When a 90-year-old veteran cried bitterly, the whole country mourned with him! Heaven and earth mourned with him!

The battle flag formation on the square had gradually faded away.

But the battle flag on the military jeep was still fluttering in the wind, the red flag was flying!

Heroic Transport Company!

The five big characters were dazzling in the sun!

That was the honor forged with the blood of countless martyrs!

"This medal is the second-class medal of honor that I exchanged for an apple.

The old soldier fondly stroked the second-class medal of honor, which was older than most of the people present.

His movements were so gentle.

His expression was so pious.

This small medal on his chest seemed to be connected to his heart, his soul.

"This medal is mine, but it is not mine."

The old soldier muttered to himself, his face sad.

An apple, a second-class merit.

But the old soldier's mission at the time was not to transport apples, but ammunition supplies.

The apples were transported by another transport team.

At that time, the transport team the old soldier was in was advancing towards the tunnel on the top of the mountain under heavy artillery fire.

In the pit full of craters���On the hillside, they raced against time and death.

Every second, a soldier was hit by artillery fire and died on the spot!

"At that time, I was a young and brave man who was not afraid of tigers. I was small and fast, so I rushed to the front and reached the destination in one breath."

"Wait and look back......"

"I just realized that I was the only one standing there......."

At this point, the old soldier choked up, his eyes closed, and his body trembled.

He would never forget that hellish scene.

For a new soldier on the battlefield, such a scene was too cruel.

He stared blankly at the bloody hillside, his mind was blank, and he didn't notice that a shell was whistling towards him.


He felt like he was flying in the midst of the violent explosion. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab something to avoid being blown down the mountain, but in his daze, he seemed to have only grabbed a piece of dirt.


The next second, he fell heavily to the ground, with stars in his eyes.

"I'm not dead?"

"Of course you are not dead. If I hadn’t quickly pulled you in, you would have died long ago!"

"What's wrong with you, soldier? Didn't your instructor teach you to hide at all times?!"

Before I could get over the surprise of having a life saved from the brink of death, I heard a roar of concern in anger.

"Captain! Look!"

"Apple, it’s an apple!"

"He is the transporter who delivers apples to us!"

A tired voice that could not hide the surprise interrupted the furious company commander.

"It's not me!"

When he heard that he was mistaken for a transporter of apples, he stood up and denied it regardless of the pain all over his body.

Before he set out, he knew that one apple was worth one second-class merit, so how could he allow himself to take credit?

"This apple is one I just picked up from the ground......."

When he looked at his right hand, he realized that the clod of earth he had just grabbed was actually an apple wrapped in mud.

It was just one step away from the entrance of the tunnel, but it was like a natural barrier, separating life and death!

Everyone looked at the bright red and tempting apple.

The sound of artillery fire outside was still roaring.

But the tunnel fell into a deathly silence.

"Xiaobei, you are injured, come and eat this apple"

"Don't let the efforts of the transport team members go to waste."

After a moment of silence, the company commander took the apple and handed it to a wounded soldier whose leg was blown off.

This apple must be eaten!

And it must be eaten up completely, without any leftovers!

Otherwise, how can we justify the sacrifices of the frontline transporters!

And the most needed ones are undoubtedly the wounded.

Even though he hadn't had water for several days and his throat was so hoarse that he couldn't speak, the company commander still handed the apple to the wounded without hesitation.

""Captain, you haven't had any water for a few days. Eat some so you can lead us in the battle."

The wounded Xiao Bei handed the apple back....

"You've worked so hard along the way, you should just eat it."

"No, I can drink cold water on the way."

When the apple was finally handed back to the veteran, it had already passed through the hands of eight people in the tunnel.

No matter the seriously injured, the communicator, the medic, the bugler or the company commander, none of them accepted it.

The first thing everyone thought of was their comrades.

In the end, there was really no other way, so the company commander decided that everyone should take a bite, and the eight people should share the apple together.

As a result, after passing it around, half of the apple was still left.

""Who didn't eat?" the captain asked.

But no one answered.......

"That apple is the sweetest apple I have ever eaten in my life."

"It was also the saltiest apple I have ever eaten in my life.

The old soldier was smiling, but tears were streaming down his face.

Just like that night.

The eight soldiers who were silently crying and biting their apples

"You and your comrades are the cutest people!"

A battle flag, an apple, and a second-class merit.

How many people could have imagined that there was such a shocking story behind this.

They were guarding the tunnels, never seeing the sun.

There was no water to drink, nothing to eat.

Compared with the enemy who had meat every day, drinks, and ice cream, and whose rations usually included cigarettes, chocolate, and chewing gum, it was a luxury for eight of our soldiers to share an apple!

The enemy's planes covered the sky.

The enemy's tanks were overwhelming!

The enemy's artillery fire never stopped!

The enemy's......

This was a battle with the greatest disparity in power in the era of hot weapons!

This was a battle that almost everyone thought was impossible to win!

A battle of dignity!

Only victory is allowed!

Defeat is not allowed!


The medal on the veteran's chest gave the answer.


"Pure love, only for the motherland!"

Many years later, the new generation of"the cutest people" gave their own answers! The purest and most real answers!

It is precisely because of this unwavering belief that those soldiers can face the uncontrolled raging torrent and use their flesh and blood to hit the surging waves!

Only then can they have the courage to jump down from a height of 5,000 meters without hesitation and race against death!

Facing the raging flames and the situation of death, they must kill him with a surprise attack!

These scenes flashed repeatedly in Tang Yi's mind.

From his clenched hands, he felt the grief in the hearts of the veterans.

Strong emotions piled up in his heart, and then brewed and fermented.......

In the end, I couldn't hide it anymore and had to get it out!

"A big river with wide waves"

"The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides"......

Happy reading every day during the Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival! Top up 100 yuan and get 500 VIP points!

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