Jing Ye Qing said so.

Only then did Cao Cao suddenly realize.

It turns out that only the use is the true knowledge of the troubled times.

There is no foundation, and I still care about what face, and what employment standards.

Isn't this the road of life and death, narrower and narrower?


Cao Cao clenched his fists, his heart excited.

Ye Xianren is indeed my starting light, and talking with him can always benefit a lot.

It is worthy of being an immortal in the sky, with extraordinary insight and a grand pattern.

I can't do it!

"Okay, let's talk about it for the time being, I'm a little tired, you guys go and get busy with your own business!" Ye Qing's eyebrows also moved slightly, and he immediately said to the two.

The two quickly bowed and bowed, and then retreated.

Ye Qing's heart moved, and his mind drilled into the system space.

Check out the reward obtained for teaching history knowledge to Boss Cao and the two just now.

"This host taught the students what is Cao Cao? The ranking of the twenty-four generals, as well as the position of Dian Wei, obtained 100,000 catties of potatoes! "

Looking at the 100,000 catties of potatoes in the system space, Ye Qing finally smiled.

Although the body is temporarily blind, in the space of thought, I can see.

A large potato of about a pound lay at his feet like this.

Then Ye Qing's mind moved and came out of the system space.

Then the mind silently recited the extraction.

A yellow potato with a little dirt appeared on the right hand.

Weighed the weight.

Almost a pound.

"Listening to Boss Cao, I have a large open space in front and behind this house, just enough to grow some potatoes, so that I can also improve my food and eat mixed grains every day, which is simply wasteful."

This high-quality mixed grain specialty of Boss Cao's family, if you take it outside the mountain to exchange money, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money, and I don't know that Boss Cao Dong is not an e-commerce company..."

Just as Ye Qing muttered to himself.

Cao Cao and Cao Hong walked out of the house.

The two stood in the doorway and looked back.

Inexplicably, there is a kind of awe.

He was deeply impressed by Ye Qing.

"Zilian, you can hear Mr. Ye's words clearly!" Cao Cao looked towards Cao Hong.

Cao Hong said, "Lord, Zi Lian heard clearly, does the Lord have any orders!" "

Cao Cao said, "You go to Zhang Qiao, first borrow some grain from him, he will definitely not give it, and then you will Dian Wei to come, don't make Zhang Qiao suspicious." "

"How to do it, you should understand!"

When Cao Hong heard this, he hugged his fist and replied: "It's the lord, Zi Lian understands, he must bring Dian Wei, and it is clear whether it is true or false." "

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Hong slapped Cao Cao on the shoulder heavily: "Remember, Ye Xianren's words are unquestionable, no need to test, Ye Immortal will not lie to me and wait!" "

Don't look at Cao Cao suspicious, but for Ye Qing, he is 10,000 relieved.

Every word Ye Qing said, he was convinced of.

Cao Honglian said yes yes yes.

After leaving, he went home, and then took a dozen guards and rushed non-stop to Zhang Liao's office in Chen Liujun.

Zhang Qiao and Cao Cao were good, so when Cao Cao raised his army, Zhang Qiao directly gave food and grass support.

At that time, Cao Cao had no territory, he was considered a Beijing official, and he did not conflict with himself.

Moreover, supporting him to raise troops can earn prestige, and now Cao Cao has become the Taishou of Dongjun, next to Chen Liu.

Each other is a competitor, a potential enemy.

Therefore, hearing that Cao Hong borrowed grain, Zhang Qiao supported him for a long time before saying that Chen Liu's grain and grass had also been exhausted by the coalition forces.

So there is no food to lend.

Only then did Cao Hong follow Cao Cao's words and propose to borrow some small soldiers to go back and regain his life.

Otherwise, you will definitely be punished.

In these years, when there is food, there are soldiers.

There were only a hundred small soldiers on the left and right, and Zhang Qiao sent Dian Wei and the others away with a wave of his big hand.

It just so happens that Dian Wei is a rice bucket, and he is famous for being able to eat in the army.

Be a shunshui favor and let him eat empty Cao Cao.

In this way, Cao Hong smoothly lent Dian Wei away.

Then, halfway down the road, Dian Wei was clamoring for dinner, and Cao Hong took the opportunity to test Dian Wei's strength.

Then he was taught a lesson by Dian Wei and fell to the ground.

However, Cao Hong was not convinced, and Dian Wei said blandly: "No, we are full of food and fighting!" This time it can be compared to weapons.

But well, if I win, you'll have to feed me! "

Eat enough, this condition is too low.

Cao Hong immediately agreed.

Back in Dongjun, he immediately ordered people to make rice on fire, and Jun Dianwei ate two buckets of rice, burped a full, and then picked up the iron halberd and said:

"Eat half full, hit first, I will eat again after beating!"

Cao Hong was a little weak at this time.

Two buckets of rice are all these Houthi eaten and gone.

Where this is a person, it is a large rice bucket.

However, with the weapon in hand, Cao Hong took a sip of wine to cheer himself up.

Then fight with Dian Wei.

As a result, he was defeated in a short time, and all the weapons in his hands were shot away.

His hands were as numb as if he had swayed, and blood spilled from the mouth of the tiger.

"Hehe, I won again, you won't let me eat it!" Dian Wei said with a cheeky smile.

Cao Hong's cheeks twitched, and he pretended to be calm: "Eat, eat as much as you can!" "

After speaking, he ordered the guards to look at Dian Dianwei and couldn't let this person run.

Then hurriedly ran to find Cao Cao.

At this time, Cao Cao was discussing something with the adviser Chen Gong.

Seeing Cao Hong's embarrassed look, he asked, "Zilian, what's wrong with you?" "

"Let you go to Chen Liu, you won't be... I didn't hit him! "

As soon as Cao Cao guessed, he knew that Cao Hong must have consulted with Dian Wei.

And it didn't win.

Cao Hong's face was blushing, but he was also a well-known man, and he replied: "Back to the lord, I am indeed not his opponent, this person finished two buckets of rice in one go, and said that he was not full, and he is still eating!" "

Eat two buckets of rice in one go.

Even if Cao Cao had expected it, he was shocked.

The Chen Palace next to him was more like listening to the book of heaven.

What the heck?

Can a person eat two buckets of rice in one go?

This is a rice bucket.

"Hahaha, good, great!" Cao Cao stood up excitedly, pulled Cao Hong and left, took three steps and turned back to Chen Gongdao:

"Gongtai, this matter you said is being discussed tomorrow, I will deal with an urgent matter first!"

What else is more important to have a super fierce general.

If there is, it is two fierce generals.

Chen Gong looked inexplicable, looking at Cao Hong's hurried to come, Cao Cao left in a hurry, stunned and didn't understand what's wrong?

"After the Lord Chased Dong Zhuo's army and was ambushed, it seemed to have changed as a person.

Always mixed with Cao Hong, what is wrong with this? "

Cao Cao followed Cao Hong to the barracks.

In this moment, his subordinates told Cao Hong that Dian Wei had eaten three buckets of rice and was eating the fourth barrel.

To be precise, it is the fourth barrel after the competition, plus the first two barrels, this is the sixth barrel.

Everyone gathered around like monsters.

One by one, they are shouting and cheering, and they seem to want to see where Dianwei's potential is.

"The Lord has arrived!"

Hearing Cao Cao coming, the crowd dispersed and then retreated to the side.

When Cao Cao saw Dian Wei, who was still eating fiercely by the rice bucket, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Three steps and two steps over, grabbed Dian Wei's said, "Strong man, would you like to be the leader of my guard?" "


Guard Commander!

Dian Wei's eyes widened, and the rice spoon in his hand fell into the rice bucket with a bang.

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