"Huh! Mr. Ye, why did you come out, there seems to be something growing in the yard? "

After determining Dian Wei's true strength, Cao Cao was ecstatic.

With Cao Hong, he immediately came to Ye Qing again.

Ye Qing was carrying a bucket at this time, holding a scoop to water the ground.

Although blind, the hand holding the scoop is as stable as an old dog, splashing and watering, even and uneven, which is a miracle.

"Boss Cao is here!" Ye Qing heard that it was Cao Cao's voice, so he pointed to the tunnel in the courtyard with a scoop:

"Recently, the weather is good, the sun is just right, and there is nothing to do left and right, so I planted some food in the yard."

"I didn't expect to sprout and grow so quickly!"

Growing food?

Cao Cao and Cao Hong looked at each other, a little confused.

I have only heard of growing vegetables in the yard, and this is the first time I have heard of growing grain.

Look down.

Good fellow, where is this grain, not even mixed grain.

It's clearly grass!

However, Cao Cao and Cao Hong did not intend to tell Ye Qing about this fact.

Because Ye Qing couldn't see it, he wanted to plant something to kill time.

"Yes, I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be an expert in growing grain, with a skillful mind, and the grain grown will grow gratifyingly, and there will be a bumper harvest at that time!" Cao Cao immediately winked at Cao Hong.

It's just a big deal that when the harvest season comes, get some fresh unharvested grain and fool this thing over.

When Cao Hong heard this, he immediately echoed: "Yes, look at the seedlings of this grain, green, the whole yard is full, dense, and there will be a good harvest by then!" "

"Well, dense, no." Ye Qing frowned when he heard this:

"Dense and not productive, need to remove some, so as not to spac enough and affect photosynthesis."


Isn't it better to have as much food as dense as possible, and some must be pulled out, and a certain distance should be taken.

What is photosynthesis?

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye is the best!" Cao Cao hurriedly gave Cao Hong another look:

"Mr. Ye, you sit down first, we will come to this matter, after all, you can't see clearly, in case you pull out a good seedling, you will suffer!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye, you sit down, we will do this kind of dirty work, and ensure a bumper harvest next year, more than three hundred catties per acre!" Cao Hong echoed.

Ye Qing, who had just been helped by Cao Cao to sit down, stood up again with a voice: "Look down on whom, one acre of land is only three hundred catties."

The grain potatoes I planted have at least three or four thousand catties per acre, and if you can get some farm manure and water it well, it will not be a problem to harvest six or seven thousand catties. "


Cao Hong short-circuited.

Then look at Cao Cao, who is also stupid there.

I heard it wrong.

Mr. Ye said that it should be three or four hundred catties and six or seven hundred catties!

However, this is also an exaggeration.

"Why, Boss Cao doesn't believe it?"

"You must know that I am an excellent variety, as long as there is water and fertilizer, sufficient sunshine, no diseases and pests, there is no problem at all in harvesting six or seven thousand catties per mu!" Ye Qing seemed to think of something:

"Don't always grow any miscellaneous grains, exchange my potatoes, concentrate the miscellaneous grains, take e-commerce to sell to the city, and you will definitely make a lot of money!"

"Boss Cao, you are also in business, you should know the truth that things are rare, and now the people in the city like to eat these pollution-free grains, no less than you earn by tinkering with others!"


What the hell is this.

Could it be that the gods in the sky all use thunder and lightning to do business, and the transaction is completed with a thunderbolt?

That's really fast, it's fairy!

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye is right, I'll wipe it another day!" Now Ye Qing was talking about the holy will, and Cao Cao nodded in agreement and dealt with it.

Cao Hong also said a joke when Ye Qing was a grain of six or seven thousand catties per mu of land.

It's just grain!

Next, Cao Cao and Cao Hong pretended to weed and turn the soil in the yard.

After a short burst of work, he stopped to rest.

"Mr. Ye today, tell us the story of the Three Kingdoms." Cao Cao said:

"Last time I heard Mr. Ye talk about Cao Cao, I dreamed every day and night these days, and asked Mr. Ye to explain it."

This is true, since hearing Ye Qing say that Cao Cao killed his son Cao Ang because of the Zou clan, Cao Cao has had nightmares every day.

In the dream, Cao Ang and Cao Anmin were killed by the chaotic army.

After returning home, Ding learned that his eldest son was dead, and then he made trouble with himself, beating and crying in his dream.

The torture was so that Cao Cao did not sleep all night.

"I also want to hear the story of the Three Kingdoms! Still want to hear about Cao Cao? Ye Qing's right index finger gently tapped towards the stone table.

Cao Hong immediately poured the bowl and opened it coldly.

Cool water into the throat, the thief is comfortable.

"What part of Cao Cao do you want to hear?" Ye Qing asked.

Cao Cao said: "Sir, last time you said that Cao Cao has two major shortcomings, only said one of them, can you talk about the second big disadvantage!" "

Thinking that there was another disadvantage that he didn't know, Cao Cao felt like a cat scratching in his heart.

However, when Ye Qing heard this, the corners of his mouth showed a curve, and then he shook his head: "The first shortcoming, let's not talk about it for the time being, you will naturally know it after listening to more stories of the Three Kingdoms in the future!" "

Don't talk!

Cao Cao's mood is a little lost, but it is not easy to force, in case Ye Qing is unhappy and does not tell the story of the Three Kingdoms, it is because of a small loss.

So he said with a wit


"Mr. Ye, can you tell us about Cao Cao's sat on the Dongjun Taishou, and how he expanded his soldiers and horses step by step and strengthened his strength!"

This is good to say.

Ye Qing did not refuse, and pondered:

"Speaking of this Cao Cao, after obtaining the East County, the inner cultivators and the people rest; Externally reorganize the military, expand the army and select generals.

He has successively won martial generals such as Han Hao and Shi Tao, and there are five sons of Liang, Le Jin and Xiangyong to surrender, and when he is about to show his strength, guess what happened to him? "

Cao Cao and Cao Hong both shook their heads and said, "I don't know!" "

"His first opportunity to expand has come!" Ye Qing sold a pass before continuing:

"When the Qingzhou Yellow Turban grew and developed, and wanted to attack Yanzhou, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army developed greatly, breaking Yanzhou County and killing Yanzhou Assassin Liu Dai.

So Jibei Minister Bao Xin and others welcomed Cao Cao as Yanzhou Mu.

After Cao Cao took over, he joined forces with Bao Xin to attack the Yellow Turban, and as a result, Bao Xin was also killed, and Cao Cao not only won Bao Xin's soldiers and horses, but also another Wuzi Liang general.

Then, 'set up a strange ambush, fought day and night', and finally defeated the Yellow Turban, with more than 300,000 soldiers and a population of more than 100,000.

Cao Cao drew the elite from the surrendered troops and formed an army, called the Qingzhou soldiers, and from then on held Yanzhou and controlled all counties in Yanzhou except Chen Liu and Shanyang. "

Chen Liutai Shou is Zhang Liao.

And Shanyang Taishou is Yuan Ji.

Yuan Wei He Xu Renye, Yuan Shao's cousin.

He was also a descendant of the Yuan clan, after the fourth and third dukes.

Therefore, being able to wander outside Cao Cao's Yanzhou control is not considered Cao Cao's subordinates.

Soon after, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban would attack Yanzhou, and Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai and Jibei Minister Bao Xin would both be killed.

Cao Cao couldn't believe it.

There are such good things in the world.

Millions of Qingzhou yellow turbans will be attached to themselves.

One sat Yanzhou Mu's position upright.

Jumped from a taishou to a state pastor.

"Five sons and good generals!"

Cao Hong's focus is obviously different from Cao Cao's.

Hearing Wang Ziliang's eyes, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Can Mr. Ye tell us about the five good generals?"

Twenty-four can't squeeze me in, and Wu Ziliang should always have my place!"

Cao Hong looked expectant.

He dares to block, he must be a good general of the five sons this time, who robs him, who he is anxious with.

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