"Shi Danai was defeated and returned to Wagang Village, Shan Xiongxin was furious when he heard it, and he killed with a lance, but under a stab, he was clamped by Pei Yuanqing with a double hammer, and his male strength was pulled off, and finally he fell to the ground, embarrassed, but fortunately, Pei Yuanqing did not kill anyone, and let Shan Xiongxin go back to the village!"

"Shan Xiongxin was defeated, and when Cheng bit Jin and let Qin Shubao fight, Qin Shubao waved his gun, his hands shook and bleeding, pulled out the horse and returned to the village, this Cheng Cheng bit Jin was furious, and took the thirty-six generals out of the city to fight, he was defeated by Pei Yuanqing, and the generals besieged, and he couldn't help this ten-year-old doll!"

"Sui camp Pei Renji, in front of the camp to see the third son Yuanqing fought for a day, afraid that he would lose his strength, busy ordering Mingjin to withdraw the troops, but was reprimanded by Zhang Dabin, so he was going to kidnap Pei Renji, his two sons failed to persuade each other, and they were also ordered by Zhang Dabin to be tied up, pushed out and beheaded, when Pei Yuanqing Mingjin came back, he saw that his brother and father were tied up and scolded the sergeant and released!"

Although Pei Yuanqing was young, he understood that he couldn't stay in Sui Ying for a long time, so he said: Daddy, the emperor has no way, and the traitorous ministers are autocratic, and we are loyal and contributive, but it is useless. It's better to descend the tile gang!

The four of them couldn't help themselves, so they had to run to Wagangzhai, and finally Pei Yuanqing returned alone, took Zhang Dabin, and led 100,000 troops to Wagangzhai. Ye Qing deliberately stopped when he said this.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it was really Zhang Dabin who delivered food.

The 443 of the Yang Sui court was also too corrupt, and they all defected one by one.

Cheng Yanjin received an army of 100,000, named Pei Renji as the king of Xiaoyao, Pei Yuanqing as the king of Qi Mei, and Pei Renji wrote a letter to Jiao Hong of Shanmaguan. Na Jiao Hong was Renji's nephew, and he gave him the book, asking him to tell his wife and Miss Cuiyun, collect the money and grain in the house, and go to Wagang with 200,000 horses. Biting Jin and sealing Jiao Hong as the general of Zhenguo. "

"Xu Maogong and Biting Jin said that they were matchmakers and married Miss Cuiyun as the main palace. Biting the gold is overjoyed, that is, the day to marry and marry, since then Wagang has been a great shock. The corners of Ye Qing's mouth raised slightly, and he continued:

The news came back to Kyoto, Yang Guang was angry, and wanted to send troops, Yu culture and persuasion, at this time, there were no troops, and they could not levy Wagangzhai, so they could only appease, negotiate with Wagangzhai, and cede the land of Dongshan. "

"Yang Guang obeyed him and sent an envoy to seal Cheng Biting Jin as the Demon King of the Mixed World, but Cheng Biting Jin was not rewarded by Sui Court at all!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief and began to talk about Wang Shichong.

Sui Wei is a heroic figure, and Wang Shichong has to be mentioned.

Wang Shichong is a native of Luoyang, with strong martial arts, not many cruel words, and bold and decisive.

Because a parrot killed the old and young of the neighboring village Shuijia, and finally fled to Yangzhou.

I saw a different flower Qionghua, and finally by virtue of this incident, I was named Qionghua Taishou.

In order to go to Yangzhou to enjoy the flowers, Yang Guang ordered Li Mi, the Duke of Wei, to be the supervisor, and the general Uncle Ma was the head of the river, and Hu Da was the deputy. Dafa Minfu 800,000, starting from Longchi. All the mountains of Changping Pass must be by the road, the shallow place is deep, and the place is open, so that the dragon boat can walk.

Because Uncle Ma sought to eat children's hearts, he was rejected by Xiangzhou Assassin Shi Gao Tansheng, and Uncle Ma planned to send troops to attack Gao Tansheng, which alarmed the majestic sea of Taihang Mountain.

Xiong Kuohai killed Ma Shumou, set up Gao Tan Sheng as the White Imperial King, and made himself the generalissimo, and raised troops against Sui.

And the canal opened to Caozhou, because of the digging of Meng Haigong's ancestral grave, Meng Haigong then ordered Qi Jiading, with his three wives and nephew Shangyi, reversed into Caozhou, killed the guard, proclaimed himself King Song Yi, Feng Shangyi was the marshal, and Bai Shun was the military advisor.

There are many similar places, and there are countless people who have been forced to rebel because of the construction of the canal.

After the detailed list, everyone knew that there were eighteen anti-kings.

They are Wagang Cheng Biting Jin called the Demon King of the Mixed World, Xiangzhou Gao Tan Sheng, Suzhou Shen Faxing Called (ABDB) Shangliang King, Mountain Queen Liu Wuzhou Called Dingyang King, Jining Wang Bo Called Zhishi King, Jinan Tang Bi Called Jinan King, Huguang Lei Dapeng Called Chu King, Jiangling Xiao Milling Called Daliang King, Hebei Li Zitong Called Shouzhou King, Luzhou Xu Yuanlang Called Jingqin King, Wulin Li Zhi Called Jingliang King, Chuzhou Gao Shida Called Chu Yue King, Mingzhou Zhang Called Jin Called Qi King, Youzhou Temur Called Northern Han King, Xiazhou Gao Shiyuan Called Xia Ming King, Shadala Yu Turkic Called Ying King, Wu Ke of Chenzhou claimed that King Yongnan and Menghai of Caozhou were called King Yi of Song.

In addition to these eighteen anti-kings, there are also sixty-four smoke and dust, led by Du Fuwei, Zhang Shanxiang, Xue Ju and others.

"Obediently, it is difficult for this Sui Court not to die, the eighteenth road is against the king, and there are sixty-four smoke and dust, and the smoke is everywhere!"

"It's not Yang Guang's work, it's forced to rebel so much, it's the canal again, and it's the three expeditions to Goguryeo, which makes the people's lives miserable, and they also enjoy the people's daughters all day long, if it's me, I'm also against the damn!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"But no, Sui Ting deserves to die, if such a faint monarch is not killed, heaven will not tolerate it!"

When everyone heard this, they were all filled with righteous indignation.

For Yang Guang, he can't help but frustrate his bones.

When Cao Cao heard this, he stroked his beard, and there was not much anger on his face.

After everyone finished scolding, he said: "Sir, although this Yang Guang is hateful and should be killed, the canal he built is a good thing that is good for the present and for the future!"

"The northern rivers have little rain and more in the dry season, so the water of the big rivers can flow north, one of which can bring in water sources to irrigate the fields.

Second, with such a canal, it will be convenient for transportation, and the goods from the south can reach the north from here, all the way to the national capital, and the boatmen and people who are born because of the canal will have a livelihood!"

Cao Cao looked at the problem, and he was naturally different from everyone else.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, such a great place, is not worth paying attention to?

If there are conditions, my Han can also build such a canal, but it should be carried out slowly, not in a hurry, don't be like Yang Guang, the conquest is excessive, too violent and violent.

If it can't be completed in ten years, it will take twenty years, and one generation can't go far, but two or three generations.

In a hurry to survive, the results are bound to be disastrous.

"Boss Cao's perspective on the problem is indeed different. Ye Qing smiled:

"Thinking about problems is all from the economic aspect, and there is also a pattern. "

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with repairing the canal itself, this is a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people, the only thing that is wrong is that Yang Guangxiu is for personal enjoyment, and for pleasure, at any cost, and finally laid the groundwork for the demise of the Sui Dynasty. "

Of course, there is one thing to say, this canal, in the future, has achieved many dynasties, enriched both sides of the canal, strengthened communication and contact between the north and the south, and benefited the later dynasties and the people, from this point of view, it is worth affirming. "。

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