When the king recklessly rebelled the world, the new dynasty fell.

Ma Yuan followed the Longyou separatist forces Kui Huan as a general, and later Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu dominated the world, Ma Yuan abandoned Kui Huan and threw himself to Liu Xiu, and for Liu Xiu to destroy Kui Huan, lay down Longxi, and pacified the Qiang chaos.

So Ma Yuan is not Liu Xiu's original subordinate.

Now Ma Teng, the situation is also very similar to that of Ma Yuan at that time.

The difference is that at that time, Liu Xiu had already unified most of Longteng Huaxia and ascended the throne as the emperor, which was the Son of Heaven.

And now Cao Cao is just a mere general in Zhendong.

But Cao Cao's potential and strength are beyond doubt.

At this time, he threw himself into Cao Cao, but he was more reused.

Ma Teng asked Ma Chao, which was enough to explain the problem.

After listening to Ma Chao's words, Ma Teng said: "Wu'er, it is my Ma family's Qianli horse, and my Ma family will prosper with you." "

""Six-zero-seven" my son's future, I don't have to worry, only those who are worried, you are just a few younger brothers!"

"Since Cao Cao not only has the ambition to swallow the sky, but also the heart to expand the territory, I will help him, as long as he does not insult the Han, everything will be as it is!"

Cao Cao's picture of today's canvas completely closed Ma Teng's heart and dispelled all of Ma Teng's concerns.

Let him understand that fighting alone in a Liangzhou is not Cao Cao's opponent at all.

Just a Liangzhou, how many feats and great deeds can be established.

The outside world is very wide, enough to toss, enough to let the Ma family glorify their ancestors.

Instead of taking root in the barren Liangzhou, be a soil overlord and be a hero.

It's far more practical to go outside and become the Earth Emperor who guards one side.

The emperor is far away, and it is more likely to turn his family into a country.


In the following days, Cao Cao successively summoned talents from Guanzhong and Liangzhou.

Among them, there are Feng Ling on the left, Zhang Ji, Jing Zhao, Yin Duji, Fu Feng Su Ze on the right, and shooting aid.

He also sent generals Xu Huang and Yan Xing to attack Jincheng and eliminate Han Sui's troops.

Su Ze was appointed as the Jincheng Taishou, Duan Xuan was appointed as the Beidi Taishou, and an envoy was sent to Wuwei to contact Liangzhou Mu Weikang, and all the Wei families were moved back to the Central Plains, so that Liangzhou became Cao Cao's Liangzhou, not the Liangzhou of the imperial court.

Successively arranged for garrison soldiers and horses, and ordered the scribes to register and make a book with peace of mind.

Restore Guanzhong and Liangzhou to life and end the turmoil.

After arranging many matters, Cao Cao took everyone to the east, took Huayin, and returned east on the road to Tongguan.

Soon came Hongnong!

Zhang Ji took his nephew Zhang Xiu to wait on the official road.

"Zhang Ji (Zhang Xiu) meets Cao Gong!"

Don't look at Zhang Ji was named a hussar general and a marquis of Pingyang by the imperial court, and his titles and official positions were higher than Cao Cao's.

But at this time, he can only be a man with his tail between his legs.

After all, these names are all false and have no gold content.

In troubled times, strength is king.

At this time, Cao Cao obtained Guanzhong, which was simply sandwiched between Hongnong County and wanted to destroy Zhang Ji between raising his hand.

Besides, Zhang Ji's grain and grass have always been helped by Cao Cao, let alone attacking, as long as the grain is cut off, Zhang Ji will be a dead fish.

So at this moment, I can only be respectful and honest.

Cao Cao did not help Zhang Ji's uncle and nephew up for the first time, but said with emotion:

"When I was in Xu County, I invited General Zhang to go many times, and as a result... I'm the first to come to Hongnong!"

mentioned this, Zhang Ji regretted dying, if he had promised Cao Cao, he would not have ended up like this now, not to mention the lack of soldiers and horses, and he was pinched to death by Cao Cao, and he didn't even have to talk about the conditions, so he could only beg for a living, which was really heartwarming.

"In the past, Zhang Ji was stupid, he didn't know the beauty of Xu County, and he didn't know the mind of Cao Gong, but now he is willing to make a mistake and follow the work of dogs and horses!" Zhang Ji's attitude can be said to be extremely low, which made Zhang Xiu a little surprised. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When did the uncle become so fast, he used to ignore Cao Cao's love, but now he has become extremely flattering and welcoming.

"Hahaha, General Zhang laughed. Cao Cao then helped Zhang Ji up and said:

"People will have times of difficulty, and there will be times of pride, but remember, don't lose your heart!"

"I have never had a heart for General Zhang, and General Zhang should know what I mean!"

Zhang Ji replied bitterly: "Cao Gong's heart, Zhang Ji remembers it in his heart, thank Cao Gong for his love, and he is willing to ask for Cao Gong's court." "

Strength, everything is strength.

Cao Cao captured Nanyang, and captured Guanzhong and Liangzhou, and now in the world, the real male posture is the second choice.

Zhang Ji also figured it out through this incident.

With his own soldiers and horses, as well as his reputation, it would be good not to be played and killed by a group of princes0 .

Where do you dare to become a hegemon and compete for dominance in the world.

Even Jia Xu, a shrewd old man, voted for Cao Cao, what are you going to toss about?

In terms of resourcefulness, ten of them are tied together, and they are not as good as Jia Xu.

After subduing Zhang Ji's uncle and nephew, Cao Cao was in a better mood.

After a one-day delay in Hongnong, he played a new Taishou, and then took Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's uncle and nephew to the east together.

The army marched to Luoyang!

Li Jin led the army to greet him.

followed Li Jin and some of the court officials who were rescued by him.

These are all screened by Cao Cao in advance, and they are all loyal ministers of Cao Wei in the future.

As for the infidelity, they were all shot by Guo Li.

Yes, led by Zhong Xuan and others, they are grateful to Cao Cao and have been staying in Luoyang to recuperate.

Hearing Cao Cao's return to the east, they followed Li in and out of the city to meet Cao Cao.

"I didn't pay Li Jin a visit to the lord!" Li Jin got off the horse and bowed first.

"I'm waiting to meet Cao Gong!" Zhong Xuan and the others also bowed down to greet each other.

Cao Cao glanced at everyone and said, "You don't have to be polite!"

Cao Cao jumped off his horse.

First said to Li Jin: "Bocheng has worked hard, this way, there is no barren appearance near Luoyang, the ditch is accessible, and the road is smooth and smooth, it can be seen that you have worked hard for the governance of Guanluo, and you have worked hard!"

Li Jin said: "This is all thanks to the guidance of the lord's policy of resuming production and rejuvenating agriculture, and he gave 100,000 guards, 1.2 otherwise, it will be difficult for a good woman to cook without rice!"

Cao Cao nodded slightly, not exchanging praises with Li Jin, important things need to be discussed in private.

So he turned to Zhong Xuan and the others: "Yuan Changdong is injured!"

Zhong Xuan said: "Xie Cao Gong's care, thanks to Cao Gong's response and protection, I came to Luoyang earlier, but I was not injured by Guo Li's thief!"

The others also said: "Yes, if it weren't for Cao Gong, we would have become a corpse under the cliff of Hongnong!"

"Cao Gong is very kind, in order to repay him, he is willing to serve Cao Gong today, and I hope that Cao Gong can accept it. "

The crowd chimed in.

Now Cao Cao is the largest prince in the world, and only by following Cao Cao can he guarantee the future.

Hanting has existed in name only.

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