This this......"

Tang Yi immediately covered his ears and identified the source of the sound.

Finally, he was sure that the sound did come from his mind.

This melody and lyrics seemed strange, but so familiar.

Strange because he had never heard it before, familiar because this song described his state of mind at the moment very vividly!

Emotions come from the heart, and this song seemed to be summoned from another time and space by his moving affection. He couldn't help but say it!

A crazy idea slowly emerged in his mind.

In order to find Xiaoxi as soon as possible, he decided to go all out!

"Lin Xiang, what method do you think can attract people's attention in the shortest time nowadays?"

"Ah? Yes, it should be to create explosive news and become a super hot topic......."

Lin Xiang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

"You don't want to play the victim, do you?......"

Yes, how could a blind person with no connections, an introverted personality, or even a loner, attract the attention of the entire network?

In addition to using his physical disability and past tragic experiences to gain sympathy, Lin Xiang really couldn't think of anything else.

"Are you playing the victim?"

Tang Yi laughed at himself.

"I don't want to play the victim, that would trample on my remaining dignity!"

"But if it's for Xiaoxi, I'm willing!"

"But I want to do it in my own way!"

Tang Yi vowed!

Playing the victim can also be very artistic!

In Lin Xiang's eyes, he suddenly seemed like a different person.

No longer at a loss, no longer submissive.

Like a sharp sword, his whole body was full of courage and light to break through the sky.

Break the manipulation of fate.

"Big brother, can I borrow your place to sing a song?"

The center of the square has the largest flow of people.

Naturally, it is also the favorite place for some Internet celebrities to perform live.

Tang Yi found him by following the voice of a singer anchor, and plucked up the courage to make his request.

He wanted to sing this song, sing it to everyone, attract their attention, and seek help.

"Oh? It seems that this little brother is eager to show off his skills. He must be quite skilled."

"Brothers, the challenger is here, quickly prick up your ears."

Fortunately, this male anchor is a straightforward northern man.

Facing Tang Yi's somewhat unreasonable request, he smiled and agreed.

Although there are many teasing meanings in his words, they are all said to his own audience fans, in order to liven up the atmosphere.

"Huh?! You, you, you, this, this, this......"

Lin Xiang's eyes widened. At this moment, she looked at Tang Yi as if he were a visitor from outer space.

No matter how hard she tried, she could never have imagined that Tang Yi's"own way" would be like this....

"Hahahaha, Jun brother, I didn't expect you would have this day. You just arrived and someone came to challenge you."

"I told you to pay respect to the local pier first, this is what will happen if you don't listen"

"This guy is so cool, wearing sunglasses at night, he looks like a tough guy, Jun, be careful"......

As soon as they heard that they were here to challenge, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room exploded.

Even those who liked to lurk began to bubble up, and the barrage of comments filled the entire screen.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Jun Ge happily stepped aside and left the microphone to Tang Yi

"Little brother, which song are you going to sing? I'll help you find the accompaniment......"

Jun Ge's face froze before he finished speaking.

Without any warning, without accompaniment or tuning, Tang Yi was ready to sing.

In front of everyone, live broadcast, a cappella.

As a singer, Jun Ge knew the difficulty of this.

It was impossible for a singer who was not a god-level singer to pull it off.

It required an invincible breath, musicality, superb skills, and mature live performance experience.

He didn't seem to see any of these in Tang Yi.

"If I could see, I could easily distinguish between day and night, and I could accurately hold your hand in the crowd."

Sure enough, as soon as the first verse was sung, Jun Ge's brows were tightly knitted.

It didn't seem like he was here to challenge, but rather to deliberately make trouble and ruin the place.

Not only did he sing badly, but it also seemed like an unfamiliar, unknown song.

The noisy live broadcast room suddenly froze, and the audience looked at Tang Yi stupidly, extremely speechless.

This was no longer a question of low level.

The voice was trembling, and he was tone-deaf.

After singing a verse, let alone the melody, he couldn't even remember a few words of the lyrics.

In addition to them, many people in the square cast strange glances here, making Jun Ge wish he could dig a hole to bury himself.

"MD! This time the brand is going to be ruined!"

Jun cast an angry look at Tang Yi, wishing he could pierce a hole in him with his eyes.

But the next second,"Huh?"

"If I could see, I could drive you around and give you a hug from behind.

Although the voice was still trembling and the tone was still erratic, at least the pronunciation was much clearer.

"If I could see, life might be completely different. Maybe what I want, what I like, and what I love would all be different."

When the third verse of"If I could see" was sung, Tang Yi's initial nervousness and panic had disappeared.

Compared with ordinary people, he has become accustomed to the darkness.

It is easier for him to detach himself from the environment and immerse himself completely in his own inner world.

Those professional singers often need to close their eyes and stimulate emotions in the prelude melody to be fully engaged, but he can do it naturally and effortlessly.

Because, If I could see!

It is the dream that has been lingering in his heart all the time for so many years.���Ah!

Singing such a song does not require any skills at all.

Because the emotion from the depths of the soul, so strong that it cannot be added, is enough to cover everything!

This is a cry from the depths of his soul!

A young and simple voice, real and unpretentious. Gradually, the mockery and contempt on the faces of Jun Ge and the onlookers slowly disappeared.

The live broadcast room was still silent, but it was not because of silence, but because everyone's heartstrings were being gently plucked by Tang Yi's singing.

"The black in front of you is not black, what is the white you are talking about? The blue sky you are talking about is the blue sky behind the white clouds in my memory."

When singing this lyric, Tang Yi burst into tears!

He let the scalding tears wash his face frantically.

He was not ignorant, he used to be able to distinguish between black and white!

He used to be intoxicated by the blue sky behind the white clouds!

What is the cruelest thing in the world?

It is not being born with nothing. It is having everything and then being cruelly deprived of it!

How many times did he look up at the sky. He just wanted to ask it, what did he do wrong to treat himself so cruelly!

"Did God draw a curtain in front of my eyes and forget to open it?"

Tang Yi raised his head, tears streaming down his face.

He used up all his strength, as if he wanted to vomit out his soul, and roared in grief and anger!

Lone Wolf Howling at the Moon!

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