If you take the Tiger Prison Pass, you will control half of Henan Yin.

It is also equivalent to looking at the western gate of Yanzhou.

Originally, Zhu Yantunjun was in the area of Yin Zhongmu, Henan!

So there are still people in that piece, and it is worth taking!

Cao Cao naturally did not miss this opportunity, and soon Cao Cao's messenger came to Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan knew Cao Cao's intentions, so he said to Cao Cao's messenger: "The divine decree of Chang'an has arrived, and I am also worried that the thousands of parts have been left unattended and just handed over to Meng De!"

Zhu Yan gave a few more words to Cao Cao's envoy, and then went to Chang'an with dozens of guards!

After Cao Cao received the reply, he immediately sent his troops to Henan Yin to occupy the Tiger Prison Pass!



"Hahaha, finally scared these damn guys in Jingzhou, the whole territory of Nanyang is mine~!"

Yuan Shu said happily, "How should I reward Lü Bu?"

When it comes to rewards, everyone, look at me, I look - look at you!

Lü Bu was a special person, and everyone did not dare to speak.

In the end, Yang Hong asked rhetorically: "Lord, if you reward money and grain, Lü Bu will definitely be able to recruit troops, at this time, he is down, there are few soldiers and horses, the lord can still control him, if he becomes a force in Nanyang, there are many soldiers and horses, the lord thinks that who can suppress him!"

After speaking, Yang Hong looked at Ji Ling.

Ji Ling stood up and said, "Lord Lord, I will not swear to die to serve Lord Gong and defeat any strong enemy!"

Don't look at the slogan shouting loudly, but Yuan Shu could hear it, and Ji Ling was also a little unconfident.

It can be seen that Lü Bu is indeed a dangerous person.

Yuan Shu thought for a moment and said, "In that case, then... Don't reward him with anything, first cut him off for ten days, pinch him, and cut his sharpness and arrogance!"

Yuan Shu is also a little afraid, in case Lü Bujiu occupies the Magpie's Nest, he will be finished.

For Yuan Shu, loyalty is more important than ability.

He wants an absolutely obedient dog, and in a capable hero, he is just a dog that guards the door.

Since it is a dog, it is necessary to bow your head in submission, not raise your head high.



Lv Bu Place!

"How?" asked Lü Bu to Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao replied, "Wen Hou, Yuan Shu said that the grain and grass are coming, and let us wait for ten days!"

"Ten days!" Lu Bu suddenly became angry:

"Ten days, our soldiers will not starve to death!"

"I helped him take Nanyang and drive away the Jingzhou army, if he didn't give a reward, he wouldn't even supply food and grass!"

Hao Meng said, "Master, since Yuan Shu doesn't give food, then we will do it ourselves and grab it!"

"Anyway, this Nanyang or Runan, it is a rich place, and it is enough to grab some at will!"

Wei Xuan also said: "That is, Wen Hou, Yuan Shu does not give a reward, we will do it ourselves, rob more money and food, just recruit troops and expand our strength!"

This Yuzhou is not only rich in money and food, but also has a large population, I believe it will not be long before we can recruit an army of tens of thousands of people, and then kill back to Chang'an and rescue Madame and Miss!"

Lü Bu also harbored anger and resentment in his chest.

Clenching his fists, he slammed the earthen wall hard: "Okay, just do it!"

For the sake of his wife and children, he must be stronger and have more soldiers and horses.

Kill Chang'an and take back everything that belongs to me Lü Bu.

As soon as he thought of this, Lü Bu immediately ordered a robbery and plundered the surrounding counties and townships.

to get supplies.

When the news reached Yuan Shu, he was so angry that Yuan Shu jumped to his feet and cursed: "Lü Bu, this white-eyed wolf, I kindly took him in when he was in a state of embarrassment and gave him a bite to eat, and now he dares to rob me of the money and grain of the county under my rule!"

He's going to rebel!"

"Pass on my order, Ling Ji Ling led an army of 50,000 to kill from the north, and let Zhang Xun lead an army of 50,000 to kill from the south, and I will crush Lü Bu's bones!"

Yuan Shu almost said it through gritted teeth.

Soon, the news of the movement of Yuan Shu's army reached Lü Bu.

Lu Bu was also horrified when he heard this.

I didn't expect Yuan Shu to react so quickly.

"Master, Yuan Shu sent troops to attack us, what should we do now?" asked Hou Cheng.

Lü Bu thought for a while and said: "Yuzhou can't stay, Hanoi Taishou Zhang Yang and I have an old relationship, let's go to Hanoi and rest for the time being!"

Soon Lü Bu rushed to Hanoi with the remnants of the army.

Not long after staying in Hanoi, Chang'an sent a divine decree to kill Lü Bu.

Li Wei and Guo Xiao were afraid that Lü Bu would kill him back to Chang'an, so he ordered Zhang Yang to kill Lü Bu in the tone of the Son of Heaven.

When Lü Bu heard this, he immediately led his army to the north and threw himself north at Yuan Shao.

Yanzhou Yancheng!

"Master, the sky is dry now, I am afraid that the summer harvest and autumn harvest will have an impact!" Cheng Yu's old face became even more old, and he frowned as soon as he entered the hall.

Cao Cao said, "What is your best plan to save the crops in the field and prevent the yield from being reduced?"

Everyone shook their heads.

This is a matter of the gods, where can they change!

Xun Yu said: "It is better to ask for rain, set up an altar, pray to the heavens, sacrifice the six animals, and comfort the god of Hebolong!"

In the event of natural disasters, we can only pray to heaven and feel heaven with a sincere heart.

Xun Yu's words attracted the approval of many people.

Since ancient times, there have been sacrifices for rain.

And it's always been a big deal, it's the usual practice.

Chen Gong frowned slightly: "This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate!"

"What's wrong?" asked Xun Yu, puzzled.

Chen Gong wanted to say something, but finally shook his head slightly, and did not say it according to patience.

Cao Cao seemed to have realized something, so he said, "Let me think, let's all go down!"

Everyone left.

Only Chen Gong didn't leave, and Cao Cao said, "It seems that Gongtai didn't finish speaking?"

Chen Gong said, "Master, Mr. Ye is an immortal, do we need to go to the Hebo Dragon God?"

Putting a true immortal does not ask, but goes to find the wild god, how to think is a little ridiculous.

Cao Cao's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Yes, why don't you ask sir, as long as sir can cast rain and cast spells... We, no!"

"Sir has no mana, I'm afraid it won't rain!"

Just as the two were talking.

Cao Anmin asked for a meeting outside: "Uncle, uncle, come with me to the river, Mr. invented a good thing!"

Cao Cao motioned for Cao Anmin to come in and asked, "What good things did Mr. get again?"

Cao Anmin said, "Sir heard that it was difficult to get water this year, so he took me and Zixiu and Cao Xiu to make a water wheel and thirsty wu."

It can bring water from the river into the fields or the top of the house, and can absorb water from the lower places to the higher places.

By the way, this water wheel can also grind, scoop rice, and pull bellows by itself. "

Cao Anmin said his eyebrows fluttering, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became.

And Cao Cao and Chen Gong were overjoyed when they heard it.

"Hurry up, take me to see it immediately!" said Cao Cao as he walked:

"If this water wheel and thirst are really so powerful, then we can be considered saved in Yanzhou this time, and we can save a lot of grain beggars!"

Người mua: sabmado

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