
Lin Xiang covered her face with her hands and sobbed non-stop.

Tears flowed through her fingers and soaked her palms.

Tang Yi's loneliness, grief, resentment, and pain...

The lyrics express it vividly and heart-wrenchingly.

The powerful empathy instantly broke her heart, and waves of stabbing pain came over her heart, which became tighter and tighter, making people almost forget to breathe.

As a passerby who didn't know the truth, her face was no longer calm as before.

When a singer is completely immersed in the song, singing with his life and soul.

The strong emotions gushing out from the inside out are so thrilling that they easily"engulf" everyone.

The square, which was very noisy just now, slowly became quiet at some point.

More and more people were watching.

The square dance auntie who was still dancing happily in front, and the uncles also rarely stopped dancing, turned off their speakers, and followed the sound to find them.

It is said that human sorrows and joys are not connected, and they only feel noisy.

But with the addition of art.

Personal emotions can also have unparalleled empathy and appeal.

This is the charm of singing.

"Sunglasses, if I can see, there is a curtain in front of my eyes that I forgot to lift, could it be that he......."

At this point in the song, some people have begun to read the key information from the lyrics.

With such strong emotions, it is hard to believe that this is just the performance of a bystander.

Only the person involved can sing it so unforgettable and deeply!

In Jun Ge's pupils, the image of the blind man described in the song is slowly overlapping with Tang Yi in front of him.

When illusion and reality merge into one, even a man of steel cannot help but feel a huge shock in his heart and his eyes turn red unconsciously.

"You are my eyes, taking me to appreciate the changes of the four seasons"

"You are my eyes, leading me through the crowds"

"You are my eyes, leading me to read the vast sea of books."

To everyone's surprise.

After questioning the injustice of heaven, Tang Yi did not let this self-pitying mood continue, but changed the tune.

His voice changed from unwillingness and grief to gentleness and affection.

Because when he was most desperate, an angel appeared!

Xiaoxi, you are my eyes!

Three consecutive sentences of"You are my eyes" perfectly corresponded to the three sentences at the beginning of"If I can see." There is always a way out. The appearance of Xiaoxi made his life bathed in sunshine again.

Tang Yi still remembers it clearly.

When Xiaoxi first appeared in front of him, it was still a little rookie.

It was clumsy and cramped, but it was extremely brave. It dared to face difficulties and would not give up easily.

At that time, I was at the lowest point in my life. I was confused and lived a life worse than death.

Xiaoxi and him were better than nothing.

Indifference and ignore.

This was my attitude towards it.

I thought it would be scared away soon, but I didn't expect it to be.........

""Woof woof!"

Even if he was impatient, it would still bite the corner of his clothes and drag him downstairs to bask in the sun every day.

Because the doctor said that staying indoors without sunlight every day would make him sick.

On this day of every month, it would urge him to go to the hospital for a check-up early.

Because the doctor said that his eyes were not completely hopeless.

As long as it was good for him, he would remember it all the time.

They cooked together, took walks together, threw away garbage together, and cleaned the house together.......

Laughed together, cried together.

Along the way, they have long been unable to leave each other.

One day, one month, one year, every minute together, supporting each other.

It is said that companionship is the most romantic confession.

In this world, is there a more romantic and affectionate confession than this?

In his tearful eyes, Tang Yi's mind was filled with Xiaoxi's appearance.

Even though he had never seen its appearance, he firmly believed that it must be what he had imagined countless times.

Because they are the most familiar strangers in the world.......

"Xiaoxi, where have you been? I miss you so much!"

"Please come back soon, I really can't live without you!"

""If I don't have you, how can I exist?"

Tang Yi shouted wildly in his heart."

One day without seeing you is like three years apart."

Today, this ancient saying is so unforgettable to him.

"Because you are my eyes, letting me see the world, once, right in front of me"

"Right in front of me......"

The lingering sound brought tears to my eyes.

The applause was thunderous, and many people clapped their hands with tears.

In the live broadcast room, the number of gifts far exceeded the usual number of gifts.

"It's a soul song!"

"So beautiful and shocking!"

"To be honest, this guy’s singing skills are really terrible, but I’m still willing to give him full marks!"

"This song can only be so touching when sung by him, no one else can do it, I say!"

"If this was really a challenge, Jun Ge’s loss was definitely not unfair!"......

This sudden live performance conquered everyone.

I thought it was a sad song full of reluctance and grief.

But at the end, I found it to be a song of strong emotions and confession of love.

After coming to their senses, people couldn't help but focus their attention on Lin Xiang.

She cried the most miserably in the whole audience. Her originally delicate makeup was smeared with tears.

In addition, she came with Tang Yi, so it was hard for people not to associate her with the"you" in the song.

"No, no, it's not me!"

Seeing everyone's eyes on her face, Lin Xiang didn't care about her ugliness anymore and hurriedly shook her hand to deny it.

"It’s this! This song is all about it!"

Lin Xiang opened the photo album on her phone and showed everyone the photo of Xiaoxi that she had taken at the subway station that morning.

"guide dog?"

"This song is not about a person, but a guide dog?"

"This, this is too......"

The answer was totally unexpected, and caught everyone off guard.

But if you think about it calmly, aren't blind people and guide dogs a match made in heaven?

In this way, it can be explained why Tang Yi was so devoted and affectionate when singing"You Are My Eyes" just now.

"No, I can't wait to meet this angelic guide dog"

"Who doesn’t like the cute and docile Labrador?"

"Eh? Didn't the guide dog come with us? Haha, maybe he is just lazing around at home because he has a day off today?"......

After knowing the identity of the protagonist, the onlookers couldn't help but look for Xiaoxi everywhere.

They were really curious.

This was the first time I heard a song about the blind and guide dogs, and it was so touching.

"It, it can't be found!"

Facing the inquiries of the crowd, Lin Xiang couldn't help but feel a sore nose and said with a sad face


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