"Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?"

The old soldier's hearing is not as good as before because of his old age.

When the old soldier's square and the battle flag square appeared one after another, the noisy square fell silent.

Everyone looked at the old soldiers on the welcoming car and the battle flags fluttering behind them, their hearts filled with respect and remembrance.

Silence is better than words at this time

"Because now the veterans and the flags are out."

"Everyone was standing at attention, so it was a little quiet.

Tang Yicou, who learned this from the live broadcast, explained to the veteran.


"I didn't expect that this military parade would also include a battle flag formation."

"Young man, you have sharp ears, help me listen to what battle flags there are."

When the old soldier heard that the battle flag formation had appeared, he seemed particularly excited.

His tone was full of expectation.

"There are steel regiments, steel companies, assault hero companies, and heroic tank battalions......."

Tang Yi listened attentively while reporting the name to the veteran.

When Tang Yi said the honorary title of"Heroic Transport Team" which was unfamiliar to most people, the veteran suddenly stretched out his hand excitedly and tightly grasped Tang Yi's wrist.

"The country has not forgotten you! The country really has not forgotten you!"

The veteran was so excited that Tang Yi was at a loss for a moment and stood there in a daze.

"Little guy, have you ever heard the story of an apple?"

The old soldier let out a heavy breath, just calmed down from the violent emotional fluctuations, and fell into distant memories again.

He asked softly to himself.

Tang Yi knew that the old soldier who was lost in memories at this time needed a qualified listener, so he did not answer, but chose to listen quietly.

"That year, I was 17 years old and had just joined the army. Due to my lack of combat experience and combat skills, I was assigned to a logistics transport company."...

In the veterans' recollections, a seemingly ordinary but most bizarre historical picture is slowly unfolding.

On that day, the enemy mobilized tens of thousands of troops and suddenly launched a fierce attack on the positions defended by two companies of our army.

In the following dozens of days, the enemy was on the positions of our two companies and several square kilometers.

Millions of artillery shells were poured!

The top of the hill was cut down by two meters!

The tunnel was knocked down five or six meters!

Under the enemy's crazy ammunition pouring, all our surface positions were lost.

In the end, the troops could only dig tunnels on the reverse slope to avoid the extremely terrifying artillery bombardment.

But in this way, the difficulty of supply and replenishment was greatly increased.

"At that time, food and water shortages were the most serious."

"The enemy imposed a strict artillery blockade on the tunnel troops' communication lines with the rear, leaving the tunnel troops without food or water."

"I still remember that it was not until the ninth day that our company instructor and two frontline transporters broke through the artillery blockade and delivered three bags of radishes and some comfort items into the tunnel."

Even though it has been almost seventy years, the veteran still remembers this past vividly.

It is conceivable that the shocking and tragic battle left an indelible impression on him, who was still a rookie at the time.


Extremely tragic!

Yes, no adjective is more suitable to describe this battle than tragic.

And for the frontline transporters who are heroes behind the scenes.

Their battle can only be described as tragic!

During the entire battle, the casualty rate of the frontline transporters was as high as 90%!

It even exceeded the casualty rate of the tunnel troops!

The mountain road leading to the two highlands was covered with the blood of the frontline transporters, and a large amount of supplies were lost on the road. The little that was delivered to the tunnel was negligible.

"At that time, it was a luxury to maintain a well-organized company."

"If the company defending the high ground is crippled, a new company will take over!"

""Of the more than 20 companies, more than a dozen were destroyed and rebuilt many times!"

When the old soldier said this, tears welled up in his eyes and he could not help feeling sad.

Those young and lively faces, speaking in different dialects, were still chatting about everything under the sun the day before.

But the next day, they were separated forever, and those soldiers who died under the fierce artillery fire had no trace left!

"I hate it so much!"

"Many soldiers did not die under the enemy's artillery fire, but died because they did not receive timely rescue and treatment!"

The most tormented in the tunnel were the wounded who could not be transferred to the high ground.

There was not even a drop of alcohol or a roll of bandage in the tunnel.

The wounded had to let their wounds become inflamed and eroded, relying entirely on their strong will and their own physical fitness to support them.

In order not to affect the emotions of their comrades, the wounded consciously endured the pain without saying a word. Many of the wounded bit the sheets tightly with their mouths, and some could not take the sheets off their mouths until they died.

As a frontline transporter, this is the veteran's lifelong regret and guilt.

Hearing this, Tang Yi's tears had already blurred his eyes.

He had watched a film describing this battle when he was a child.

At that time, he didn't understand many things, and sometimes he would even complain that the fight was not fierce enough, not beautiful enough, and that the enemy was riding on his head and showing off his power, which was not pleasant.

At this moment, it seems that I can be immersed in the veteran's narration.


It hurts so much!

Just listening to it, I can feel the pain of being unable to breathe.

I can't imagine how those young soldiers persisted back then.

What kind of belief is supporting them!

"It's not that we don't want to, it's just that we really can't go up!"

"The enemy planes kept dropping bombs on it, and the road leading to the high ground had long been bombed to pieces."

"They say that every carrot has its own hole, but those holes are full of bloody carrots!"

When talking about the frontline transport company where he served, the old soldier was heartbroken.

It was too difficult! It was really too difficult!

They all carried a basket of supplies on their backs, relying on their flesh and blood, in the"most fierce battle in the history of world wars".���Under the cover of"artillery fire".

There is no shelter, no cover!

Bullets, shrapnel, and gravel whizzed past their ears!

And the wailing and screaming of comrades!

But even so, none of them retreated.

Because they knew that the soldiers in the tunnel had reached the end of their rope!

This is their mission!

It is also their great honor!

"That day, our army commander was really driven crazy and used the remaining money to buy 20,000 apples in the rear."

"He said that anyone who could deliver an apple into the tunnel would be awarded a second-class merit!"

"But even so, only one of the 20,000 apples could be delivered into the tunnel......."

"20,000! In the end, only one was sent in!"

"Only one was sent in!"

The old man's hand trembled as he touched a medal on his left chest, and he finally couldn't help crying!

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