"What does"can't find" mean? Did he get lost?"

"That's impossible. Guide dogs are not ordinary dogs. They are known as biological radars. How could they get lost?"

"Well, I heard that guide dogs are very hardworking and dedicated to their duties. If they are healthy, there is no reason for them not to stay with their owners."...

People were talking about it, and their curiosity was aroused.

From the moment Tang Yi stood in front of the microphone, everything that happened afterwards was unusual.

Now, he has successfully aroused the interest and enthusiasm of all the listeners with a song.

Opportunities are rare.

Seeing this, Lin Xiang hurriedly opened a video file on her mobile phone.

It was the whole process she filmed at the subway station this morning.

While playing the video, she told everyone about the difficult experience that Tang Yi and Xiao Xi had this morning.

"Holy shit! How can there be such a thing as SX?!"

"You bitch, why are your feet so nasty? If you don't want them, why not just chop them off?"

"Not only do your feet have nasty feet, your mouth is even stinkier. Did you eat feces for breakfast? What a garbage!"

"Bastard! How dare he do that? I'm so angry just watching him. It's a pity that I wasn't there, otherwise I would definitely let this bastard know why the flowers are so red!"

"What’s the point of bullying the blind and guide dogs? If you have the guts, come to me. If I don’t beat you until you cry for your parents, I’ll have lived in vain!"

"Good job, dog! Bite this bastard to death!"......

Even if they were not at the scene, many people were already furious just by watching the video.

They really couldn't imagine how such garbage could exist in this big city where they lived. It was really a shame. They were even more indignant about what happened to Tang Yi and Xiao Xi.

After the outrage, someone quickly thought of the key point.

"Could it be that the guide dog has never come back since it went out to chase the cat?"

Jun seems to be a big and strong man, but he is actually very careful.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel nervous and asked hurriedly,

"Yes, we have been looking for it since this morning, at home and in the neighborhood, but we can't find it."

"It's been so long, I'm really scared......"

"Afraid it will......"

Tang Yi tried to hold back his tears and choked up.

As time went by, his longing and worry grew stronger.

He began to not dare to imagine what Xiaoxi had encountered outside that made her not come back.

He couldn't help but tremble all over when he thought of some terrible possibilities.

"It's okay, it won't happen......"

Although she knew that such consolation was pale, it was all Lin Xiang could do now.......

"Little brother, it will be okay!"

"I will help you find it now, even if I have to turn the whole place upside down, I will help you find it!"

Jun is a passionate man. When he encounters such a thing, he will take action without any hesitation.

"Brother Jun, take me with you. I just got off work and I’m nearby. Let’s go together!"

"Me too! Damn, this is so infuriating!"

"What a rubbish! Bullying the blind and guide dogs! I won't tolerate it!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens from the same city could no longer sit still and responded one after another.

The conscience of a city is reflected in how it treats those who are"forgotten".

In this video, the rubbish that was despised by thousands of people became a negative example.

Now, the citizens of this city are determined to reverse this situation.

"It's a pity that I'm not there anymore, but there are classmates and friends I know there. I'll post a message on WeChat Moments and ask them to help find out."

"Many hands make light work. I will post on Weibo to let more people know about this!"

"Brothers, get moving. If this little brother can't find his precious dog tonight, I will be so upset that I won't be able to sleep."......

Not only were the netizens filled with righteous indignation, but the citizens at the scene were also very excited. They cursed the scumbag, comforted Tang Yi, and then called on their friends to take action.

They just couldn't believe that such a cruel thing could happen under their noses.

Soon, the news spread more and more, and more and more people knew about it.

On Weibo, since some time ago, the song"You Are My Eyes" has become a hot entry, and its popularity has continued to rise.

At first, when people saw the title, they thought it was a new song released by a popular singer who was spending money to buy traffic for promotion.

But after clicking in, watching the entire video, listening to the song, and understanding the cause and effect of the matter.

In a short while, this song and this matter became a hot event that everyone is paying attention to.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know that this would happen."

"If I had not been so cold and selfish at that time, and had stood up to speak a fair word, perhaps these things would not have happened."

"Young man, I'm really sorry, my home is nearby, our whole family will go out to help you find it!"

Not long after, a message and a video posted on a Weibo account added fuel to the fire.

It pushed the whole thing to a climax.

Some people had previously questioned why Tang Yi had to squeeze into the subway during the morning rush hour when it was so inconvenient, and thought he was suspected of hype.

But after seeing this video, these people were all severely slapped in the face and felt extremely ashamed.

The content of this video was exactly the conversation that took place when Tang Yi was refused to take Xiaoxi to take the bus early in the morning.

The person who posted this video was one of the passengers on the early bus in the morning.

She didn't take it to heart at first.

But after getting off work and having dinner, she accidentally saw this Weibo hot search, listened to the song, and learned about Tang Yi's experience of being kicked off the bus to the subway.

She immediately fell into a deep sense of guilt and blamed herself.

Many people believe that if a person does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth, which is a matter of course.

Some people also believe���, indifference is just one's own attitude towards life, and it has nothing to do with others.

But in real life, many times, selfishness and indifference are a kind of harm

"Can't you get down?!"

"How can you be so mean? I told you not to sit down. You are not allowed to sit down......."

Listening to the rudeness of the bus driver and the impatient abuse of the passengers in the video.

Looking at the lonely back of Tang Yi gritting his teeth and holding Xiaoxi's hand, he got off the bus without looking back.

Then Xiaoxi lay on the ground sadly and made a"woohoo" sound.

"If I could see, I could drive you around everywhere."

In this situation, this line of lyrics once again came to people's minds.

Tang Yi's helplessness, Tang Yi's grief, Xiao Xi's sadness, everyone felt the same.

He didn't want to take the bus or squeeze into the subway early in the morning.

He never thought of causing trouble for others.

But he can't see!

How much he wishes he could see, drive his beloved dog around, see the magnificent rivers and mountains, and taste different customs and practices.

Only in this way can his life in this world be worthwhile.

"But he really can't see......."

When the song"You Are My Eyes" sounded in my ears again, how many people shed tears?

"No matter what, we must find it!"

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