Cao Cao smiled: "It's okay for you guys!"

"You are all the talents of the Great Han, if there is any mistake, it will be the loss of the Great Han!"

Cao Cao pointed to Luoyang City in the distance and said, "Let's enter the city and see how the newly repaired capital is doing?"

Zhong Miao and the others said: "Cao Gong, please!"

Cao Cao was also polite and walked in front.

Li Jin and Zhong Xuan followed left and right.

Li Jin briefly talked about the repair of Luoyang.

"Lord, because of the problem of funds and manpower, we only repaired the outer city wall, and did not restore the entire Luoyang, only a quarter of the area of Luoyang City in the past, so as to facilitate the garrison to defend the city!

"As for the Imperial Palace... It's still not the same as when Dong Zhuo and other thieves set it on fire. Li Jin reported truthfully.

This matter was approved by Cao Cao, but he didn't want to build Luoyang into the majestic and magnificent it used to be too early.

Otherwise, when he takes back Emperor Xian, I'm afraid he won't want to go to Xu County.

Therefore, Cao Cao's requirements for Li Jin only have one point, that is, it is convenient to defend the city, and he can do whatever he wants, the palace cannot be moved, and not even a single soldier can be stationed in 01, maintaining the original appearance of being burned down and ruined.

This is what Li Jin is talking about now.

Cao Cao sighed: "Luoyang is facing Guanzhong, Guo Li's thieves were extremely prosperous in the past, and it is already extremely high to repair the city, and the rest of the people are still talking about money, food and time!"

"No!" Li Jin nodded yes.

Zhong Xuan, who was on the side, guessed Cao Cao's intentions, so he said: "Luoyang City is dilapidated, even if a part of the outer city is built, it is still not suitable to become the capital of the empire!"

"I heard that there is a palace for the Son of Heaven to leave in Xu County, I don't know when Gong Cao will rescue the Son of Heaven from Hedong?"

The others were stunned.

is worthy of Zhong Xuan, and he dares to ask this kind of question.

It seems to be a death, but it is actually a wonderful assistance, Cao Cao knows it!

He replied: "The Son of Heaven has not made a holy word, which means that he is doing well in Hedong!"

"With Yang Feng, Dong Cheng, Zhang Yang and others to protect Your Majesty, it is safe to come, and Yang Gong and Sima Gong accompany Your Majesty, and they will not let outsiders bully Your Majesty!"

"As a courtier, we just need to wait, wait for the decree of the heavenly court, and act according to the order!"

For the time being, Cao Cao didn't want to take the Son of Heaven across the river.

Although it is said that there is enough strength to crush the white wave bandits, it is not the time yet.

Entering the city, walk the streets familiar with yesteryear.

Cao Cao also had a kind of trance.

It's only been a few years, and the once prosperous national capital has become like this.

Now it is still repaired, and the army has been stationed again, and the people have been recruited.

Otherwise, it will be even more desolate.

After nightfall, Cao Cao and Zhong Xiang talked all night, and early the next morning, he was shown to be the captain of the history of the school, and when he returned to Xu County, he saw everyone, so that Zhong Xiang could take office and comfort Guanzhong.

From Luoyang!

Cao Cao parted ways with everyone, some of them went straight to Yingchuan to Xu County through the three major passes, and some of them followed Cao Cao all the way through, and stayed in Juancheng after Chen!

Of course, on the marching route, Cao Cao specially bent a little to Puyang and saw Xiahou Yuan and others.

The army also frightened the Yecheng spies who were monitoring Dongjun.

"It's not good, Cao Cao is going north to attack Yecheng!"

"Hurry up, send back the news immediately, Cao has brought a large army to Dongjun!"

Not to mention Yuan Shao's spies sent back the news to Yecheng, after Xiahou Yuan heard that Cao Cao was going back to Juancheng, he suddenly didn't want to stay in Puyang.

"Lord, since you're going back to Juancheng, take me with you!"

Cao Cao said: "Dongjun is my Yanzhou important land, how can I leave lightly." "

Xiahou Yuan said: "Lord, every time you conquer the enemy, you don't take me with you, this time there is no war, Juancheng is also close, you go back to Juancheng to listen to Mr. tell the story, but you don't take me, I won't guard Dongjun in the future, you change someone!" (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hey, and a little tantrum.

Listening to stories is so addictive.

Well, Cao Cao admitted that he came to Juancheng to listen to the story.

Otherwise, Ganma will bring Xu Shu and others here.

I haven't seen Ye Qing for a long time, and I haven't listened to him tell stories in person, and my heart is very itchy.

Especially after the legends of the heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties were told, Chen Gong didn't write a picture book and sent it to the front line.

This made Cao Cao a little unhappy.

"Hey, that's it!I'll take you there!" Cao Cao was helpless, who owed Xiahou Yuan so much.

Usually, he has been letting him guard the East County, and his military exploits are almost impossible to get.

In history, he was the only relative who died in battle, which also made Cao Cao a little unhappy.

"Haha, Brother Xie!" As soon as Xiahou Yuan heard that he could return to Juancheng, he was immediately as happy as a child, and immediately went down to explain the military affairs, so that the deputy general could guard Dongjun well.

"Co-author, if you can listen to the story, you are the eldest brother, but you can't be the lord!" Cao Cao shook his head speechlessly.

However, it was rare to see Xiahou Yuan with a serious face so happy, Cao Cao stroked his beard, and his mood was even more comfortable.

Back to Juancheng!

Chen Gong also came in a hurry to greet him.

Because Cao Cao did not send someone to inform him that he would come to Juancheng.

It stands to reason that on the way back from a great victory, you should go to govern Xu County.

"Lord, why did you come to Juancheng?" Chen Gong swept behind Cao Cao, but did not find Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and others.

The basic advisors are not there.

Cao Cao said: "I haven't returned to Juancheng for a long time, and I have returned from a big victory, so I will stop by to take a look." "

"Is 680 City okay? Yanzhou is okay?"

Chen Gong was speechless, by the way, your family can make a big turn by the way, and seek the near and far.

You obviously want to come to meet Mr. Ye and listen to his story.

Chen Gong was not easy to break Cao Cao, so he said: "Everything is fine, the lord entered the city first, and the Zhendong General's Mansion has always been taken care of, so I will order someone to inform the eldest prince of them!"

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and then led everyone into the city.

When I came to the Zhendong General's Mansion, everything was still the same.

Although the governance office has been relocated and the family has taken it over, Cao Ang, Cao Juan and others are all attending classes in Ye Qingna, and they will still come back to live in the evening.

So the house is not deserted.

"I've been on the road for days, you've worked hard, go back to rest, and have a banquet tomorrow, I'll introduce you to everyone Cai, and let you visit Cai's school. Cao Cao instructed everyone.

Ye Xian is not something that everyone can see, if he wants to study and get more overseas news, he can only go to Cai's Academy.

Xu Huang, Zhao Yun, Cao Hong, Xiahou Yuan and others knew Cao Cao's secret words, so they followed everyone to retreat, left the mansion, and then quietly turned back.

At this time, Cao Cao had already prepared the carriage and sat in the carriage to prepare for departure.

"Since they're all here, let's go. "

Cao Cao knew that these guys would definitely come back, so there was no nonsense, and the group of people rushed to Ye Qing's residence!

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