The main thrust of Xu Shu is one point, leave!

Transfer Ma Teng away from the place, and strip Ma Chao and Pang De out of Ma Teng's army.

Ma Teng can't afford to toss any big waves.

If he is allowed to continue to stay in Liangzhou, he will definitely continue to intersect with the Qiang people, form a climate, fight alone in Liangzhou, and threaten Guanzhong.

Cao Cao smiled when he heard this: "Yuan Zhi's words are very good, but how to transfer Ma Teng, he is not my subordinate, after Ma Teng leaves, who can guard Liangzhou and stabilize the situation in Liangzhou?"

Asked this, Xu Shu shook his head and was silent.

He wasn't familiar with Liangzhou, so he didn't have any clever plans.

Cao Cao saw that Xu Shu was not talking much, and knew that Xu Shu's plan could only go so far.

If you want to solve the problem later, you have to find a local strategist in Liangzhou!

Suddenly, Cao Cao thought of someone.

Isn't this old man Jia Xu a native of Liangzhou?

This old man, who has many tricks, and how poisonous he is, how many yin and how yin he wants, is exactly the right person.

So Cao Cao immediately ordered the people from the school office to report Jia Xu's whereabouts.

Soon, the people from the school office told Cao Cao that Jia Xu was simmering in Huayin Duan.

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately sent Cao Hong to invite Jia 010 to come to Chang'an!



After this short period of getting along, Jia Xu found that Duan Xuan was suspicious and jealous in life, and although he was courteous, he was not a person who could be treated for a long time.

But if he is with him for a long time, he will be jealous of him and die.

So Jia Xu is thinking about a way to leave.

His eyes turned to Hongnong.

It is undoubtedly an excellent excuse to go to Zhang Ji's office on the pretext of sending an envoy to liaison.

Jia Xu then went to find Duan Xuan.

As soon as he entered the hall, he heard that Duan Xuan was meeting with the envoy from Chang'an.

"General, Cao Jun wants to summon Mr. Wenhe to go, I hope the general can allow it!"

He was extremely polite, for fear of offending Duan Xuan.

Duan Xuan was secretly happy when he heard this, Jia Xuzhi's talent was far superior to his own, and he was extremely resourceful, and he won the respect of all the soldiers in Liangzhou.

With such a person who can threaten himself in Huayin, Duan Xuan is really a little worried.

"It's... Mr. Wenhe has just come out of Chang'an, let him go back to Chang'an at this time..."Duan Xuan pretended to be reluctant:

"Sir is a man of great resourcefulness, and it is very beneficial to help me defend the city and the people in Huayin, and there are really some... That's it, since Cao Gong loves me, I want adult beauty, but..."

"But what?" to make Duan Xuan whet his appetite, thinking that Duan Xuan didn't want to let people go.

Duan Xuan said: "I'm afraid that Mr. Wenhe is unwilling to go to Chang'an, this matter is not up to me, it depends on Mr. Wenhe's meaning." "

"If he wants to go, I won't stop him, and if he doesn't want to go, you can't force it!"

So that's what happened.

Simple, the messenger was full of promises.

Compared with following Duan Xuan or following Cao Cao, there is no doubt which one has a brighter future.

I believe that Jia Xu's hometown will make the right choice.

Duan Xuan then sent someone to invite Jia Xu.

Jia Xu hurriedly walked out, and when the people inside came out, he suddenly turned around, and pretended to come to see Duan Xuan.

"Mr. Wenhe is here, and it just so happens that the general has something to look for you, and you will go with me. "

Jia Xu said: "Okay!"

So Jia Xu and his attendants came in one after another.

"General, I heard that you are looking for me, but you have something important?" Jia Xu asked.

Duan Xuan pointed to Cao Cao's envoy and said, "Cao's army has finished the battle of Nanyang, and Wancheng and Wuguan are now Cao Gong's.

In order to destroy Han Sui, Cao Gong led tens of thousands of troops into the customs, and now he is in Chang'an, and he has summoned you to go, I don't know what you think?"

Jia Xu's face was unwavering. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Towards Cao Cao, he made an arch, and then said to Duan Xuan: "It's all up to the general, the general thinks that I can help the general establish contact with Cao Gong when I go to Chang'an, then Jia Xu will go to Chang'an, if the general doesn't want me to go, I won't go!"

The more casual Jia Xu behaved, the more relieved Duan Xuan became, and said with a smile: "I have received Wenhe's wishes."

Cao Gongzheng (abee) summoned you to the past, there will be reuse, how can I delay your future.

If you go, you can say a few good words for me in front of Cao Gong in the future!"

Only then did Jia Xu bow respectfully and said, "It's the general!"

Jia Xu soon followed Cao Cao's envoys and escorts to Chang'an.

At this time, Yan Xing also received Cao Cao's handwritten letter, and after reading it, he went south with his soldiers and horses and came to Chang'an to vote for Cao Cao.

Zhao Yun and other generals also returned to Chang'an to hand over orders.

Cao Cao was outside the east gate, waiting for Jia Xu's carriage in the cold wind.

Soon a convoy came into view.

There was a carriage in the middle of the escort, and Jia Xu was sitting in it.

When Cao Cao saw people, he immediately ran with everyone.

The convoy stopped.

Jia Xu opened the curtain to check the movement in front of him.

I saw dozens of riders coming.

All of them are majestic.

The first person was wearing a bright yellow robe, and his body was a little shorter, and he was a little ugly when he looked closely.

and words such as mighty and handsome, it really has nothing to do with it.

If it is only about appearance, there is no doubt that such a person will be disliked and despised by others, let alone being the master, even if he is a general.

But when Jia Xu saw it, his eyes lit up, and his expression turned grim.

"Mr. Wenhe can be inside!"

Seeing Cao Cao coming, Jia Xu lowered the curtain, and soon Cao Cao's questioning voice sounded outside the car.

Jia Xu said: "Old Jia Xu, I don't know which general is outside the car?"

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this, and replied: "Cao Cao is also, dare to invite Mr. into the city!"

Jia Xu lifted the curtain of the car again, looked out, and saw Cao Cao, who was short and black-faced, staring at the car with a smile.

"It turned out to be Cao Gong, Jia Xu was frightened and didn't dare to bow down!"

Saying that Jia Xu was about to get out of the car, Cao Cao stopped: "Mr. doesn't need to be polite, I just invited Mr. to come over, and Mr. He Lao got up." "

"Sir, sit in the car, I'll escort him into the city!"

After saying that, Cao Cao waved his hand, and the army immediately set off, and Jia Xu also took advantage of the situation and lowered the curtain, Cao Cao asked Corporal Lixian to let Corporal Lixian earn fame.

After entering the city, Cao Cao took Dong Zhuo's original mansion for temporary residence, so Jia Xu was also brought to this mansion, got off the carriage, and looked at this mansion, with a sense of cordiality and trance.

Cao Cao said: "Sir, do you remember whose mansion this is?"

Jia Xu said: "Cao Gong used to enter with a knife, and he failed his great wish!"

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Mr. is really funny and humorous, please inside!"

"Cao Gong please!" Jia Xu said.

"Together! together!" Cao Cao immediately grabbed Jia Xu's hand and entered together.

Entering the hall, everyone sat down in turns.

Cao Cao said: "To be able to win Chang'an, thanks to Mr. 's merits, if Guo Li does not leave, our army wants to take it, but it is a little difficult!"

"Here, I would like to give Mr. a drink!"

After speaking, Cao Cao drank all the wine in the cup!

That's really unambiguous, and I didn't hesitate!

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