a time, Chang'an was owned by Cao Cao.

"Yuan Zhi, Chang'an was plagued by Dong Zhuo and the Xiliang army bandits, and now it is dilapidated, what is your best way to make it prosperous, and restore the wealth of Longzhi. Cao Cao threw a proposition to Xu Shu.

So far, Xu Shu has not recognized the master, which makes Cao Cao's heart still a little blocked.

After having Ye Qing, he has governed the four states so well, and his reputation is almost gone.

The posture of the majestic lord is also undoubtedly displayed.

Xu Shu was unwilling to be loyal to himself?

Xu Shu thought for a while and said: "Cao Gong, Guanzhong was plagued by Dong Zhuo's thieves and bandits, and the population of one was seriously reduced, and most of the people fled into the mountains.

But first put up a list to calm the people, no taxes will be collected for three years, and the people will go down the mountain and return to their hometowns one after another, and Guanzhong can be safe!"

"'.The two, Dong Zhuo and his ilk killed too much, and the population fled into a trend, making the ditches in Guanzhong fall into disrepair and the fields are barren; when the water conservancy is built first, and the land is encouraged to open up the wasteland, the newly opened fields belong to whoever belongs in the past, and whoever opens it today will be whoever, and oppress the people with the merger of the peerless family!"

Cao Cao nodded slightly, this one is good.

Cao Cao immediately agreed.

However, he continued to look at Xu Shu.

With Xu Shu's talent, there should be a high theory.

Xu Shu then said: "Of the three, Cao Gong is the best at the method, the soldiers are tuntian, solve the grain and grass logistics, and make the soldiers have something to do, so that they will not cause trouble and harm the people!"

Fourth, encourage pregnancy and reward child-rearing; fifth, encourage businessmen, revitalize the economy, and make things flow; sixth, overhaul official roads, so that soldiers and horses can reach them, and caravans can pass easily, so that Guanzhong will surely prosper. "

It can only be said that the ideas behind are quite decent.

It didn't make Cao Cao's eyes shine.

Cao Cao thought to himself, probably Xu Shu is only good at planning (Wang Zhao), and he is not very good at government governance.

So he didn't talk about it in depth, and asked again: "What does Yuan Zhi think of Liangzhou?"

Liangzhou, Xu Shu knew that this was how Cao Cao wanted to treat Ma Teng.

Han Sui died, and only Ma Teng's family was left in Liangzhou.

So Tsumatten began to contradict himself.

Xu Shu thought for a while and replied: "Liangzhou is the source of trouble in Guanzhong, Liangzhou is uncertain, and Guanzhong is uneasy!"

"If Cao Gong wants to take Liangzhou, Ma Teng must be transferred, otherwise even if it is placed in Longxi, many restrictions will not be able to rest assured, and after a long time, there will be dislikes, which will be unfavorable to Cao Gong!"

"Ma Teng's army, only two people are brave, one is Ma Chao, the lord knows his bravery, and the other will be Pang De, this person can block Zhao Yun and other generals for dozens of rounds, is a fierce general, if the two are not separated from Ma Teng's army, it is also a source of disaster. "

"As soon as these two people leave, Ma Teng is far away from Liangzhou, and it will not be a problem. "。

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