Soon, Cao Cao and Chen Gong saw the newly built waterwheel of Ye Qing and others.

It was placed by the river in Ye Qing's backyard.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu stepped on the foot force, and the water in the river was carried to a high place by the water wheel, and then rushed diagonally out into the sink, and the water in the sink flowed down the bamboo and wood pipes into the newly built pool in the courtyard.

"Good, good, good, this thing is wonderful!" Cao Cao couldn't help but praise.

A thief's slippery eyes carefully looked at the watermill.

I never thought that such a wooden pimple could rotate and skillfully transport water to a high place.

"Hey, Boss Cao, why are you here?" Ye Qing heard Cao Cao's voice and asked:

"Accountant Chen is also here!"

Chen Gong said: "Sir, we heard Cao Er say that you made a water wheel here, so come and see, now it seems that Sir is really powerful, and he actually made such immortal things!"

"Four seven three" "It's just a small thing!" Ye Qing said with a smile:

"This time, I mainly provided theoretical knowledge, and Cao Da, Cao Er, and Cao San made it, and Xu Ba and Dian San played off. "

"Now the hands-on ability of the three of Cao Da's has been exercised, and they have mastered a lot of theoretical knowledge and skills. "

Cao Cao set his sights on Cao Ang.

Cao Ang said, "Dad, the main thing is that Mr. taught well, we have learned something to some extent!"

Cao Cao walked over and gently patted his son's shoulder and said, "If Mr. Ye doesn't interfere and let you build it yourself, can you make a new water wheel?"

Cao Ang replied: "No problem, I have already figured out the principle, as long as I give it to people, I will definitely be able to make bigger and more water wheels!"

"Okay, good, turn back to you, whether the summer harvest and autumn harvest can be guaranteed depends on this water wheel!" Cao Cao instructed, and then walked towards Ye Qing:

"Sir, your watermill has helped us a lot in Caojia Village, and can help us water a lot of dry land. "

"If only I could help you!" Ye Qing said:

"Boss Cao is coming, he won't just look at the water wheel!"

Cao Cao immediately showed a treacherous smile:

"Mr. Ye still understands me"

"I haven't finished speaking, so I guessed what I meant! Sir, let's go into the house and talk, it's cool over there!"

"Good!" Ye Qing was also a little hot, so he and Cao Cao Chen Gong went back to the house in the courtyard.

Mink Cicada Tea!

I quit after that.

Ye Qing drank a cup of tea and said, "First of all, I don't tell stories during the day!"

"Hahaha, sir is so funny!" said Cao Cao with a smile:

"I didn't listen to the story this time, mainly to ask Mr. What kind of craftsmanship will the gentleman have, such a good thing as a waterwheel, does the gentleman still have it?"

"If there is, we would like to ask Mr. to guide us and help us build Caojia Village." "

This question is broader!

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "There are a lot of things related to craftsmanship in my mind, but I'm afraid it's not suitable for you!"

"For example, you definitely can't use shipbuilding and navigation, after all, in this mountain, you can't sail." "

"For example, the ancient method of papermaking, even if it can be done, one pollutes the water and soil in the mountains, the other is not famous, and the paper produced cannot be sold!"

"Like burning sand to make glass... This pollution is heavier, or it is cheaper to buy glassware!"

"For example, building high-rise buildings, repairing ancient city walls, building piers to cast bridges, drilling tunnel culverts, digging wells to find water..."


Cao Cao and Chen Gong couldn't help but stir their throats, their eyes were as big as a bull's eye, and they flashed with excitement.

What Ye Qing said, they all wanted.

"Sir, is there a possibility... These are all suitable for our Caojia Village," Cao Cao said greedily.

Chen Gong couldn't help nodding, it was about the country, and everything was needed.

Ye Qing smiled: "You are a Boss Cao, you are too greedy!"

"Little Caojia Village, not afraid of indigestion. "

"Do you want everything, give you shipbuilding technology, give you navigation technology, do you have rivers and rivers that can be navigated, can you go to the sea to wave or run the clouds on the top of the mountain?"

Cao Cao was a thick-skinned person, and he didn't care about this, but said with a playful smile:

Aren't you going to let our village go out? Aren't you going to let the children grow informed, you tell them all this, maybe some of them will be interested in this, and in the future there will be big boats, and in the future, they will be able to drive big ships, ride the wind and waves, and sail on the sea." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This seems to make sense!

Ye Qing groaned, and Chen Gong said, "Sir, don't you want to sow seeds, don't you light up hope, why don't you influence the children or the young people in our village, open up their horizons, maybe you can really cultivate a few talents?"

When Ye Qing heard this, he was greatly moved.

"Your words make sense, but... The young people in the village will be willing to listen to the class, do they really want to learn?" Ye Qing was a little worried0...

Children like Cao Dasan are easy to influence, and those young people who solidify their thinking are difficult to say.

Cao Cao said: "Sir, you can rest assured, with my old Cao here, who dares not study seriously, I will break his dog's leg!"

"Sir, don't worry, the people in our village are happy and motivated, they will definitely listen carefully and study and strive to improve!"

Chen Gong also said: "Sir, now that our village has begun to move towards food and clothing, there is no shortage of food, naturally we must also learn some other skills, we can't farm all our lives!"

Chen Gong's words suddenly reached Ye Qing's heart.

Great goodness, since the village has a self-motivated heart, I can teach them some miscellaneous skills. Ye Qing agreed:

"If you can't become a talent, you don't have to fight tightly, the main thing is long insight!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other and showed a sincere smile.

It's done!

This time, he will definitely be able to take out more dry goods from Ye Qing.

I'm afraid that my big man will change drastically because of this!


After Chen Gong and Cao Cao returned, they discussed in secret for half a day.

The next day, Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu, Xia Zhicai and others came over.

Cao Cao directly announced: "Everyone, the pastoral government of our prefecture has just obtained a new watering equipment, as long as it is vigorously rushed to install, it can greatly alleviate the problem of crop drought and ensure the summer harvest and autumn 4.7 harvest!"


So soon, yesterday it was still discussed, and it was solved after a day?

Everyone was a little convinced.

That's probably too fast.

Xun Yu looked at Chen Gong: "Yesterday, I saw that Gongtai wanted to talk and stop, could it be that this method of cracking, the new irrigation equipment came from Gongtai's hands?"

Everyone turned their gaze on Chen Gong.

Chen Gong replied humbly and politely, "Feiye!"

"This thing is from the hands of the eldest prince, and it was researched by the eldest prince and a few other little guys!"

"How can a dull person like me have such strength and energy? "

It's the Grand Duke again!

The crowd was amazed.

How is the eldest prince such a god, last time it was a god seed, a new agricultural tool and a new plow.

This time it's irrigation equipment again!

"Could it be that the eldest prince is the reincarnation of Luban?"

Người mua: sabmado

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